Warring States Call

Chapter 1463 Zhao Bian

Chapter 1463 Zhao Bian
Le Yi defected to Han Yi, although it was a big deal, but the princes didn't pay attention to it. After all, he was a bereaved dog, and it didn't matter who he took refuge in.

Ten days later, Han Yi's [-] troops retreated. So far, millions of allied forces of the princes have withdrawn from Yandi one after another. Han Yi rushed to Chang'an all the way, and the road he passed was bumpy.

The spring breeze is pleasant, Han Ming is wearing a commoner clothes, his face is still white, and the green face Ming hoof under his crotch seems to understand human nature, and he has begun to settle down a little.

Han Chen rode a war horse, holding a wine bag in his hand, looked at Han Ming and stretched out his hand, handed it to Han Ming and said, "Maybe drink!"

Han Ming glanced at Han Chen, still speechless, but the movements in his hands did represent what he meant. Han Ming stretched out his palm, grabbed the wine bag, and was about to open the wine bag, but behind him stretched With a slender hand, he quickly grabbed the wine bag in Han Ming's hand and said, "Prince! Your Highness is still injured, so you can't drink! You should keep this wine for yourself!"

After Xian Ying finished speaking, she suddenly threw back the wine bag in her hand to Han Chen. Han Chen looked at Xian Ying like a little daughter-in-law protecting men.

Han Ming glanced at Xian Ying behind him, with a slanted hair hanging down from his forehead, he didn't say much!Picking up the horse rope casually, he looked as if nothing had happened.

This scene is very comfortable, there is still half a month away from Chang'an, everyone didn't think too much, but Zhao Guo far in the north, there is a big commotion!

"Cough cough...cough cough...cough cough!" Zhao Yong was sitting on the carriage, the bumps in the road made Zhao Yong sway from side to side, and Guo Kai, the minister who served beside him, really served him wholeheartedly.

"Cough cough... um!" Zhao Yong coughed violently, and suddenly picked up the cloth brocade beside him to cover his mouth and nose. Under the violent cough, Zhao Yong only felt his throat licked, and a mouthful of old blood flowed down the corner of his mouth. Staying out, infesting the cloth brocade, as the cough gradually subsided, Zhao Yong let go of his hand, and the gray cloth brocade was full of blood.

"How are you, my lord! Are you okay!" Guo Kai came to Zhao Yong's side with a worried expression, looked at the blood on the corner of Zhao Yong's mouth, Guo Kai's whole face turned pale with shock, pointed at the blood and said: "My lord! you you………!"

"What's your name!" Zhao Yong yelled suddenly, perhaps because he had gained some strength, Zhao Yong coughed again, put his hand on his throat, looked at Guo Kai and said, "Go down! Call Lin Xiangru! Zhao Sheng! Li Mu! Lian Posi people!"

"Promise!" Guo Kai didn't dare to hesitate too much, and immediately got off the carriage to gather four people, and the four people who got Zhao Yong's general order rushed over without stopping. In order to avoid bumps, Zhao Yong directly ordered many soldiers to stop .

In the small carriage, the light was dim, Zhao Yong wrapped his clothes tightly, stared at the four people with a heavy expression, a little tired, Humen looked at the four people, and after a while Zhao Yong sighed and said: "I'm afraid it's the sky. There is no holiday, there is not much time left, so this is why I have come to summon the four of you!"

"Brother! You're fine, don't worry! I'm going to look for capable people from the people to treat your illness!" Zhao Sheng felt that his whole body was not good after hearing this. Too much, Zhao Sheng saw Zhao Yong step by step, and gradually developed the weak Zhao country into the current powerful state, even in a high position, Zhao Yong did not lose his trust in Zhao Sheng.

"Xiao Sheng! Don't mess around! This is the way of reincarnation, and it is not human rebellion. The main reason why Gu invites you here this time is that I am a little worried! In this battle, the eldest son, Zhao Zhang, and the younger son, Zhao Dan, are indeed...!" Zhao Yong hesitated to speak up to this point, his expression looked extremely tired, and his whole body was a little older .

Zhao Zhang has little ambition, but he lacks talent and is impatient. If the country is in his hands, he is afraid that he will go into decline. Zhao Dan is cowardly, bullying and fearing hard. No idea, think it over!Zhao Yong did not find a suitable candidate.

The four of them looked at each other, Lin Xiangru and Lian Po were silent, Li Mu and Zhao Sheng understood the general situation, if there was a disagreement between him and Zhao's high-level officials, it would definitely affect the officials below. As a result, Zhao Guo fell apart, and all the choices now are pushed to Zhao Yong. As long as he makes a choice, the four of them will definitely do their best to assist the next young master!
Zhao Yong looked at the four people who were silent, looked at Zhao Sheng aside and said, "Xiao Sheng! Who do you support!"

"This...!" Zhao Sheng was stunned for a moment, looking at Zhao Yong, this was a proposition for him. Once he named his supporters, the three people behind him supported others again, which would offend the newcomer. Jun, it was too late for him to cry, Zhao Sheng immediately bowed his head and said: "Everything is up to the king! I will definitely help you with all my heart!"

Zhao Yong sighed, staring at Lin Xiangru with tired eyes and said, "Lin Xiang...cough cough...what do you say!"

"This...!" Lin Xiangru stroked his beard and said with emotion: "There are countless talented kings in the world, but there are very few people with good luck! Let this matter be left to the destiny ! Your Majesty wrote down two bamboo slips! Randomly draw! Whoever you choose is the one!"

"Nonsense!" Li Mu, who hadn't spoken a word, yelled suddenly, staring at Lin Xiangru and said, "This is a matter of the rise and fall of the country, how can you be so hasty! Now there is Qiang Qin in the west, and Han Yi in the south. Zhi! The country of Zhao is already in jeopardy! How could it be such a joke!"

It was not easy to break the situation before, but because of Li Mu's words, the people around remained silent. Zhao Guo's situation has indeed reached this point, and there are still these famous generals supporting them. Once they die, Zhao Guo can It's really over.

"There is a king here! Han Yi will not touch Zhao Guo lightly in consideration of friendship, but no one will know in the future! South Korea is now strong and strong. A few days ago, I heard that Le Yi abandoned Yan to enter Korea. There are 24 famous generals, and South Korea occupies most of them. Now The situation is unprecedented!" Lian Po said this, his whole body has aged a lot, even if he faced Qin in the past, he had never had such a hard time, and the small country that he looked down upon in the past has already jumped above the princes.

Zhao Yong looked helpless, and said for a while: "Forget it! Let Zhao Zhang succeed! I will give you four iron orders. Once Zhao Zhang makes a decision, if three people object to it, it will be invalidated! To ensure the stable development of Zhao State! After my death In order to ensure the peace of Zhao State! You can form an alliance with Qin State and become a rivalry with each other! Just in case Han Yi goes north! Also, be careful of Yan State! Spring and Autumn is at its peak, unless it is a last resort! Do not turn against each other! Wait for me, Lord Zhao Chuxiong, to look forward to the past!"

(End of this chapter)

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