Warring States Call

Chapter 1464 New King Zhao

Chapter 1464 New King Zhao

When Zhao Yong returned to Handan, it was already raining lightly. Zhao Yong wrapped his fleece coat tightly and breathed heavily. Every word he said seemed to exhaust all his strength. Zhao Yong was sitting on the throne. At this moment, Zhao Yong also called Zhao Zhang and Zhao Dan, and then there were also people from the clan, Zhao Cheng, Zhao Yan, Zhao Qian, Zhao Sheng, Zhao Bao, Zhao Jianzi, Zhao Jia, and Zhao Xie all represented the nobles of the Zhao family and came to participate in this court ceremony.

The ministers gathered together, and they each had their own small circles. They began to discuss: "What happened today! All the dignitaries and important ministers of the court are here. Could it be that the battle on the front line has been defeated!"

"It won't be that simple! Just look at Li Mu and Lian Po's serious expressions. I'm afraid something big will happen. Let's just wait and see what happens today!" The wily ministers began to make plans, and some even had some thoughts in their hearts. Speculation, and these need to be confirmed.

All the big and small people from the court came, even Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Kuangyi, who were guarding Handan, came to the main hall. The two brothers are the children of the Zhao clan and hold the military power in their hands!Zhao Kuangyin also has Gao Huaide, Li Chuyun, Shi Shouxin, Cao Bin, Wang Yansheng, Pan Mei, Li Jixun, Wang Shenqi, Li Jilong, Zhao Gu, Zhang Qiong, Luo Yanhuan, Li Xianzhong, etc., who are the most prestigious in the Zhao clan. people.

At that time, people called Zhao Kuangyin the gentleman of courtesy and virtuousness. The reason was that Zhao Kuangyin had many followers, and Zhao Kuangyin was courteous and corporal to them. Zhao Kuangyin's subordinates dared to do their best. There were as many as 1000 people.

Zhao Kuangyin's attitude towards Zhao Yong is also very respectful. Zhao Yong said one thing, but Zhao Kuangyin dared not say another thing, and he dared not say anything. After several years of war with Yan State, Lian Keyan had fifteen cities!This is to prove his name as Zhao Hu, but even so, Zhao Kuangyin is still cautious. For the accusations and slanders of other ministers, Zhao Kuangyin often laughs without saying a word, and never adds insult to injury, which has won consistent praise from the government and the opposition.

"Ahem...!" Zhao Yong covered his lips and coughed violently. His tiger eyes glanced at the expressions of the ministers below. Zhao Yong sighed secretly, and looked at Zhao Kuangyin again. Zhao Yong's eyes were full of doubts. , Then stopped talking, looked at Gongzi Dan and Gongzi Zhang beside him, and Zhao Yong waved his hand suddenly: "This grassland war! I, Zhao, is the head of the princes! Cough cough... The road to the south of the grassland has been defeated! But Demonstrate the strength of my Zhao country!"

"Long live my king! Great Zhao Wannian!" Sima Shang, Zhao Cong, Yan Ju, Guo Kai and other veteran ministers expressed their respect to Zhao Yong's words, and the generals and ministers around them also followed them!But their expressions are different.

"Ahem...!" Zhao Yong also saw their inconsistency, stroked his beard, Zhao Yong looked exhausted and said: "Gu's health is getting worse now! I'm afraid I won't be able to govern the government! Gu will abdicate today! Hand it over to... cough cough!"

What Zhao Yong said surprised the ministers below. Is this to pass the throne?When Zhao Zhang and Zhao Dan heard this, they became energetic, and Zhao Zhang looked determined to win!And Zhao Dan really looked calm, he didn't know what he was thinking!As if hoping that the impossible would happen to him, Zhao Yong passed the seat to him.

Niu Jian, Su She, Xu Li, Qiu Ye, Yan Zhou, Jia Yan, Le Cheng, Lou Chang, Xu Shang, Kong Qing, Zhao She, Zhao Tian, ​​Pang Nuan, He Guan who supported Zhao Zhang and Zhao Dan in the court Zi Zi, Fu Chi, Fu Ding, Ma Yuan, An Lushan, An Qingxu, Shi Siming, Shi Chaoyi, and others all had strange expressions.

As the largest family except the Zhao family's nobles, the Zhao She family has indeed kept silent at this moment. Even Zhao Kuo, who has become famous in recent years, is not too excited. Both Dan and Dan have fought for it, but the Zhao family means that they don't want to help, you fight on your own, they only assist the winner.

At this moment, everyone put their hearts into their throats, waiting for Zhao Yong to speak, Zhao Yong exhaled heavily, and said calmly, "Gongzi Dan...cough cough!"

As soon as this remark came out, the ministers who supported Gongzi Dan showed joyful and excited looks one by one, and Zhao Zhang's face was extremely low, and he was on the verge of attacking. If he hadn't told him rationally, don't be impulsive, Zhao Zhang is already I can't bear it anymore.

Zhao Dan was indeed ecstatic, and almost couldn't help jumping up. Fortunately, he stabilized his mind, but the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be hidden no matter what.

Zhao Yong had a panoramic view of the expressions of the two, shook his head slightly for a while, and said: "Young Master Dan is Lord Anping! Go to Yucheng to fief! It is my king's order that I can't do it!"

"Boom...!" Zhao Dan only felt a thunderbolt from the clear sky hit his head, and he couldn't recover for a long time, but Zhao Zhang looked a little stunned!His eyes widened for a while, his depressed look disappeared, and his vigorous body seemed to be suppressing his own smile.

"Ahem...!" Zhao Yong looked helpless, and took out the bamboo slips from his side and said, "Zhao Zhang is the new king! Lin Xiangru! Zhao Sheng! Li Mu! The four of Lian Po hold an iron order in each hand, like Zhao Zhang The order issued is detrimental to the interests of the country, and the order of the three people can be reversed, and... cough cough... these four people have not committed the crime of treason! Do not kill them!"

"Your Majesty...!" Lin Xiangru!The four of Lian Po's expressions were moving, and they looked at Zhao Yong in astonishment. An iron order in their hands restricted the king's power.

Zhao Zhang's expression was indeed embarrassing, which almost restricted himself. To be a king requires a shackle, is this a joke?Or is it that the old man doesn't want to delegate power.

Zhao Yong sighed, his body was indeed coughing violently. Under Guo Kai's guidance, the four iron orders were issued one by one, and Zhao Yong immediately said: "Starting from today! I will abdicate as the master!"

After Zhao Yong finished speaking, he stood up with difficulty, took off his crown, picked up the jade seal on the table, and came to Zhao Zhang with difficulty. With the help of the eunuch, he brought the crown for Zhao Zhang and looked at it Astonished Zhao Zhang, Zhao Yong held up the king's seal with both hands, handed it to Zhao Zhang and said, "This country of Zhao is in your hands! Don't let Wei father down!"

"Kang Dang!" Zhao Dan on the side suddenly collapsed on the ground, it's over...it's over!It's all over.

With the support of the eunuch, Zhao Yong slowly retreated to the harem. Lin Xiangru walked towards Zhao Yong, and immediately shouted: "Meet the new king!"

(End of this chapter)

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