Warring States Call

Chapter 1465 Last Words

Chapter 1465 Last Words
In the dark hall, the golden setting sun shone on the hall, making the wooden floor a little warmer, forming a strong color difference with the surrounding cold light.

Zhao Yong was leaning on the throne, with black bear skin on his body, and the medical craftsman next to him was full of Han. Zhao Zhang, who had just succeeded to the throne, suddenly entered the hall, and the royal clothes behind him were dragged very narrowly. Zhang rushed over, knelt down on the ground suddenly, and shouted: "Your Majesty!"

Zhao Zhang obviously hasn't gotten used to this title yet. When he heard this voice, he wanted to bow and salute, but reason still allowed Zhao Zhang to overcome his impulse, straighten his clothes, and said seriously: "Excuse me!"

"Thank you king"

Zhao Zhang took a heavy breath and came to the hall with big strides. Looking at the dying Zhao Yong, he immediately held up the corner of his clothes and said with embarrassment: "Father, what do you mean! Why is the throne passed to me! Four iron orders have been issued, do you not believe me!"

When Zhao Yong heard that Zhao Zhang was coming, the first thing he did was to question himself. He felt uncomfortable for a while, ignored Zhao Zhang who was angry, rubbed his tired brows, looked at the doctor below and said: "What's the situation of Gu? That's it!"

Although Zhao Yong abdicated, his mantra was difficult to change, and he didn't think about changing it!If it weren't for him being a dying person, how could this brat be in this position.

The doctor quickly knelt down on the ground, his whole body trembling, and said, "Great...Master...Master Father! You...have taken some kind of supernatural power!"

The doctor almost said something wrong when he opened his mouth. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Zhao Zhang, and found that he had been staring at him fiercely, and the fear in his heart was even stronger.

Hearing what the doctor said, Zhao Yong covered his lips and coughed a bit: "Ahem...it's true! Gu has been taking this powerful pill for three years, it must be Gu's illness... !"

"Report to Your Majesty! Although this pill has the effect of refreshing and improving eyesight! But the side effect is indeed great! Taking it for a long time, the toxin will accumulate in the body, it is difficult to get rid of it, and it will accumulate over time! It is... irreparable!" The doctor trembled Trembling with his body, he could only tell the truth in the end.

Zhao Zhang was stunned for a moment, only to realize that Zhao Yong was not the same as before, Zhao Yong's lips turned purple!His expression was sluggish, Zhao Yong, who was originally strong, did not have much flesh at the moment, his heart tightened when he saw Zhao Zhang, and he immediately came to Zhao Yong's side and said, "Father...how are you doing!"

"Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough!" Zhao Yong suddenly coughed violently, and seemed to be unable to hold it back for a long time, suddenly spit out a mouthful of black blood, his whole face turned rosy, It seemed to be spitting out the remaining poison, but the doctor looked at it and knew that Zhao Yong was just looking back at the moment. Zhao Zhang really said in a panic: "You! Come and see! What are you doing in a daze!"

"No!" Hearing this, the doctor stepped forward quickly, trembling, and was about to reach out his hand, but Zhao Yong stopped the doctor's hand, looked at his caring son, Zhao Yong patted Zhao Zhang's hand , shook his head slightly, looked at the doctor and said, "Say it straight! Cough cough... cough cough! Solitary... cough cough! How much time is left!"

"No... not enough... three days!" The doctor is really powerless, this medicine is too powerful, three years of medicine burst at the same time at this moment, three days is already the limit!Can't even hold on tonight.

"Bastard! Come on! Drag this guy out! Cut him off!" Zhao Zhang shouted suddenly with a livid complexion.

"My lord! Forgive me! My lord, please spare my life! This is not what I can do! My lord...!" The doctor hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Ahem...wait a minute!" Zhao Yong immediately stopped the impulsive Zhao Zhang, looked at the doctor who survived the catastrophe, waved his hand and said, "Get back!"

"Thank you, master! Thank you, master!" The doctor who survived the catastrophe immediately stood up in a panic, and ran away in a scrambling manner.

"Ahem...!" Zhao Yong rubbed the center of his brows, took out a black medicine bottle from his bosom, poured out a black pill, opened his mouth and swallowed it, put it in his mouth, Zhao Yong closed it slightly The eyes, the originally weak breath, seem to be much stronger at this moment.

"Father! Don't eat any more!" Zhao Zhang was a little anxious when he saw it, and was about to reach out, but Zhao Yong stopped Zhao Zhang, calmed down his breath, barely supported himself, looked at Zhao Zhang and said: " Listen to what Gu said next, it is related to the survival of my country of Zhao! Gu at this moment... ahem... after taking this powerful pill, after half an hour, I am afraid that Gu will not be able to hold on anymore! So you have to listen clearly! Cough cough... don't interrupt!"

"This...promise!" A person who is about to die has good words, not to mention that this is his father, Zhao Zhang is indeed not talking.

"Ahem!" Zhao Yong stroked his beard and said solemnly, "Zhang'er! The four iron orders were not intended by the father. It is true that although you have ambitions, you have no talent! If you issue these four iron orders, It is to save you from detours! In addition... cough cough!... These four people are all favored by the king! Lin Xiangru is full of talent! Li Mu! Lian is quite talented in the army! Zhao Sheng is a child of the clan! You can favor him to check and balance the three, And these three people are still loyal and devoted to Zhao's people! They will definitely try their best to help you! If you don't make any big mistakes! Give them a good result! It's not in vain for them to follow and be a father!"

"My child understands!" Zhao Zhang nodded.

"Ahem...!" Zhao Yong covered his mouth, feeling a lick in his throat, but he swallowed it abruptly. Looking at Zhao Zhang, Zhao Yong continued: "Your talent is mediocre. Earth is impossible! During your reign, do not go to war! Give the people more rest and recuperate, and marry Qin, Han, and Yan! Accumulate national power and recruit talents at the same time! Issue orders to seek talents! Accumulate talents! Do things for Zhao in the future Intend!"

"Also! Weifu and Han Yi have a deep friendship! Han Yi can be regarded as a person of great affection! As long as you don't provoke Han Yi, he will not embarrass our country in the face of Weifu! In addition, you should get in touch with your aunt Zhao Feiyan more. With him by King Han's side, the relationship between Han and Zhao will definitely be temporarily stabilized!" Zhao Yong also took great pains, in order to stabilize the domestic situation, he had to use Zhao Feiyan's relationship.

"I see!" Zhao Zhang was also lost in thought at the moment, not knowing what he was thinking.

"You have just succeeded to the throne! Conquering people's hearts should be the main thing! Don't do too much killing! It is also necessary to properly establish the monarchy! Guo Kai has a lot of contacts with the Qin State! You can kill him for this matter! Stand up to the majesty! Although Lin Xiangru and the others hold the iron order, they are not happy with Guo Kai! You can do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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