Warring States Call

Chapter 1467: Heart

Chapter 1467: Heart

"It's too long! I can't wait alone." Yan Xi stood up with a dignified look on his face. He wanted to annex Zhongshan, and then pointed at Zhao, annexing a small country like Han Yi, and becoming a big country in the world!But right now, this group of people is obstructing in every possible way.

"The king of Han participated in the battle of the Three Jins in the past! Isn't it also forcing Qin to retreat! Did he destroy the four countries in a row? It can be compared with the small South Korea of ​​the past! And my majestic Yan State is not a star and a half stronger than the South Korea of ​​the past! Wait, but you don’t even have the guts? Or do you mean that there is no one in my country of Yan! All I raise are wine bags and rice bags!” Yan Xi stood up, frowning, staring at the generals in front of him, with a look on his face. crazy.

The faces of these generals below are slightly angry, this Yanxi is really unscrupulous, in the past with Le Yi, Yanxi did not dare to bully them, but now Yanxi can be as domineering as he wants.

Xu Shu frowned slightly, seeing how unfriendly the generals below looked, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty! All the generals are talented in protecting their families and the country! They are the pillars of the country! Don't insult them at will!"

As soon as Xu Shu said this, many generals looked sideways!Casting a kind look at Xu Shu, the seeds of disgust towards Yan Xi are quietly sprouting, and even Qu Yong who just targeted Xu Shu has returned to his original position!Not much to say.

Yan Xi frowned slightly. Although Xu Shu contradicted Yan Xi, he also reminded him by the way. Yan Xi looked at the generals around him!Sure enough, all of them showed resentful looks, Yanxi felt a little offended, and immediately waved his sleeves and said, "Retire!"

After speaking, Yan Xi ignored these so-called "wine bags and rice bags" and strode away.

Seeing Yan Xi leaving, Xu Shu looked at the generals who were about to leave, and immediately said: "You are the pillars of the country! Your Majesty wants to send troops to fight against rebellion, and it is also an opportunity for the generals to make contributions. You should seize the time to mobilize your troops! Don't slack off ah!"

"Listen to Xu Xiang! Does this battle have to be fought now?" A young general, wearing silver-white armor, said with embarrassment. Because of what happened just now, many generals have a good impression of Xu Shu. The tone of the speech was not so aggressive.

"The king wants to fight! It's just that the current national situation is serious! I can't disobey the order of the king. All I can do is delay the time. Please be considerate of the generals!"

Everyone seemed to understand Xu Shu's difficulty, and they returned the gifts one by one, then retreated.

Xu Shu stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the ministers who were gradually dispersing!Xu Shu immediately lifted his clothes and greeted Xu Maogong beside him, "How about the things I asked you to prepare!"

Xu Maogong came to Xu Shu's side, looked around, and immediately said: "Follow me!"

I saw in a remote palace, a row of four stunning women dressed beautifully, waiting for the two of them here!Stand side by side.

Xu Shu glanced at the four women one by one, frowned slightly involuntarily, stroked his black beard, and said with worry in his eyes: "This time the women are worse than the previous group! I'm afraid it will be difficult to capture Heart of a king!"

"No!" Xu Maogong shook his head at Xu Shu, and said with a serious face: "Although these four people are not good-looking! But they are very good at the art of obscenity! The joy of the boudoir is definitely not for the idle people, there are these four people here! I'll wait for nothing to worry about!"

"How do you know... Could it be...!" After Xu Shu finished speaking, he glanced at the four people. When Xu Maogong heard it, he thought about it for a while, then felt a chill, and immediately said: "You wait for four people! Hurry up and serve...!"

"Enough!" Xu Shu suddenly interrupted Xu Maogong's next words, and stared at the four women with his hands behind his back, his face was livid, and the four women who were just about to make a move really withdrew their hands.

"This is the royal palace! Rules are essential! You and your little brother had a good time yesterday, you will forget everything, otherwise you will be killed soon!" Xu Shu stared at Xu Maogong, the coldness in his eyes was thick, When the four women heard this, they knelt down on the ground and kowtowed for mercy.

"You don't need to be nervous! Enter the palace and serve the king! Wealth and wealth are inexhaustible! I will also give you a fortune! Can you catch it! You see your own ability!" Xu Shu stroked his sleeves and left , looking gloomy, looked at Xu Maogong behind him and said in a deep voice: "Follow me!"

Xu Maogong looked at these four beauties reluctantly, and immediately followed Xu Shu's footsteps, quickly followed to the side hall, Xu Maogong said tentatively: "Second...Second brother!"

"You bastard!" Xu Shu suddenly turned around and slapped Xu Maogong on the face. The burning pain caused Xu Maogong's anger to gradually rise. He looked at Xu Shu and said, "This is human nature! It's not my fault!"

"You are still sophistry! Once someone catches you! Your head and mine! All will fall to the ground! Everyone's head will be lost!" Xu Shu said embarrassingly.

"Then... At worst, I'll take them back! Let's talk about it later!" Xu Maogong felt a little angry!But he also knew that he was in the wrong, and said impatiently.

"Hmph! That's not necessary! Arrange them in the palace first! Be a little palace lady! In a few days, I will first resolve all the knowledge about these four women outside, and then arrange for them to take a bath! Then introduce the king! It's a matter of course!" Xu Shu glanced at Xu Maogong!Don't get angry.

"Understood, leave this matter to me! I'll do it now," Xu Maogong strode away after finishing speaking!After all, he was only in his twenties, and he fell into the bandit Xu Shu out of nowhere.

"Wait!" Xu Shu glanced at Xu Maogong, rubbed his wrist and said, "Although most of the forces in the army are controlled now, there are still many positions temporarily vacant! Write to Tianji! Send the news to the king! Let Your Majesty send more talents! In the war against Liu Song, I will send all this group of people to the middle and high levels of the army at one go!"

"Wait! I see that these ministers are interested in getting close to you today, why don't we promote a group of them! How about it!" Xu Maogong was afraid that Xu Shu was too eager for quick success, and his appearance would be too ugly.

"This is a way! But they are all Yan people after all! The sense of belonging is too strong! Although Le Yi is gone! But Ju Xin and Guo Hui have been generals for many years, and although their talents are not as good as Le Yi! It's definitely not someone who is waiting for you! Be careful! It's not easy to fall out with them, at least at this critical moment! Don't touch them! Otherwise, it will be really dangerous!" Xu Shu breathed heavily, looked at Xu Maogong and said: " The matter of exchanging horses for food will have to be prepared sooner or later! I will go to meet Yanxi first! If it succeeds! You go to Chang'an to meet the king yourself! Explain the situation clearly!"

(End of this chapter)

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