Warring States Call

Chapter 1468 The Little Beauty

Chapter 1468 The Little Beauty

In the dimly lit hall, Yan Xi was depressed, playing with the wine bottle in his hand, while the eunuchs on the side were also carefully waiting on him, for fear that someone would accidentally anger Yan Xi and cause his head to fall to the ground.

"Your Majesty... Xu Xiang begs to see you!" The eunuch who was sending the message outside trembled and his voice was extremely low, as if he was testing Yan Xi's attitude.

Yan Xi carefully played with the Qingfengniaoshan wine bottle in his hand, then threw him aside, a trace of impatience flashed in his eyes and said: "Bring him in!"

"No!" The eunuch got up quickly when he heard this, his whole face was respectful, without any overstepping, Xiaobu hurried to the gate and said: "Xu Xiang! Tell you to go in! But the king's face is not very good! Xu quite Precious!"

After hearing this, Xu Shu fumbled for a gold cake from his bosom, and handed it to the eunuch with a smile, "Please take care of me in the future! Xu Shu is very grateful!"

The majestic country is friendly to himself, if this gets out!I can boast about it for a lifetime, of course this matter cannot be spread!Otherwise, based on his many years of experience in the palace, he would have no bones left within three days, and the thought of this eunuch would hurt him secretly. , the eunuch still accepted it happily, looked at Xu Shu and said, "Xu Xiang is polite! I hope Xu Xiang will support you a lot in the future!"

Xu Shu nodded with a smile. They are both foxes who have been around for a thousand years. They have nothing to say to each other. You respect me a foot!I respect you!How nice.

Xu Shu carried his clothes and strolled to Yanxi's main hall. Looking at the sullen Yanxi, Xu Shu bowed his head and knelt down on the ground, pretending to be awed in his words: "My humble servant Xu Shu has seen the king!"

"Xu Shu, you know your mistake!" Yan Xi picked up the wine, drank a cup, said calmly, there seemed to be a trace of coldness in his eyes, and he sat down firmly just now!Xu Shu really jumped out to object!Yan Xi had to think more about whether Xu Shu was going to become the next Le Yi or Wang Mang.

"My lord! This is not the fault of my ministers. This battle is a big deal for the current state of Yan! Liu Yu took away the black cloud cavalry! This is the elite cavalry of the state of Yan. If we fight against them, our army Although he is a soldier of hundreds of battles, he is definitely not an opponent of the black cloud cavalry!" Seeing that Xu Shu and Le Yi couldn't make sense, he could only compare the strength of the two sides at the moment, while speaking, Xu Shu cleared his throat and continued: "Comparison of generals! There is no big tree like Le Yi in our army, but there are four veterans under Liu Yu, Pei Yuanqing, Pei Renji, Lu Wenlong, and Nangong Changwan, and there are also Yang Fan, Hua Yuan, Shen Tianzi, Lu Fang, and Wei Zhi. , Su Jun, Yuan Chonghuan, Gongsun Shu, Shu Liangqian, such rising stars! In comparison! Yan Guo will never take advantage of this battle!"

"Humph! I've said so much! Give Gu an explanation! A reason to calm my anger!" Yan Xi put down the wine bottle in his hand, stretched out his index finger, and said calmly: "Otherwise! You can go to the border to hone three Let's go! Prepare for the lonely battle!"

"Your Majesty! I think! At this moment, the Yan Kingdom can recruit generals! One is to expand the reserve of generals! In order to meet unexpected needs, and second, the matter of exchanging war horses for food needs to be discussed with King Han! Xu Maogong can go to Korea in person! One is to look at King Han’s attitude! See if he will stop and support. Second, South Korea covers a large area! You can recruit talents, and King Han has a strong general like a cloud, and there will inevitably be fish that slip through the net. Half a year to prepare! Go and convince these generals and ministers one by one! After half a year, the king will naturally send troops in a legitimate way! Three! Sending troops needs to be justified! Sending troops to attack Liu Song at will! It will cause criticism from all over the world!" Xu Shu stroked his beard , What he said was logical, but seeing Yan Xi's expression was unhappy, Xu Shu didn't know where he said something wrong, let's see Yan Xi's reaction first.

Yan Xi stroked his beard, and said solemnly: "Do you need to be justified in beating Liu Yu? He is a traitor!"

"Liu Yu is now named King of Song by Emperor Zhou! This title is recognized by the world! Besides, King Han is still watching, this matter cannot be rushed!" Xu Shu can only use Han Yi's prestige to suppress Yan. Hi, it is also a helpless move.

Xu Shu frowned slightly, and said for a while: "Forget it, I'll leave this matter to you to handle! Things need to be handled quickly!"

"My minister obeys the order!" Xu Shu bowed to Yan Xi, looked at Yan Xi and said, "If the king has nothing to do, I will take my leave!"

"Get out!" Yan Xi looked extremely impatient, Xu Shu kept smiling and didn't care, but he scolded Yan Xi bloody in his heart, bear it!As long as you endure for three years!Today's humiliation made Yanxi repay it even more.

Today's day!It's never sunny!Dark clouds are faintly visible in the sky.

Many soldiers were walking on the sheep intestine path. This is a shortcut, and it is Han Yixiu's official road. When the army returned, they were invincible, and the soldiers on both sides also shouted long live. Han Yi looked tired and fell asleep in the car ?
"Miss, look! Your Majesty is back! Are the leading generals so proud?" A maid, with a white face, was full of joy and curiosity!And the woman in front of her is full of wisdom in her eyes!A light yellow cloth dress!Against the backdrop of her figure, her figure was uneven, her delicate cheeks stared ahead, and she said with a hint of melancholy in her eyes: "Let's go! Father won't come back for three years! It's meaningless to see it here! Go back!"

"Promise!" The lively servant girl also sank her mind at this moment, she just wanted to trot back and said: "Miss, you wait here first! I'll go and call the carriage!"

"En!" The woman nodded lightly, seeing the crowds of people, she was really unhappy in every possible way.

In the distance, however, there were a few people looking left and right, looking wretched, well-dressed and wearing topaz!At first glance, it looks like a rich family, looking at such a beautiful girl!There is no maid around!It must be an ordinary family!Look left and right, you push me!I egg on you!In the end, a bold man with a square face, with a hint of greed in his eyes, licked his scarlet tongue, and came to the woman in a well-dressed manner, and said with a teasing look: "Little beauty! Tell me!" What's your name!"

The woman looked at the obscene look on the man's face, she really didn't want to talk to him, and walked at a fast pace, trying to get rid of these flies.

"Hey! Where are you going, little beauty! Come and let me touch it!" After speaking, the man stretched out his sinful left hand.

(End of this chapter)

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