Warring States Call

Chapter 1469 Zhang Hui

Chapter 1469 Zhang Hui
"Slap!" The woman didn't say too much, stretched out her Qianqian finger and slapped it up, and the slap came down, and the young masters who watched the excitement immediately laughed and said : "Brother Han! You are being teased by a woman!"

"Bastard!" The man was squeezed by several people, and there was a hint of shame in his eyes. Looking at the woman, he snorted coldly: "Dare to hit me! You are courting death!"

After finishing speaking, the man showed the horsewhip in his hand, raised it slightly, and whipped away at the woman's flowery and jade-like cheek.

"Miss!" The maid who had just summoned the carriage immediately lifted her dress and ran quickly, raised her hand to block the whip, and only heard: "Crack!"

The maid only felt a burning pain in the palm of her hand, and there was a bloodstain on her tiny palm. Seeing this, the woman couldn't help but slightly angrily said in her heart: "You are committing murder, aren't you afraid of being held accountable?"

"Accountability! Hahahaha! Let me tell you! My father is the younger brother of the current king of Han! When I see the king of Han, I will call him uncle, not to mention that you are a commoner! Even the son of an official! If you see me, you have to go around! "The man raised the horsewhip in his hand, showing off his might, as if coveting the woman's beauty, and immediately said: "Come on!"

"Gongzi negative" saw four or five thick and big men running quickly, looking a little nervous!Now I am a little afraid of this Han negative.

The young masters who were joking on both sides saw that Han Negative was really serious. The man in white clothes standing behind did not lose his mind, turned over and rode on his horse, and came forward to dissuade him: "Brother Han! Calm down! Today is just for fun! Why make it difficult for others?"

"Go away! Gongsun Baihu! If it weren't for your father being Gongsun Yan! How old are you! How dare you call me a brother!" Han negative seemed to be disregarding anyone's face at the moment, and his lower abdomen was so hot that he couldn't bear it!The throat also stared at the woman with some hunger, and looked at the hesitant big men behind, and shouted: "What are you doing in a daze! Give it to me!"

Gongsun Baihu, who was despised by Han Ling, frowned slightly. For the second generation of officials like them, his father would often delay for a few years to let them go out to practice in order to avoid suspicion!But they often gather together and compare each other!Military generals and civil servants can't play together!And most of the generals' children in the army have already joined the army, only Gongsun Baihu is left hanging here, and he can't play with them on weekdays!I often practice martial arts at home and watch the art of war!Today is Han Yi's triumphant return, Gongsun Baihu just wanted to come out to see and see, he never imagined that he would become what he is now.

"Bastard...!" The woman's eyes were bloodshot!But he was helpless, and a trace of sadness flashed in his heart involuntarily, thinking: If Daddy is here!Why be so frightened!Knowing with dad's temperament, he must poke 1 transparent holes in them.

Several big men stepped forward to each other, Gongsun Baihu saw that it didn't work to persuade each other, but because Han Ling was a royal family, he couldn't afford to offend him!After a while, Gongsun Baihu could only pretend not to see, turned his horse's head, and walked into the distance!Out of sight and out of mind.

The woman looked at the back of Gongsun Baihu leaving, and a hint of disappointment flashed in her eyes, and the maidservant in front of her was held down by the two big men in front of her, and she shouted as she walked, "Don't hurt my lady! Don't... ...!"

"Hahahaha! You are mine tonight!" Han Negative laughed and rubbed his hands.

The woman looked helpless, the last glimmer of hope in her eyes was shattered, she stared at Han negative with resentment, and stared at the willow tree with green leaves in front of her, ready to hit it at all times.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" a strong green-haired war horse galloped towards me!Sitting on it was a young man in Tsing Yi, holding a whip in his hand, looking at Han negative, he just whipped down without any hesitation or hesitation.

"Crack!" The whip hit Han negative clearly on the face, and as soon as the iron red mark appeared on Han negative's face, the burning pain made Han negative feel angry, and he suddenly raised his head and stared at Han negative. The visitor shouted loudly, "Who! Are you courting death?"

When looking at the face of the comer!Han negative's ferocious and arrogant expression changed immediately!It was replaced by submissiveness and fear in the eyes, looking at the visitor and saying: "Han...Ming!"

There is anger in those words!dare not!And Nuoqiang, if Han Ming beat him up in the past!Han Neg might beat Han Ming to death!But today is different, he also attended the New Year banquet with his father, and met Han Ming face to face, and now standing behind Han Ming is the queen, such a person, Han Ling thinks he can't afford to offend.

What's more, Han Ming's reputation in this battle has been revealed!The news has already been sent back to Chang'an, these sons and gentlemen, they talk about important affairs and bragging every day after dinner!Of course, there are a few princes to talk about.

"Let go!" Han Ming was riding a war horse, with a vague sense of oppression on his body, which shocked the big men who were holding the maid, and subconsciously let go of their hands.

"Han Ming! What are you doing?" Han negative saw so many people watching!She had no choice but to bite the bullet and fight Han Ming, and the woman stared at Han Ming curiously and thoughtfully, but the gaze in her eyes was indeed unwilling to shift.

Han Ming didn't say much, he gently clamped the horse's belly, and with a knowing blue face, he raised his horse's hoof and moved forward.

"What are you going to do...!" Han Negative looked puzzled, and was about to speak, but Han Ming had quick eyesight and quick hands, and suddenly whipped him down!Han Neg quickly raised his hand!All I heard was: "Crack!"

With another whip, Han Neg covered his hand, feeling numb but painful.

"You......... Crack!"

"What are you looking at! Come on!" Han negative was helpless for a while, looking at the four burly men, he immediately snorted coldly.

Several big men looked at each other, and were about to step forward, Han Ming stared at them with cold and ruthless eyes, but the whip in his hand didn't stop at all, and hit Han Neg with another whip, the four of them felt that they were being stared at by a fierce beast !Don't dare to move.

Han negative took more than a dozen lashes in a row!This is unbearable!He suddenly ran away, and when he looked back, he still didn't forget to say a cruel sentence: "Han Ming, you wait for me, I want the king to uphold justice!"

Han Ming didn't care at all, took back the whip, pulled up the rope, turned the horse's head, and was about to leave!Then the woman did bow her body and said: "Little girl Zhang Hui! Thank you, Fourth Highness!"

Han Ming glanced at Zhang Hui, then withdrew his gaze without the slightest nostalgia in his eyes, and urged his horse to leave.

"Miss, are you alright!" The servant girl broke away from several people and came to Zhang Hui's side, looking at Zhang Hui with worried expression.

"It's okay! On the contrary... I'm a little happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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