Warring States Call

Chapter 1470 Decision

Chapter 1470 Decision
"Ah! Miss, you must have been frightened stupid, right! The servant girl stared nervously at Zhang Hui, if she loses her soul because of this, Zhang Fei will not beat her to death when she comes back.

Zhang Hui smiled without saying a word. Looking at Han Ming's receding back, Zhang Hui still had some expectation in his eyes, and was speechless for a while. Hui narrowed his eyes and picked him up, never thinking that it was a jade pendant. The maid scratched her head and said, "Miss! This one seems to be dropped by that man named Han negative!"

"No!" Zhang Hui smiled slightly and said, "This is from His Highness the Fourth Highness! We will return it to him in a few days!"

"But this...!" The servant girl was about to refute, but Zhang Hui smiled without saying a word: "Let's go back!"

"Oh... good!" The servant girl nodded helplessly, he clearly saw that the jade pendant fell from Han Ling's body!Zhang Hui should have seen it then!Why do you still say it belongs to Han Ming? It's strange!strangeness!The more the servant girl thought about it, the more she couldn't understand it. Finally, she scratched her head.

Today's Chang'an is extraordinarily lively, a large number of people came out of the city to greet them, and quickly smiled happily. Han Ning is also wearing a formal robe today!A few confidantes followed behind, but the smile in their eyes did not diminish, and they looked at the army that was gradually approaching!Han Ning led the ministers to kneel down in the tunnel and said, "I welcome the king back to the capital!"

"Good! Good! Good!" Han Yi nodded and looked at Han Ning. This little guy has grown up, and his expression looks wise!There is some confidence in the eyes!The whole figure is like a sword about to come out!It looked cold and sharp.

"You have done a good job in the past few months! Finally, you have lived up to what you have learned in this life! Keep up the good work!" Han Yi didn't praise too much!Because of the previous paper thing!After all, some grudges!The key is that although this kid's method is decisive, he has some merits, and there are some things added!It needs to be verified one by one!In order to reward Han Ning and others one by one.

"Thank you, father!" Han Ning remained calm, and immediately took out the bamboo slips from his bosom and said, "This is the available person who was promoted by my son when my father left! Father, please check it out."

Han Yi spread out the bamboo slips in his hand, with a calm expression, and checked the names of several people one by one!Here is their native place recorded!Ability, but after all, Han Yi didn’t see Cui Hao’s name. This kid was still hiding his secrets. Han Yi didn’t say anything. He looked at Han Ning and said, “You’ve done a good job! I’ll consider these people as appropriate! Enter the palace first !"


Han Ning's move can be said to be watertight!One is to gain Han Yi's trust, but only under Han Yi's systematic conditions!Naturally, these little tricks can't play with Han Yi, and the second is to increase Han Ning's popularity among talents!So as to recruit talents on a large scale!Once these talents are appointed, they belong to Han Ning and his party!Han Ning's strength will increase, which will be more conducive to the struggle for power!Of course, this strategy is flawless, probably Cui Hao is behind the guidance.

When Han Yi returned to the palace, he returned to the study immediately, while the others returned to their homes and found their mothers. After all, they had worked hard for several months!Go back and take a rest first, and then have a celebration wine at night!Poor Han Yi is still looking at the bamboo slips in his hand honestly.

Xin Qiji pressed the sword in his bosom, and said solemnly: "Three days later! Xu Maogong will return to Chang'an! One is to get the king's consent! Look at the attitude towards Yan Guo and Zhongshan! The other is to take away some generals! Expand Take control of Yan Guojun!"

"Hahahahaha! This Xu Shu is getting more and more sophisticated!" Han Yi casually threw the bamboo slips aside, stroked his beard, and said seriously: "Liu Yu is a loach! There is no way to catch him Not only did this guy not die after years of fighting! On the contrary, he became stronger and stronger! This has to be valued and worried! This time Yan Guo intends to fight and wiped out this loach! It also saved me a lot of energy! Liu Yu is in danger of being wiped out! This makes Gu Yao think about it!"

"Your Majesty! What about the talent! What to do!" Xin Qiji said with a worried expression, "This Gu will naturally make arrangements! You just stay behind! Gu will discuss it with Guo Jia first!"

"No!" Xin Qiji just left!Guo Jia followed up, holding a wine gourd in his hand, and said with a smile in his eyes: "Your Majesty! Why are you looking for a humble minister? Do you want to go and see the beauty taking a bath together? Or steal a drink?"

"Hey! How courageous! If the lonely sister hears this! I guess some people will not be able to eat and walk away." Han Yi rarely relaxed, and made a little joke with Guo Jia, throwing the bamboo slips in his hand to Guo Jia , then smiled and said: "If this matter is leaked out! I will let you have no alcohol for ten years!"

"Yeah! It's so serious! Then I can take a good look at it." Guo Jia picked up the bamboo slip in his hand, read it carefully, and threw it back to Han Yi after a while, saying, "My lord! You are the one who played chess." It must be a bit big!"

"No way! Gu also wants to end this troubled world as soon as possible? The north only needs to pull out Liu Yu's nail! Gu can go south safely! As for the state of Qin in the west, Gu doesn't pay attention at all!" Han Yi He looked disdainful.

"What about Zhao Guo?" Guo Jia put down the wine gourd in his hand, wiped his mouth, patted his cheek, and made himself more sober.

"Zhao Guo! Gu already has a perfect plan!" Han Yi smiled slightly, Zhao Yong is dead!Succession must be a problem!If they honestly don't mess around!Then let them enjoy a few years of peace in peace, if they mess up!It's not impossible to give them a civil strife.

"So the king is determined to destroy Liu Yu this time!" Guo Jia said with a serious expression.

"Not bad!" Han Yi nodded with a smile, then looked at Guo Jia and said, "You don't have to go south for a few years, and you are idle at home! Take a pseudonym! Go to Yan Country for a walk! The world is so big! Good!" Go and see!"

"My lord! If you want me to go to the country of Yan, just tell me straight! Why do you say it in a secret way?" Guo Jia had already seen through Han Yi's careful thinking, and looked at Han Yi with contempt.

He was the only one who dared to look at Han Yi. If it was anyone else, Han Yi would slap him to death every minute. Han Yi stroked his beard and said calmly, "Xu Shu must not be reused for more than ten years! Suddenly give them such a big This guy will inevitably lose his mind! Go stare at it, and don’t even think about seizing power! Just treat it as having fun! Just mention him when necessary! If you really can’t control it! You can directly Come back! After all, your life is still very important!"

(End of this chapter)

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