Warring States Call

Chapter 1471 Banquet

Chapter 1471 Banquet
"My lord, I can refuse!" Guo Jia looked at Han Yi with a smile on his face, and handed the wine gourd in his hand to Han Yi, looking very flattering.

Han Yi picked up the cloth brocade on the side in disgust, wiped the mouth of Guo Jia's wine gourd, and then said, "It's okay if you don't go! No drinking for three years!"

After Han Yi finished speaking, he picked up Guo Jia's wine gourd and took a sip slowly. At the beginning, Han Yi only felt that the strong wine was waiting, and there was a hint of pungentness in his throat. Han Yi frowned slightly for a while, Looking at Guo Jia, he teased, "Tell me! Where did you steal this wine!"

"Hahahahaha! Your Majesty! Is it okay for Wei Chen to go? I'll go! I'll go!" When Guo Jia heard that he couldn't drink for three years, he immediately gave up. He wanted to blackmail Han Yi, but he heard what Han Yi meant. , It seems that he found himself stealing wine and caught his sinful tail, Guo Jia also surrendered helplessly.

"You're smart!" Han Yi stared at Guo Jia with a victorious posture, and then wiped his mouth and said: "The generals need to think more carefully, after all, Liu Yu has a lot of strong generals, and it is impossible to mobilize famous generals in the army. , but there are few other suitable candidates, Feng Xiao, do you have anyone to recommend!"

"Really!" Guo Jia took back his wine gourd with a smile, and said after a while: "Sapphire from Luoyang! Su Dingfang! And Chang Yuchun from Wang Ye, all three of them are great talents! Compared with Wei Qing, so is it!" Not bad, there are these three people making a shock! It must be well prepared!"

"Hmm!" Han Yi heard Guo Jia's meaning, and then remembered that there are still many generals under his command who have not been recognized. After a long time, he will definitely feel resentful.

"How about this! Send Pang De, Hua Yun, Zhang Dingbian, and Lu Xiangsheng over there! In addition to the three you just counted, we are dispatching Gao Chong, Yue Xi, and Nan Gongshi! Jiang Song! Huang Feihu! Although they are famous, very few people have seen them, and there is no direct war with Yan State, so it will be feasible to cover up their names at that time!" Han Yi stroked his beard and said calmly.

Although some of these people also participated in the war, Yan Xi didn't have time to look up their information, and it was very safe for them to go to Yan Country.

"Well! This is indeed a problem. They are all capable generals, and their reputations are not obvious. They are indeed sure!" Guo Jia nodded secretly.

Han Yi looked at the map, stroked his beard, and said with a smile in his eyes, "Say it! Why don't you send Le Yi to disgust Yanxi when the two armies are fighting?"

"Your Majesty! It's disgusting that you did this! But I still like it very much!" Guo Jia laughed and patted the wine gourd in his hand. Jia tied his wine gourd around his waist, patted the dust on his buttocks, and then said with a giggle: "The king is taking his leave, let's go back and have a rest first!"

Han Yi stroked the beard on his chin, and said for a while: "Stay here! There is a celebration banquet tonight! Just sit here with me! It's not too late to leave after the celebration banquet!"

"Is there any wine! If you have something to say, stay for a while!" Guo Jia glanced at Han Yi with a smile, found a place at random, and sat down.

Han Yi looked at Guo Jia, who was starting to be rude, but didn't say anything. He shook his head slightly, but the smile in his eyes couldn't be concealed. It was only when Jia was on the ground that he could relax like this, and these two could be regarded as good teachers and helpful friends.

In the evening of sunset, the golden sun shone on the earth. The soldiers guarding the palace were warmed by the sun. In the main hall behind, many maids and eunuchs began to be busy, cleaning the floor and cleaning the surroundings. Sanitation, a few older maids are here to command, it can be said that they are very busy.

Wei Zifu followed Shangguan Wan'er, with his hands drooping on his lower abdomen, looking at the busy scene around him, then he seemed to suddenly think of something, and immediately said: "Go and ask the queen! But if there is anything to prepare, Or something is wrong!"

"Your Majesty, let's do your own work! The current queen summons the side concubine of the Prince's Mansion every day! I'm afraid that something will go wrong, so how can I care about these trivial matters!" Shangguan Wan'er behind said with a smile in her eyes.

Wei Zifu rubbed his temples. Under the sunlight, the white plain clothes flashed a gleam of orange light. Wei Zifu said with emotion: "Order! Be careful at night, the belly of the prince and side concubine is the eldest grandson! Although he is not a direct descendant ! But it also means a lot, let others be careful!"


"Dangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdang......! Some can be seen clearly.

Because of limited means, Han Yi joined forces with Lu Ban as early as a few years ago. With a whimsical idea and a wonderful workmanship, the two joined forces. In the end, it only made the fire brighter, but the gold cake consumed was also It's not small, and it's only used during festivals or festive occasions. After all, it's because of the restrictions on productivity and technical level, but Han Yi is also satisfied.

"Hundreds of officials enter the palace! Open the city gate!" Only a loud tiger roar was heard. Pang Wanchun was wearing a black armor, holding a sword in his hand, and the red cloak on his back was automatic without wind. There were so many things going on today, and Pang Wanchun didn't dare He personally guarded the White Horse Gate, and the officials who came and went talked and laughed with Pang Wanchun one by one. When he met someone familiar, Pang Wanchun smiled. Spend.

Everyone had no intention of blackmailing Pang Wanchun on the one hand, and on the other hand they did not want to offend him. Although his official position is low, he is a minister of the dragon and has won Han Yi's trust. donkey kicked
And most of the commanding generals in this army are outside!Unable to participate, Wei Zifu did not treat them badly, and invited their heirs to participate, and it was a joy for a while.

There are crowds of people around, watching the fun here, all showing envious eyes.

Han Feng was riding a war horse, followed by Guan Ping and Zhang Bao, and Guan Ping followed Guan Yu to see the world!And Zhang Bao is because Zhang Fei is not there!This is when he came here on behalf of his father. Before leaving, Zhang Hui was still hesitant to speak, but Zhang Bao was really puzzled. He didn't know what it meant. In the end, he defined it as his sister being bored and making fun of herself.

Han Feng let out a sigh of relief, and said with a calm expression: "I'm afraid we will be rewarded for meritorious deeds tonight! We have nothing to do! After eating! Come to my house and have a drink!"

(End of this chapter)

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