Warring States Call

Chapter 1473 Assassination

Chapter 1473 Assassination

After rewarding, many generals enjoyed themselves happily. Han Yi held fine wine in his hand, and the anger in his eyes became more and more serious. He drank the wine alone. It was obvious that Han Ming and Han Chen were really angry with him just now.

Wei Yanyu, who was sitting on the left, naturally saw Han Yi's gloomy face. It was like a cloudy and rainy day in June. It would fall as soon as it was said, and there might even be thunder. Wei Yanyu immediately picked up the flagon and poured wine for Han Yi , Persuaded: "Why should the king be angry! Ming'er is still young, the king should not be angry with him!"

"Forget about the little four, is the prince still young? They are all about to become fathers, and they are always acting on their own will!" Han Yi stretched out his wine bottle, although his mouth was a little unforgiving, but he still didn't take it to heart Looking at his own children, Han Yi's eyes were full of sadness.

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, many generals were unable to stay longer, so they resigned one by one. Now that the moon is shining, Han Yi is also a little irritable. He scratched his hair and said: "In addition, there is a banquet , let everyone in the palace come out to reunite!"

"No!" After Gao Lishi heard this, he ran in small steps and went down to get ready.

However, the palace was a bit uneasy. Huamu only felt a little dull in his heart. He lifted up his dress and wanted to leave. Han Chen saw it, and said with a smile in his eyes: "What's the matter! But I'm a little sleepy, let me accompany you first." You go back and rest!"

Huamu caressed her four-month-old belly, looked at Han Chen and said, "No need! I'm just a little stuffy, go out for a walk! Just take a rest! You are the prince! It's not easy to leave, so don't worry about me!"

"Why don't I stay with my sister, and take care of me to some extent!" Dou Yifang could also see Han Chen's worry. Even though she didn't like flowers and trees, this matter was her duty.

"Don't bother my sister! This is the palace, and Yingying is following you! There's nothing wrong with it!" Hua Mu smiled slightly, and looked at the maid who had a round face but a capable body behind her, with a little more reassurance in her eyes.

"Since that's the case! Be careful!" Han Chen looked at Huamu, feeling relieved. This is the royal palace, and no one would turn their eyes to seek death.

"Ms. Zhao is here...!" Following the shouts, all the beauties dressed in Yingying and Yanyan greeted the sisters and sisters around here politely. In fact, they really hated each other in their hearts. It's just that they were all acting in front of Han Yi. After carefully sweeping around, only Yang Yuhuan hadn't arrived in the entire hall.

Han Ning frowned slightly, picked up the wine bottle in his hand, and was interrupting to drink it up, but he stopped, glanced at the maid behind him and said, "Why hasn't the concubine mother arrived yet! Go and rush!"

"No!" The little maid started to run with a few small steps, and Han Ning drank the fine wine in her hand.

Han Ming was sitting on the seat, his brows were slightly furrowed. This false harmonious atmosphere made Han Ming very unhappy. He threw away the jade bottle in his hand, slowly got up, looked at Han Yi, bowed and saluted, and took it with him. He walked out with a flagon.

"Little...!" Han Yi was about to call Han Ming back, but what he saw was Han Ming's leaving back. Han Yi frowned tightly, thinking how decisive and ruthless he was back then. Here with his son, he is eating turtles everywhere. In fact, Han Yi knows in his heart that he cares about Han Ming!Feel guilty!He wanted to make up for what he lacked over the years, but things often backfired.

Han Ming walked out of the main hall and walked straight to the small courtyard where he used to live. At this moment, Fei Lian was leaning on a tree branch, wearing his own mask, admiring the moonlight in the sky.

Han Ming didn't bother to talk nonsense with Fei Lian, he threw the jug in his hand up, and said calmly, "Go on!"

Fei Lian glanced at it, reached out and took it, took off his mask, revealing a beautiful and handsome face, put the wine under his nose and smelled it, then the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Not bad!"

Both of them had a dull temperament, they didn't say much, you threw the jug over, he threw it over, and they didn't stop until they had finished drinking, Han Mingzheng was used to it, and he was directly ashamed!The ground was the bed, and he fell asleep with his head up. Fei Lian shook his head slightly, and snorted coldly, "You brat can't drink enough, but you're still trying to be brave!"

Inside the hall

Han Chen looked bored in every possible way, but the maids in the middle were dancing lightly. There were only a few court ladies looking at me and I looking at you, looking at Han Chen from time to time!Han Ning!Han Feng!Han Yi and the others looked on, Han Feng looked disdainful, and Han Ning had a little more smile in his eyes.

"Kang Dang!" The musicians behind him didn't know what to do, and they suddenly knocked on the bronze bell, and the dancing maids scattered in all directions. They suddenly undressed and took out a dagger from their arms. There were nine people in total, and they turned to Han. Yi, father and son were assassinated and left.

"You bastard!" Although Han Yi drank a lot, he kept his sobriety all the time. He suddenly threw the jug in his hand and threw it at the four court ladies who rushed towards him, but it only served as a buffer.

Han Yi stretched out his hand to push away Wei Yanyu and Wei Zifu who were beside him, turned over the table suddenly, and threw it at the four maids.

"Boom!" Although the four maids had undergone special training, when they experienced such pressure, the four of them were immediately crushed under the table.

Both Han Feng and Han Chen had experienced military careers, and they didn't pay attention to these rotten sweet potatoes, so they worked together to get rid of them.

Han Ning was shocked, he couldn't beat or run, and immediately shouted: "Help! Help!"

Dian Wei and Elai, who were guarding outside the gate, looked shocked. They saw dozens of maids and musicians chasing and killing Han Yi and his son. They were shocked when they saw it: "Quick! Escort!"

"Kill!" A group of generals arrived, and the farce was over. Han Yi looked gloomy, stared at Dian Wei, and said through gritted teeth, "Go to Gucha! Go to Gucha to find out the truth!"

"No!" Dian Wei and E Lai were sweating profusely, there was such a big mistake, it couldn't be hidden.

"Ask Pang Wanchun to come see me!" Han Yi swung his clothes suddenly, the anger in his eyes was beyond restraint.


"Oops! Huamu!" Han Chun was shocked, and immediately rushed out frantically. Seeing Han Chen's flustered back, Dou Yifang quickly followed, thinking: When will you treat me like this?

By the small river, Huamu was leaning on the stone bench, the moonlight shone on her face, Huamu was caressing her belly, the love in her eyes gradually increased.

"Yo yo! Who is this! Why don't you go to the main hall!" Yang Yuhuan was dressed amazingly, but he saw Hua Mu halfway, and immediately stepped forward, looking at Hua Mu's belly, his eyes couldn't be happier stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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