Warring States Call

Chapter 1474 Assassin

Chapter 1474 Assassin

"Quick! Don't let those assassins go!" I only heard a greeting!It was a fake eunuch who was served by a eunuch wearing a magic dress, holding a bronze sword in his hand, striding away.

Huamu and Yang Yuhuan naturally heard the movement. They didn't care much at first, but when the shouts and footsteps got closer, Huamu realized that something was wrong, and the authorities said: "Go!"

"Brother! Look at that woman in front is not easy! Take them hostage and let's kill them!" The man behind had a flash of determination in his eyes, and his voice was cold and ruthless.

"Okay!" The strong man at the head broke out in a cold sweat, staring at Hua Mu and Yang Yuhuan, and immediately snorted coldly: "Take them down!"

Huamu frowned slightly, now that she was pregnant with Liujia, it was extremely inconvenient, Huamu looked helpless, immediately broke a branch, and pulled Yang Yuhuan to leave.

But how could these assassins let Huamu in front of them so easily, and immediately swung their swords left and right, Huamu had no advantage in weapons at all, there were many enemies, and she was not their opponent.

And there was Li Ping'er standing behind Yang Yuhuan, seeing the flowers and trees supporting the scene, he immediately said: "Sister, go! Don't stay here for long!"

"But!" Yang Yuhuan watched from behind, feeling terrified and frightened. Seeing no one around, he immediately felt overwhelmed, and was about to leave, but Li Ping'er, who was behind, was cruel and pretended to hit Yang Yuhuan, reflexively Yang Yuhuan threw her whole body at Hua Mu's body.

The flowers and trees, which were already difficult to support alone, were unstable at the moment, and as the assassin couldn't take the flowers and trees, he became very irritable, and suddenly swung his sword down.

"Pfft...Ah!" Huamu screamed, the assassin's cold sword directly pierced Huamu's heart, and Huamu's whole person was extremely miserable for a while.

Han Chen hurried over, followed closely by the soldiers behind him, protecting Han Chendao's safety. However, Han Chen was indeed like a thunderbolt in the current scene.

"Damn it! Let's go!" Several assassins didn't care about holding Yang Yuhuan and others hostage, and ran away immediately.

"Shoot and kill with random arrows!" Seeing that he couldn't catch it, the lieutenant at the back immediately shouted loudly, only to hear: "咻咻......咻咻...!"

Under the random arrows!How could these people survive? Han Chen hurried forward, looking at the flowers and trees covered in blood, Han Chen panicked!He really panicked: "Huamu... Huamu! You're fine! You're fine! I'm here! You're fine!"

"Ahem!" Huamu spat out a mouthful of blood, looking at the wound on her chest, the tears in Huamu's eyes could no longer hold back: "Your Highness...don't cry...it's okay...it's okay!"

"No...no!" Han Chen seemed unwilling to give up, suddenly picked up the flowers and trees, and ran at top speed!With tears streaming down her handsome face, she said heart-rendingly, "It's okay! Find Bian Que! He is a miracle doctor! He will cure you, you...you hold on... I don't even care about our child's death." I've already thought of a name...the boy's name is Han Dong...the daughter's name is Han Lan...don't leave me!"

"Your Highness...in this life...meeting you...it's great...I will wait for you with my child...you too...also...have to be good...sister...is a good... ...Good man...don't disappoint...she...!" Huamu wanted to reach out to touch Han Chendao's cheek, but halfway through, her hand seemed to have lost all strength, and it slowly fell down, running wildly Han Chen stopped at this moment. He lowered his head. His red pupils looked like mountains and rivers releasing floods at this moment. He could no longer control the cold water in the corner of his eyes, and suddenly fell. Han Chen knelt down. Laying on the ground, hugging Huamu, the tears in her eyes could no longer be controlled: "I've been waiting for you for so long! Don't leave me...don't leave me!"

"Hoo hoo... hoo hoo...!" The pink peach blossoms were blown by the spring breeze, petals falling out one by one.

Dou Yifang, who was chasing after her, was slightly stunned seeing the scene in front of her, and Dou Yifang said tremblingly, "Your Highness... Your Highness!"

Han Chen suddenly raised his head. The look in the eyes of a scourge was something that Dou Yifang would never forget. She was a little scared and took three steps back. Han Chen stood up abruptly, looked at Dou Yifang and said, "Look here! Whatever happens...don't move!"

"Your Highness... Your Highness!" Dou Yifang was in a state of confusion for a moment.

Han Chen slowly put down Huamu's body, kissed her lightly on the forehead, and said with a slight smile, "Don't be afraid! You won't be alone on the road!"

"Your Highness...just...!" Dou Yifang was stunned at this moment, and was about to stop Han Chen, but Han Chen picked up the bronze sword on the ground tremblingly, staring at Yang Huan with dull eyes.

Although it is dark here!But the lanterns on the side of the road!Under the moonlight, Han Yi still clearly saw the cause of Huamu's death.

"What are you going to do! You are committing the following crimes, if the king finds out, you will be unable to eat and walk around!"Yang Yuhuan has been silent in the panic just now, but Li Ping'er behind him doesn't think so, thinking that Han Chen is a brat, as long as Han Yi is moved out, this Han Chen will not mess around, but he thinks too much .

"Prince! Calm down...Prince!" The lieutenant at the side saw that something was wrong!Immediately stepped forward to stop it, but Han Chen, who was in a rage, could stop it except Zhong Wuyan!It's useless for anyone to come.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhh!" Han Chen raised his sword and dropped it, piercing Li Ping'er's heart with his sword, mercilessly.

"You...how...how dare you!" Li Ping'er looked at Han Chen in disbelief.

"Go down and repent! Don't worry! Someone will accompany you!" Han Chen pushed away Li Ping'er's body with a trace of bloodthirsty in his eyes, staring at Yang Yuhuan with a ruthless look in his eyes and said, "Should I is you!"

"you you………!"

"Stop!" He just yelled, and Elai came quickly. Looking at the corpses all over the body, Elai looked a little embarrassed, but his yelling couldn't stop Han Chen.

"Oops!" Elai's face turned cold, and he strode out immediately, pulling Han Chen away abruptly, which made Han Chen's sword miss, otherwise Yang Yuhuan would have died.

"Let go!" Han Chen broke free abruptly. Seeing that he couldn't stop Han Chen, he looked at Yang Yuhuan and said, "Go to Qiankun Hall quickly! Quick! Where is the king!"

"Oh! Good!" Yang Yuhuan didn't have time to take into account her own grace and luxury. In the face of absolute strength, life preservation is the most important thing.

Evil looked at the corpses around, and said to Han Chen, "Prince! This time! I'm afraid you've caused a catastrophe!"

"I'll take care of the big things!" Han Chen remained silent, turned around suddenly, and picked up Huamu's body.

(End of this chapter)

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