Warring States Call

Chapter 1482 Military training method

Chapter 1482 Military training method

Zhao Zhang's meaning was very clear. Among the four, Zhao Sheng and Lin Xiangru had different opinions. Zhao Sheng agreed to fight, but Lin Xiangru seemed to agree but disagreed, and the rest of the eyes naturally focused on Lian Po and Li Mu. On two people.

Zhao Zhang felt a little apprehensive, looked at Lian Po and Li Mu and said, "What do you two generals think?"

Lian Po and Li Mu looked at each other, Lian Po couldn't speak directly because of his relationship with Lin Xiangru, so he could only focus on Li Mu in the end, as if telling Li Mu: Come on!Hurry up!
Li Mu looked at Zhao Zhang and said, "Lian Po and I are both military generals. Of course, the main reason for military generals to be promoted to rank is to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds! The king asked me and Lian Po, and the two of us can only give the king one answer! That is to fight!" "

Lian Po also fell silent at the moment, what Li Mu said was correct, Lian Po did not refute, the whole scene changed dramatically, three of the four agreed to fight, and Lin Xiangru did not object, it was passed naturally.

Zhao Zhang was making a decision for the first time, so he was extra cautious. Seeing Lin Xiangru's worry, Zhao Zhang immediately asked, "What is Lin Xiangru worried about?"

Lin Xiangru stroked his beard, and said calmly: "The army is mobilized at a critical moment. If you are not careful, you will lose everything. This battle is the king's first battle! So this time, General Li Mu should lead the army! General Lian Po Good at defense! Gu Er needs to sit in the country! Zhao Kuangyin is very capable! This battle needs him to defend in the west, lest South Korea intentionally let Qin enter the country, and also needs to send Zhou Yafu! Zhao She and his son set up a defense line on the border of Zhao and Han! Be vigilant Defend! To avoid being betrayed by Han Yi!"

"This time Han Yi sent a proton! Come to marry Princess Xiaohe, we can use this to detain the proton, and wait until the end of the war! We are returning the proton, so that Han Yi will be restrained with us! In this way, we can ensure Nothing will go wrong!" Zhao Sheng said calmly.

"This is really a solution!" Zhao Zhang stroked his beard and looked at Li Mu and Lian Po, and said calmly, "We still need to rely on the two generals in this battle!"

"The ministers must do their best!" As soon as the two heard this, they knelt down on the ground with respectful expressions.

At the end of the discussion, Zhao Zhang leaned against the wall, glanced at the bamboo slips in his hand, and looked a little worried. He threw the bamboo slips on the table for a while, rubbed his forehead, and said with embarrassment: "Now there are these A famous veteran! The country can still maintain and develop, once they leave, who will the country rely on!"

Zhao Zhang raised his voice slowly, looking at the gradually bright moon in the sky, and the stars around him radiating light, Zhao Zhang stood with his hands behind his back, looking tired and said: "It seems! It's time to train the next batch of famous generals! "

Every dynasty has its own exclusive famous generals. With Zhao Yong's departure, Zhao Zhang wants to control the power. There are only two ways. One is to wait for them to grow old naturally, and the other is to kill them directly!seize their rights.

And what Zhao Zhang needs to do is to cultivate his confidants and cronies, so he focused his attention on Sima Shang and Zhao Kuangyin. They are both talented, and the power in their hands is not particularly great, and they look loyal Honest people may be able to take it for their own use.

Now it's spring plowing, and the farmers are diligently caring for their seedlings, but if you find out carefully, most of the people farming are middle-aged and middle-aged men. sweat!And the woman on the side of the road is still calling her man to come up and drink water from time to time!Rest your feet!
But those old people are resting in the fields, watching the next generation of their labor laughing, and some old people even rolled up their sleeves to help when they saw that their children were too tired. But I can't see any children and young adults.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in white was looking at the busy scene in the field, he couldn't help stroking his beard, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. This place seemed to be a scene of prosperity, without the disturbance of war.

The sun in May is not too hot, but it makes people feel very uncomfortable. The middle-aged man standing beside him felt a little irritated in his throat. He saw an old man who just came up to the side of the road and wiped his face. The soil on the feet was taken to the earthen kiln on the side, and the water was poured slowly, and he drank it suddenly, exhaling a mouthful of turbid air, it was not easy.

When the middle-aged man saw it, he immediately lifted his clothes and strode forward with a cheeky face!With a respectful expression, he said: "Old man! The younger generation is hurrying on the road and didn't bring enough water, can you take a few sips of water to drink!"

The old man wore a straw hat to cover his black, white and gray messy hair. When he saw someone greeting him behind him, he turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man's attire. He immediately stroked his beard and took out a bowl by himself. , poured a bowl for the middle-aged man, handed it to him and said, "He's from out of town!"

"Thank you!" The middle-aged man thanked him, took the water with one hand, and drank it in one gulp. However, the middle-aged man was a little suspicious. When ordinary people saw foreigners, if there was a war between the two countries, they would surely Beating the other party to death, and not taking any responsibility, better, when seeing outsiders, they tend to ignore them, and even shy away, but right now they are calm and composed.

This made the middle-aged man even more hesitant, and finally mustered up the courage to say: "Old man! Did you meet a foreigner...!"

"Hahaha!" The old man said with a slight smile, "I have lived here for decades, and you are not the first to ask this question. We have people from Qi State! Lu State! Song... Wait! Although the original There are many belongings, but the king is tolerant and generous to the people, so that more and more foreigners are attracted, one more of you is not too many! One less of you is not too many!"

"Oh!" The middle-aged man nodded, looked around for a while, and said with a puzzled expression: "I walked all the way! But I can't see any young adults and children! Why is that!"

"Oh! The first eight years! Your Majesty announced the training of soldiers! In order not to delay the farming season! Those idle little kids were specially gathered together for training, so that they had a little understanding of fighting, and those young and middle-aged people were just in time to eat. , I have a lot of strength on my body, and I even take care of their meals during military training! It has relieved a lot of burden, so every family sends the young man in." The old man said with a smile, and poured another bowl for the middle-aged man by the way .

Military training!The middle-aged man thought about it, almost all the people are soldiers. When the time comes to fight, they can be recruited directly. The combat effectiveness of these soldiers is much stronger than those of the militia.

(End of this chapter)

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