Warring States Call

Chapter 1484 The Negligent Wei Qing

Chapter 1484 The Negligent Wei Qing
Didi Didi... Didi Didi... Swish, Swish! "

The raindrops dripped onto the leaves, making a loud noise. The sky is now pitch black, and it is almost impossible to see anything 300 meters away from the city.

But there was such a man and horse that stopped under the city. The leading general stared at the city wall with tiger eyes, and said with a dignified expression: "Who is the guard on the city wall!"

"General Qi Report is Nangong Zhangwan!" A lieutenant behind strode forward, the sound of rainwater under his feet made people look indifferent.

The leading general was wearing black armor, holding the sword in his arms, and the cloak on his back was tightly attached to his back. The man was silent for a while, and said half-voiced: "This person is a veteran general, look around He is quite famous in the world, this person is Liu Yu's right-hand man! Killing Liu Yu will definitely hurt his vitality!"

"General Wei! Now we have circled to the back of Daicheng! That Nangong Commander Wan must have never imagined that we would circle behind him, and send troops immediately! Or wait for a while!" The general behind him looked a little heavy!It seemed to be testing Wei Qing.

Wei Qing glanced at the terrain, and said half aloud: "Rush in directly! But Chief Nangong is extremely brave! In the past, he even had a tie with General Yuwen Chengdu! Now he is in his prime! Generals, be careful! "


"The time has come! Get in!" Wei Qing waved his hand suddenly!The [-] Yan State infantry under his command rushed forward. Although the footsteps were loud, the noise of the rain covered the sound.

The soldiers who were resting under the city gate leaned against the wall and fell asleep, looking exhausted. One of the chief generals even brought a table and fell asleep lying on it, snoring loudly.

"Boom...boom...boom...!" With the sound of impact, some tired soldiers opened their hazy eyes, and said with a little irritability: "What's going on!"

"Boom...!" There was another heavy knock on the door, and the soldier immediately felt that something was wrong, and quickly pushed aside and said to the soldier, "Damn! What's wrong! What's wrong with this door! I'm dreaming." ?"

The soldier called Goudan opened his sleepy eyes, rubbed his eyes, looked towards the city gate, and only heard: "Boom!"

Goudan woke up quite a bit. Looking at the door bar that was about to break, Goudan immediately slapped it and cursed angrily: "You are so fucking stupid! Someone is knocking on the door! The enemy is attacking! Defend quickly! Ah! Quick!"

"Ah! What... defense! Get up and defend...!"

"Boom!" Everything came in a hurry. The heavy wooden stakes hit the city gate, and the city gate couldn't bear the heavy blow. A military general, holding a big knife in his hand and riding a red horse, laughed loudly and said, "Your Grandpa Lu is here! Kill them all!"


"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! The enemy is attacking! Hurry up... run!"

"Run your mother's bastard! Kill them all!" Nangong Zhang Wan held Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and killed a fleeing soldier with one blow!Looking at the crowd, he said, "Kill them all!"



As for Yan Guo Daying in Daicheng, Ju Xin stroked his beard and sat quietly in the rain, listening to the sounds around him, as if he was waiting for an answer.

For a while, Ju Xin, who had been closing his eyes and meditating, suddenly opened his eyes, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, stroking his wet beard, and said calmly, "Amazing! This Wei Qing is amazing!"

Master Shang and apprentice behind him looked puzzled and said, "What's wrong with the general!"

"Listen! There are shouts of killing in the city! Tell the soldiers! Prepare to attack!" Ju Xin smiled slightly.

"No!" Master and apprentice Shang was a little suspicious!He didn't know what he could hear in the rain, but he knew that the orders of the superiors should not be violated, Master Shang and his disciples responded and urged the horse to leave.

In Daijo
"Nangong Chang Wanxiu is going to be rampant and Le Guang is here! Take a shot from me!" I saw a young general, holding a long gun, riding a horse, looking at Nangong Zhang Wan who was killing all directions, his heart was shocked, and he urged The horse kills.

Nangong Changwan took a look at Le Guang, and said with his rough and loud voice, "You fucking court death!"

"Here!" With a loud shout, the Fang Tian painting halberd in Nangong Changwan's hand fell suddenly. Le Guang raised his arms to block it when he saw it, and at this moment, the Fang Tian painting in Nangong Changwan's hand The halberd suddenly changed its direction, turned into a thorn, as fast as lightning, Le Guang had no time to dodge, and was directly stabbed in a red heart, and died on the spot. Le Guang stared at Nangong Changwan in disbelief, spitting blood and said: "How is that possible? ...!"

Nangong Changwan was too lazy to talk to him, for a scum like him, Nangong Changwan killed hundreds if not a thousand!Can't get his attention at all.

"The big thing in Nangong is bad!" There was only a shout from behind, and the two brothers Liu Yilong rushed forward, the sword in their hands was still stained with blood, and they were very embarrassed.

Nangong Changwan killed Le Guang, looked at the two of them on his horse and said, "What's wrong!"

"Ju Xin led the army to come in head-on! We've lost our defense! Let's retreat!" Liu Yilong said with a embarrassed expression on his horse.

"Withdraw! Can you withdraw?" There was only a teasing sound!A big man rode a violent war horse, holding a zhangba snake spear in his hand, and with a voice like thunder, he looked at Nangong Zhang Wan and said, "Zhang Fei, the Yan man, is here! Nangong Zhang Wanxiu! I will fight you!"

"Where did you come from? How dare you run rampant in front of me! You want to die!" Nangong Changwan also had a rough temper and couldn't bear to be provoked, and immediately pulled his horse away.

"Come!" Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear turned into a burst of thunder in the rain, and the people who watched it trembled. Also became serious.

Wei Qing has come to the city wall at this moment, staring at the gradually compressed battle circle with a pair of Humen!The voice of shouting!The burning of the flame!The penetrating sound of the arrows interweaves into pictures.

Wei Qing looked flat and said: "Order! Pang De led five thousand swordsmen to guard the east gate! No one should be released! Lu Xiangsheng led three thousand archers to guard the west gate! Hua Yun led five thousand pikemen to guard the north gate!"

"Wait...General! What about the North Gate!" Yang Yanzhao who was behind said with a slightly surprised expression when he heard this.

"Of course there are people watching at the north gate! Give them some military merit! Otherwise, someone will say that I'm eating alone!" Wei Qing glanced at the battle situation indifferently, and said in a low voice: "The rain is getting heavier! I'll find a place first Take shelter from the rain! I will leave the rest to you!"

"Oh! I'm going...!"

(End of this chapter)

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