Chapter 1485

Yang Yanzhao couldn't hold back and swears, this Wei Qing is crazy, I've never seen him so relaxed!Why did you leave the king!The whole person is getting more and more floating.

"Drive" Nangong Changwan waved his halberd, the blade in his hand could only vaguely see the white reflection in the dark night, but Zhang Fei was not afraid, and worked together to get entangled with Nangong Changwan.

Nangong Changwan frowned, calmed his dantian for a while, and suddenly exerted force with both arms, and the weapon in his hand stabbed out.

"Ding, Nangong Changwan Tuqi activates, strength increases by 2, Changtian Moon Halberd increases by 1, and the current strength value is 106"

Zhang Fei's big eyes were as big as cowbells. Seeing Nangong Changwan make a sudden move, he suddenly shouted: "Come, come! I'm fighting with grandpa for three hundred rounds!"

"Ding, Zhang Feihao's combat attribute is activated, and the basic force value is increased by 5. He will go forward without fear!"

"Ding, Zhang Fei's fanatical attribute is activated, and when activated with the heroic attribute, it can strengthen the heroic attribute, the force value will be increased by 3, and the heroic attribute will be increased. It can be activated three times, and the force value will be increased by 8 each time!"

"Ding, Zhang Fei's basic force value is currently 100, Wuyun Treading Snow's force value is increased by 1, Zhang Ba Snake Spear's force value is increased by 1! The force value is increased by eight, and Zhang Fei's current force value is 110!"

Zhang Fei condensed an ethereal energy, and swung the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand more quickly, and the soldiers around could vaguely see the sparks left by the two of them, as if they had exploded in the air, sending out a long tear. pull sound.

"Kang Dang!" There was only a sound of rough ore pressure. Nangong Changwan was not as heroic as before, and there was invisible pressure coming towards him. Feeling the cold light on his throat, Nangong Changwan could only feel his heart Furiously, he said angrily: "You're deceiving people too much! Suffer!"

"Ding, Nangong Zhang Wan's heroic attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 3, and the current force value is 109"

"Kang Dang!" Under the blow, the sound resounded throughout the entire world, Zhang Fei's palms were slightly numb, and he looked at Nangong Changwan back and forth with a pair of Humen, and said in his heart: This person is not simple!If I rely on my strength alone, I'm afraid I won't be able to take him down!But it would be a pity to let him go, no matter what!Just fight him for dozens of rounds, it is really impossible to let Lao Huang go!
"I'm going to die!" Nangong Chang Wan saw Zhang Fei lost his mind, and was overjoyed. Immediately, the silver halberd in his hand suddenly changed direction, directly killing Zhang Fei's throat.

Zhang Fei felt a chill in his heart, looked at Nangong Changwan, and suddenly shouted: "You're looking for death!"

"Ding, when Zhang Fei's Roar attribute is activated, the enemy general's force value will be reduced by 3 points, and each person's force value will be increased by 5. It can be activated three times in total. Special reminder, when Zhang Fei's personal force value increases, the force value will be reduced by 2 every time he activates it. point, Zhang Fei's current force value is 115, Nangong Changwan is affected by Zhang Fei's roar attribute, the force value is reduced by 3 points, and the current force value is 106!"

The sound was like thunder, and Nangong Zhangwan felt like thunder, and the silver halberd in his hand slowed down. Zhang Fei suddenly lifted the silver halberd away, and the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand turned into black shadows all over the sky at this moment. The blackness came towards Nangong Changwan, and the white Zhangba Snake Spear, like a spirit snake spit out a message, rushed towards Nangong Changwan's four vital parts.

Nangong Changwan was heartbroken, and quickly waved the Fangtian painting halberd in his hand to protect his surroundings, but after each move, Nangong Changwan had many wounds on his body.

After a while, Zhang Fei suddenly pushed away Nangong Changwan's Fang Tian painted halberd, and at this moment Nangong Changwan's door opened, Zhang Fei was slightly overjoyed, and coldly snorted: "Get down!"

"Ding! Zhang Fei's Roaring attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 5, and the current force value is 120. Nangong Changwan's force value is reduced by 3 points, and the current force value is 103!"

"Bastard! That's terrible!" Nangong Changwan stared at Zhang Fei, feeling a chill in his heart, suddenly dropped his halberd and drew his sword, with a stern expression on his face, and said angrily, "Don't be crazy!"

"Ding, the second attribute of Nangong Chang Wan Titan is activated, and the personal force value is increased by 5, and the current force value is 108!"

Zhang Fei turned his palm into a fist, and suddenly exerted force with his left arm, hitting Nangong Changwan's lower abdomen with his fist.

"Hmm... Puff!" Nangong Changwan spit out a mouthful of old blood, and fell off the horse, his face turned pale, he clutched his lower abdomen, looked at Zhang Fei, and suddenly turned over, his tiger eyes were bloodshot and stuffy With a snort, he shouted, "Kill!"

"Looking for death!" Zhang Fei yelled suddenly, and the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand suddenly stabbed out.

"Pfft!" Nangong Changwan spit out a mouthful of old blood, and knelt down on the ground!Covering his heart, he stared at Zhang Fei unwillingly, gritted his teeth, spouted a lot of blood foam, grabbed Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear with both hands, and shouted: "Long live my lord! Great Song Wannian!" ! Come down!"

Nangong Changwan seemed to put in the last ounce of strength in his body. Zhang Fei was knocked down by this huge force. He fell off his horse and turned over suddenly.Slower and slower, Nangong Changwan fell off his horse and knelt down on the ground, looking up at the bright stars in the sky, Nangong Zhangwan said helplessly: " brother...go first... !"

"Plop!" Nangong Changwan fell to the ground, dying in peace. This famous general followed Liu Yu in the northern and southern wars, and made great achievements. He never thought that he would die in Zhang Fei's hands. This is also in Zhang Fei's hands. In the military career, a strong stroke has been added.

Anyone who kills famous generals in the world is a famous general.

This truth has not changed through the ages, since you can kill him, your reputation will surpass this famous general, even if you are a little unknown person, you will still be famous all over the world.

Zhang Fei got up slowly, the light rain in the sky wet Zhang Fei's armor, glanced at Nangong Changwan, who was dying, Zhang Fei suddenly pulled out the Zhangba Snake Spear, and exclaimed: "You are really a brave general! When you are buried in honor !"

The death of Nangong Changwan made the remaining Song soldiers lose their will to fight, and they were defeated one by one in all directions.

Liu Yilong and Liu Yikang looked at each other, Liu Yilong gritted his teeth suddenly, his expression was dignified, he suddenly turned his horse's head, and shouted suddenly: "Quick! Get back!"

"Withdraw!" The word was finalized, and tens of thousands of people fled one after another, their faces panicked. In case Nangong Zhang died, everyone lost their fighting spirit and rushed to the outer door in a hurry.

"Not good! There is an ambush at the north gate! There is also an ambush at the east gate! There is also one at the west gate. Several soldiers looked at each other in dismay. After a while, Liu Yilong and Liu Yilong suddenly turned their horses and shouted: "Withdraw!Get out!Go to the south gate! "

" is no ambush! Let's go!" Liu Yilong, the leader, held the bronze sword, slapped the horse suddenly, and rushed forward quickly.

"Do you want to leave! Die!" Sapphire held a longbow in her hand and shot an arrow.

"Hoo!" The cold arrow pierced through the wind and went away!Fast as the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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