Warring States Call

Chapter 1486 will

Chapter 1486 will

Pooh! "Liu Yilong clutched his throat with an expression of disbelief, the bronze sword in his hand fell to the ground, his hands covered his throat, and the corpse fell powerlessly.

Lan Yu let out a cold snort, and suddenly drew his sword to charge away. Liu Yikang frowned, and suddenly drew his sword up, the anger in his eyes only increased, and he looked at Lan Yu and snorted coldly: "Don't be mad! I'll come!" fight you!"

"Looking for death!" Lan Yu snorted coldly, the cold knife in his hand was as fast as a gust of wind, Liu Yilong looked calm, but there was nothing he could do about Lan Yu's knife. The head of the good man fell, without the leader, the remaining stragglers were just shrimp soldiers and crab generals, Lan Yu and others took most of them without much time.

Most of the soldiers here are from the country of Yan, and some are from Zhongshan, so it doesn't take much to recruit and surrender.

The rain gradually subsided, and the battlefield smelled of scorched earth. Wei Qing, holding a wine bag and riding a war horse, sneezed and said, "Ah! It's really cold tonight! I can't stand it!"

"General! You didn't do anything all night, and you're still complaining!" Yang Yansi behind heard this, his teeth itching with anger, this guy looked like he didn't care, he found someone alone last night Sleeping in the place, but they fought desperately in the rain at night, and this guy complained after the fight.

Wei Qing glanced at Yang Yansi, stretched his waist, and said calmly, "Who said that! Keep your spirits up! Isn't it my task to continue preparing for the battle?"

"You... this...!" Yang Yansi was speechless for a while, staring at Wei Qing, there were ten thousand words in his mouth, but he still couldn't help it.

"General Wei Qing! You should take the lead in this battle! Even Nangong Zhang Wan died at the hands of Zhang Fei! Your Yanhan Army is really showing off in this battle!" Ju Xin rode on a horse and looked at Wei Qing who was laughing, with a look on his face. Said calmly.

As soon as Wei Qing saw that it was Ju Xin, he immediately put away the original drama and changed to a serious look, but now everyone didn't dare to mess around, so he cupped his hands at Ju Xin and said, "What is the general Ju talking about?" ! The general also deserves the most credit for this battle drama! I dare not be the first creditor!"

"That's enough, that's enough! General Wei, don't be humble! This battle is a big victory for my country Yan, and you, Wei Qing, are the first! Killed the number one general under Liu Yu's command, Nangong Changwan, now you and I are two armies. Divide into two groups, let’s join forces together! Let’s go to Zhongshan together!” Ju Xin stared at Wei Qing with a smile in his eyes, the eyes were very bright, even a little more cunning, as if he was waiting for Wei Qing’s reply.

Wei Qing naturally knows Ju Xin's intentions. This battle is very important, and it is a good opportunity for generals to make achievements. Ju Xin did not get the first victory in defeating Nangong Changwan. Sending him some dangerous missions, Wei Qing also said helplessly: "Forget it! Forget it! Let's divide the army into two groups in this battle! I want to annex the northern border, and as for the first victory in defeating Liu Yu, I will leave it to the general!"

"Thank you General Wei Qing for that!" With a natural expression, Ju Xin cupped his hands at Wei Qing, agreeing with Wei Qing's understanding of current affairs. Once Le Yi left, the position of the head of the four famous generals of the Yan Kingdom would be vacated Well, although Murong Ke is currently the No.1 general, he is young after all, and he is defending Li Shimin in the east, so it is difficult for him to have a chance to make a contribution in a short time, but it is him!On the contrary, he is a tough guy, as long as he defeats Liu Yu in this battle, his position as the head of the four famous generals will be as secure as Mount Tai.

Wei Qing cupped his hands at Ju Xin and said, "Since Liu Yu, who is going south, will be handed over to the general! This generation of city will also be handed over to the general's soldiers! I will lead the troops out first!"

"So I'll go first!" Wei Qing shook his hand at Ju Xin, suddenly seemed to think of something, stopped to decide, looked at Ju Xin and said: "General Ju! This generation city is a stronghold for food transportation. Don't lose it!"

"General Wei Qing, don't worry for now. I will hand over this generation of city to Master Shang and his disciples. With this general around! It must be safe!" Ju Xin said with a smile in his eyes.

Wei Qing glanced at Ju Xin, smiled for a while, but didn't say much, rode on the horse, and immediately rode away, looking forward with tiger eyes, glanced at Yang Yansi behind him, and said immediately: "The grain depot in Jiangdai City Evacuate them all!"

"Why is that!" Yang Yansi asked in disbelief.

"Ju Xin is going to fight Liu Yu next! He will definitely concentrate his forces to fight against Liu Yu, and this generation of ministers will definitely have an empty defense! Although Master Shang and his disciples are capable, Liu Yu's subordinates will not visit capable people! This generation of city guards Can't stop! Our army needs to prepare more food and grass!" Wei Qing helplessly rubbed his temples.

"But if there is no Daicheng, we have no way out!" Yang Yansi was puzzled during the interview.

Wei Qing raised the horsewhip in his hand, and said calmly, "This is not the only way to go back! Take down the northern city at will, and we can go back easily!"

"Wait! Why don't we tell Ju Xin directly?" Yang Yanzhao came behind Wei Qing on a horse, and the incomprehension in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Don't you understand Ju Xin's temperament? You are eager for quick success! I want him to listen! Why don't I guard the city myself?" Wei Qing stroked the neck of the war horse, glanced at Yang Yanzhao, who was five years younger behind him, and said calmly: " To be a general! Analyze your opponent based on his temper, mood, and his previous deeds. What the enemy is good at! What is he not good at! Know yourself and the enemy! Tight defense! Only when he shows signs of fatigue, you will be born!"

"Why!" Yang Yansi scratched his head.

"Because a general of this level will not reveal his flaws easily! Once he reveals his flaws! You have to beware of whether he is using tricks. Such an opponent...is very challenging." Just now, Yang Yanzhao felt that he had benefited a lot, and at the same time, it also reminded Wei Qing of that unknown veteran in Zhongshan last time!People's war experience!It's just too much...

Wei Qing glanced at Yang Yanzhao who was behind him, with a look of approval in his eyes, he said for a while: "Okay, okay! A famous general like Li Mu is beyond our reach! The real opponent to Li Mu is Wu Qi! Han Xin! Bai Qi! A famous general like Wang Jian!"


Wei Qing glanced at the cloudy and rainy day in front of him, and murmured in his heart, "Of course...and me!"

(End of this chapter)

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