Chapter 1488
"Oh... come back!" Jiang Qu looked solemn, but he couldn't listen to the current Qi Jie, holding the whip in his hand, and said embarrassingly during the interview: "This Qi Jie must die from his own arrogance! "

"General! Then shall we go in or not!" The deputy general behind said with a somewhat disapproving expression.

"Come in! Don't let Qi Jie look down on you! Tell your brothers! Be careful!" Jiang Qu said helplessly.


More than 5000 soldiers entered the Valley of the Two Winds cautiously, riding robbers seemed bored, but the generals who followed behind him were cautious, but the two armies opened up a lot of distance.

On the top of the mountain, Gao Da heard the sound of horseshoes gradually summoned from the valley, and pressed the sword in his arms to come to Yuan Chonghuan and said: "General! The enemy has arrived!"

Yuan Chonghuan, who kept his eyes closed all the time, suddenly opened his eyes, glanced at Gundam beside him, and said calmly, "Get ready!"


"Drive... drive...!" With shouts, Qi Jie rode on a war horse!Urge the horse away.

Yuan Chonghuan rubbed his wrist, his face looked flat, and he said after a while: "Let's do it!"

"Promise!" Gundam pressed the sword in his arms, and suddenly shouted: "The Valley Stone! Let it go!"

Hearing only a greeting, a total of 16 people on both sides of the bank suddenly cut off the ropes in their hands, and the sky filled with boulders fell here, and the most important ones hit the ground, only to hear: "Boom...Boom... Long!"

The sound was so loud that Qi Jie, who was riding a war horse below, raised his head suddenly, and saw a huge stone on his forehead constantly magnifying, the speed was visible to the naked eye.

Right now, Qi Jie even forgot to resist, the huge boulder crashed, and the horse and Qi Jie under his crotch were directly crushed into a meat paste, without a whole body.

"Riding robbery!" Li Fu frowned, seeing more and more falling rocks around him, Li Fu immediately said: "Quick! Spread out on both sides! Back up! Quick!"

"Quick retreat!" There was an endless stream of shouts for help from all around, and Jiang Qu was also stunned by the sudden ambush. When he reacted, the retreat behind him was blocked by a huge broken rock. Can't make it through at all.

Jiang Qu involuntarily yelled loudly: "You idiot Qi Jie! There is really no hope of surviving right now, let me spread out the left and right sides! Hold the shield above your head, and only one can survive!"

"Yes..." However, the surroundings are in chaos right now, and there is an endless stream of people who are crushed to death and trample on each other.

Yuan Chonghuan on the mountain peak pressed the sword in his arms, glanced down, and said half aloud: "Fire oil! Licorice! Rocket! Fireball!"

"Promise!" Deng Yuanjue waved his hand immediately after listening, "ignite the fire"

With Deng Yuanjue's shout, hundreds of grass balls the size of lion heads appeared in front of everyone's eyes!Deng Yuanjue waved his hand suddenly, and the fire suddenly burned, and then pushed towards the valley, and a little white smoke filled the whole valley.

"Fiery kerosene was poured into the valley, and even thousands of archers scattered arrows, and the entire valley became a sea of ​​flames.

"!" One of the generals was full of fire all over his body, and he was crawling and rolling on the ground, but the fire continued unabated, and finally the falling rocks on the valley blasted down!He was stoned to death alive!The flames on his body burned even faster.

The air is filled with white smoke, and the smell of cooked flesh!There was also the neighing of war horses, and the white smoke in the air gradually increased, making him feel more and more tired, more and more tired, and finally buried in the sea of ​​flames.

Li Fu's eyes were full of remorse, and he suddenly raised his head to the sky and shouted: "I regret that I should not have listened to Jiang Qu's words!"

"Whoosh, whoosh!" The three cold arrows turned into streamers, hitting the vital parts of Li's abdomen!Li Bel's eyes widened, he glanced at the cold arrow on his body, and finally his body went limp, and he was buried in the sea of ​​flames.

The fire was pervasive, and the temperature gradually emerged from the bottom. Yuan Chonghuan squinted his eyes and stared at the sea of ​​fire around him. He was so far away that Yuan Chonghuan could even feel the temperature. Yuan Chonghuan pressed the sword in his arms, his eyes flashed sternness, and said calmly: " For the Zhongshan people you killed! Make atonement!"

"General! Do you want to control the fire!" Gao Da said with a worried expression.

"No need!" Yuan Chonghuan pressed the sword in his arms, and said calmly: "It's not bad to use this as their cemetery! Let's withdraw!"


Yuan Chonghuan used [-] infantry to repel the enemy's [-] elite cavalry, making the entire Yan State generals remember such a person from Zhongshan vividly!Liu Yu also got a chance to breathe.

One day later, Ju Xin rushed to this battlefield, the charred bones exuded residual heat, horses and dead bodies were mixed together, Ju Xin pressed the sword in his arms, and the god was furious: "Send me an order! March at top speed! In three days, I will take down the deserted city and kill Yuan Chonghuan!"

"No!" The generals around were also angry, this is not murder, this is torture!This Yuan Chonghuan burned more than 5000 elites with one fire, and the enemy did not even die.

Dark clouds overwhelmed the city and wanted to destroy it. Yuan Chonghuan naturally knew that Juxin's revenge was extremely difficult. For this reason, Yuan Chonghuan recruited strong men, opened the cell, and got [-] soldiers in an instant!And dug a moat around the city, filled with barbed toothpicks!Even Yuan Chonghuan brought in ten more heavy crossbows, and the soldiers were divided into groups of three to keep a close watch on the enemy, and if there was any change, they immediately entered the state of preparation for battle.

One day later, Ju Xin led the army to the city, Humen stared at Yuan Chonghuan, the anger in his eyes only increased, and he pulled out the sword in his arms suddenly, and shouted: "Revenge!"




"Yuan Chonghuan! Sensible ones, hurry down to the city and surrender! I will spare you!" Ju Xin rode on a horse and after boosting his morale, he stared at Yuan Chonghuan on his horse, but there was a lot of anger in his heart.

"Ju Xin! I heard that you are a famous general of the Yan Kingdom! I have long wanted to fight you! If you can capture this city in three days, I, Yuan Chonghuan, will write the words backwards! Yuan Chonghuan has a mocking look in his eyes.

"Don't be crazy, everyone! Wait!" Ju Xin cursed, and pulled back.

"General, why did you provoke Ju Xin! Right now our army is bound to fight to the death!" Gao Da said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Don't worry! If Xin can't win this city in three days, there will be chaos, and the morale of the Yan army will be flattened, and the subsequent war of attrition will be easy!" Yuan Chonghuan said calmly.

"But this premise must be kept!" Deng Yuanjue said solemnly.

"Don't worry! Seal the gate of the city and block the gate tightly with earth bags! It fits perfectly! I want to see if this drama can be defeated!"

(End of this chapter)

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