Warring States Call

Chapter 1489 Defense

Chapter 1489 Defense
"Beat the drum!" Ju Xin was furious and waved his hands abruptly. The cloak behind his back moved automatically without wind. The scorching sun made the land of the main film seem to have been grilled in a charcoal fire.

Ju Xin could no longer control his inner anger, and the soldiers of Yan State under his command broke out with amazing combat power at this moment, because the battle in the Valley of Two Winds was too cruel, and their killing intent towards the enemy appeared very strong .

"Zhongshan is attacking the city! Hurry...quick...quick! Defend me! Stones! Arrows and feathers are ready for me!" Gao Gao glanced at the densely packed Yan army, and his entire scalp was numb. Looking at the soldiers who have never fought a tough battle, Gao Da felt a little dignified in his heart.

Ju Xin from below looked at Yuan Chonghuan above, took off the command flag, and said suddenly: "Li Yuan, Ju Wu!"

"Li Yuan, lead your troops to attack from the front. Be sure to occupy the city gate position and open the way for the siege vehicles!" Ju Xin said solemnly.

"The last general has an order!" Li Yuan got the order flag, urged his horse to go away, his expression was indifferent, his tiger eyes stared at the towering city, Li Yuan pulled out the sword in his arms: "The ladder is ready! Attack!"


"Ju Wu, lead [-] archers and cover from left to right!" After all, Ju Xin has some military talents, and his accumulated experience in many years of fighting made him make the right choice.

"Decree!" Ju Wu yelled suddenly, holding the big knife in his hand, the six thousand archers separated from each other, three hundred steps apart.

"Kill! Whoever goes up to the city wall first! Promoted to the third rank!" Li Yuan held the bronze sword in his hand, and the soldiers under his command rushed to the city wall bravely without fear of death.

"Let the soldiers aim at the point! Fifty steps! Shoot outside the moat!" Yuan Chonghuan said calmly, stroking his beard.

"General! Isn't this too close!" Gundam asked suspiciously.

"Not far! They can cross the river! Let's talk!" Yuan Chonghuan stared at Yan Jun who was shouting to kill, his expression seemed indifferent
Gundam didn't dare to disobey Yuan Chonghuan's order. He looked at the soldiers around and shouted suddenly: "Fifty steps! Shoot arrows outside the city gate!"


"Three hundred steps...two hundred steps...one hundred steps!"

"General! Is this Zhongshan soldier scared? He hasn't shot arrows yet!" A bearded soldier looked arrogant, guarding his vitals with a shield.

"Fifty steps...! Shoot the arrow!" Gao Da made a decisive decision and shouted suddenly.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The sky was full of arrow feathers breaking through the wind.

"Be careful!" Li Yuan was shocked when he saw it.

"Plop...Plop!" A few slippery soldiers slipped and fell into the moat, screaming loudly. The scarlet blood stained the river red, and the undulating river gradually revealed barbed bamboo poles. .

Li Yuan stared at the shield, and glanced at the moat, which was ten meters wide!It was almost impossible to push across, Li Yuan immediately said: "Be careful! There are barbs in the river! Be careful!"

However, although Li Yuan yelled a few times, the speed of transmission was really too low. Dozens of brave soldiers jumped into the river, all of them screaming, with these few examples!Naturally, the soldiers below did not dare to move forward, and the arrow feathers on their foreheads were like death, covering the Yan army under their feet.

Ju Wu led the soldiers to set up the bow array just now, looked at the front line that had already been engaged in battle, and frowned: "Damn it! Let the arrows go!"

"Whoosh, whoosh!" Arrow Feather suppressed and rushed to kill, but because the distance was too far, although there were many soldiers who were hit by the arrow, they were not seriously injured.

"Whoosh!" The arrow passed by and shot a strong man in the eye who was looking for. He covered his eyes and cried out in pain: "Ah! Ah... I'm going to die! I've been hit by an arrow!"

Yuan Chonghuan glanced at it casually. It is not surprising that this kind of recruit who has just entered the battlefield has such a reaction!Yuan Chonghuan waved his hand and said, "Drag on!"


The fine sweat on Li Yuan's head gradually broke out. He wanted to advance fifty steps and attack the gate of the city, but now it seems that the guards in this city are extremely vigilant and well prepared!The river is not easy to pass right now, and the siege equipment cannot be transported.

"Put the ladder on the river! Throw the shield on it, and the soldiers will cross the river! Quick!" Li Yuan said solemnly.

"No!" Hundreds of people worked together to push the ladder to the opposite bank, and placed the shields on the ladder one by one
Li Yuan held the bronze sword in his hand, seeing that the time was ripe and the arrow was on the string, he had no choice but to shoot, and said solemnly: "Charge!"

"Kill!" The voices of tens of thousands of people shook the sky, and the atmosphere of the entire deserted city began to become depressed.

Yan Jun once crossed the river!Their situation will appear passive.

Standing on the wall with a big knife in his hand, Gao Da said: "Send the order, launch the rockets, focus on the ten ladders, and shoot them with random arrows! Quick!"


"Whoosh, whoosh!" The rockets all over the sky concentrated on shooting!As a result, the two ladders began to burn and became unusable. Dozens of soldiers fell into the river, and their deaths were miserable. After a long time, there were many floating corpses in the river.

Ju Xin looked forward, the sky was full of rockets, dotted with stars, like the stars in the sky, his brows were frowned, and he muttered to himself: "Based on this level, this Yuan Chonghuan! It's not easy...... !"

"The front army raises the card, blocks the rockets, and protects the soldiers in front on both sides!" Li Yuan inserted the bronze sword in his hand back, carried a quiver on his back, and held a longbow in his hand. He walked underground, outside the moat. , staring at Gundam commanded by the upper division, his expression became colder, and he suddenly shouted: "Go to hell!"

"call out!"

The long arrow pierced the wind, and Gundam, who was organizing the defense, was hit by an arrow in the collarbone. Seeing the direction of the cold arrow, Li Yuan was still maintaining the posture of releasing the arrow.

Gao Gao looked at it and cursed angrily: "Son of a son of a bitch! You ****! You are courting death!"

Gundam suddenly snatched the bow and arrow from the soldier beside him, looking annoyed, and shot three arrows in a row, but Li Yuan was too cunning and hid directly behind the shield, causing Gundam to shoot repeatedly.

"Damn it!" Gao Da scolded, but there was nothing he could do with Li Yuan.

Yuan Chonghuan looked at the distraught Yuan Chonghuan, and immediately said with a smile: "Use a heavy crossbow!"

"Thank you, General!" Gundam snorted coldly, stood up abruptly, picked up a crossbow bolt, this crossbow bolt looked like a short gun, Gundam held a strong crossbow, looked in the direction of Li Yuan, his eyes were bloodshot: "Go to hell Bar!"


The sound of heavy crossbows sounds stronger and more powerful than bows and arrows.

Li Yuan, who was hiding under the shield, didn't notice it. The shield in his hand was directly torn apart by the impact, and shot directly through Li Yuan's chest. The soldiers on the left and right were all shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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