Warring States Call

Chapter 1490 Qin Kai

Chapter 1490 Qin Kai
Li Yuan collapsed on the ground, his face was full of disbelief, as his life passed, his life also came to an end.

"General! General Li Yuan died in battle!" The messenger came at a high speed, with a dignified look on his face.

Ju Xin's eyelids twitched slightly, and his heart was indeed a little shocked and angry. Now the battle is at hand!Folding before the battle will definitely affect morale.

Ju Xin frowned slightly, looked at Qin Kai behind him and said, "Go and command the remnant soldiers! Kill them!"

"I got the order!" Qin Kai got the general order and galloped away, as fast as a gust of wind, within half a minute, Qin Kai came to the front of the formation with a calm expression on his face.

"Kill! Climb the city! A reward of [-]!" Qin Kai who just rushed to the city!It's like setting up a banner to boost the morale.

"The archers show me the right spot, let the arrows prevent them from approaching the city wall, and don't let me go to anyone near the moat." Deng Yuanjue snorted coldly, holding the longbow in one hand and the bow and arrow in the other hand, aiming ahead , coldly snorted: "Kill!"

"No" thousands of archers shot back and forth, and after a while, rows of rockets were fired along the entire moat, some of them were shot dead, and some were shot empty.

The air is still filled with scarlet blood.

"Kill...!" The fight between the two sides has been in a stalemate!Under Qin Kai's command, although the Yan army has gained a firm foothold, it has been stagnant.

"Heavy crossbow!" Gundam yelled suddenly, and hundreds of people suddenly pulled up the strong crossbow.

Qin Kai's complexion changed, he looked at the lieutenant at the side, and said seriously: "Hurry up! Send the order down and retreat! Hurry up!"

"What!" The lieutenant general looked in disbelief, but seeing the heavy crossbow on the city wall, he swallowed involuntarily, and immediately said, "Retreat!"

Ju Xin stared at the changes on the battlefield, and suddenly threw the bamboo pole in his hand on the ground, cursing angrily: "How did you fight this battle! You can't even cross the moat! Call Qin Kai to see me!"


On the deserted city, Gao Da looked at the retreating Yan army, and immediately said with joy: "Withdraw! Really! The Yan army has withdrawn! Hahaha!"

Yuan Chonghuan looked at the Yan army who left the corpses of three hundred soldiers under the moat, frowned slightly, and muttered to himself: "It seems that there are still people in the Yan army who have not been dazed! The next battle is going to be hard!"

Qin Kai hurriedly came to Ju Xin and said solemnly, "General!"

"Qin Kai! Why retreat! Once you retreat! Do you know how much it will damage the morale of our army?" Ju Xin saw Qin Kai yelling at him immediately, his expression frantic, and according to his guess, the deserted city would be taken within half a day , Yuan Chonghuan was beheaded, and the shame was washed away, but now not only did he not win the deserted city, but he also lost troops and generals.

Qin Kai was on the front line just now, watching a series of changes on the battlefield, he naturally knew that the situation was wrong and he could not attack rashly, otherwise the lives of the soldiers would be lost. He looked at Ju Xin and said, "The enemy's moat is too wide! We can't get through it. [-] brothers have been damaged, and there is a heavy crossbow on it! This kind of thing is extremely lethal! If you don’t pay attention! became a problem.

"Then what do you think we should do!" Ju Xin looked at Qin Kai with a look of frustration!His face looked serious.

"There are only two ways! One! Take advantage of the darkness and dig a road to fill in! The other way! Let the soldiers carry a bag of earth and fill the river while attacking the city!"

"What do you mean! This delay is like a day!" When Ju Xin heard this, his brows furrowed.

"This Yuan Chonghuan is not simple! He is good at using geography! No matter in field battle or defending the city! This guy can give full play to his geographical advantages! Besides, we have no cavalry! With the same strength! We may not be his opponent! He also occupies geography , We are very passive, and we don’t know how many soldiers and horses there are in the city! This battle! On the surface, we are in the dominant position! But the rhythm of the war has been controlled by Yuan Chonghuan, for three days! It may not be Yuan Chonghuan’s real battle. Purpose!" Qin Kai exhaled heavily, his expression dignified.

"Then I'll break his illusion myself!" Ju Xin rode his horse with a calm expression on his face. He urged the horse away after a while, and said with a calm expression: "Concentrate the troops, everyone brings soil, I will go into battle in person!"

"No...it's too dangerous!" Qin Kai was about to stop him, but Ju Xin glanced at Qin Kai, and said solemnly: "What! You have to disobey the general order!"

"This...!" Qin Kai's expression was shocked and helpless, and he said after a while: "Don't dare!"

"Huh! Send the order! Prepare quickly! Half an hour later! Continue to attack!" Ju Xin said calmly.


half an hour later

Ju Xin wore Bai Ling on his head, pulled out the sword in his arms and shouted: "Soldiers! A battle in the valley of two winds! All five thousand of my compatriots died at the hands of the enemy! This battle will be personally supervised! Anyone who retreats! All the soldiers in charge of the war will be beheaded! Long live the Great Yan!"

"Long live Dayan!"

"Long live Dayan!"

"Long live Dayan!"

"Charge! Fill the river!" Ju Xin yelled suddenly, and saw thousands of soldiers throwing soil bags into the river.

"Quick! Quick...shoot the arrows to stop them!" Gundam from above looked at Li Ying who was rushing up, and snorted coldly.

However, at this moment, Ju Xin personally led hundreds of people to kill them. Everyone carried a soil bag on their shoulders and carried a heavy load. Some were injured by stray arrows, but they still rushed forward.

The morale of the Yan army was encouraged by Ju Xin, and the atmosphere of desperate death was strong on the entire battlefield.

"Putong...Putong! When the earthbags were thrown into the river one by one, the battle situation of the Yan army began to change, but it also paid a heavy price. Hundreds of soldiers confessed here.

"Fire rockets! Suppress the enemy!" Ju Wu roared hysterically.


Thousands of arrows, shot through the wind!With the deterrence of flames, most of the soldiers were shot and killed in a row.

Ju Xin in front saw that the situation was almost over, and hurriedly said: "Siege battle!"

Standing on the battlefield this time, Qin Kai said solemnly, "Come on!"

"Shoot the arrows...quickly let the arrows go!" Gundam saw it!With a shocked expression, he immediately prevented the soldiers from counterattacking.

Yuan Chonghuan glanced at Yan Jun who was gradually crossing the river with a calm expression, waved his hand to stop Gundam, and said indifferently: "This Yan Jun is really not to be underestimated! Is the sheepskin bag I asked you to prepare ready?"

"Everything is ready!" Ju Xin said solemnly.

Yuan Chonghuan rubbed his wrist, and said calmly: "Get ready! Once the siege engine arrives at the bottom of the city, ignite it and throw it down! Rolling stones! Lei Mu is ready! After the end! Kill a few lame war horses and reward them! Soldier!"

"The last general has orders!" Gao Da glanced at Yuan Chonghuan, this guy really has a lot of whimsical ideas in his head.

(End of this chapter)

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