Chapter 1491
"!" With roars, thousands of soldiers approached the city gate with their siege vehicles. close up.

Ju Xin took the lead, pulled out the sword in his arms, and suddenly shouted: "Whoever climbs the city wall first will be named a partial general!"

"Kill! Beat the drum! Cheer!" Ju Xin was furious, waved his hand suddenly, looked at the flying arrows flying around, and immediately raised his shield to block!
"Boom...boom...boom!" The battle drum roared like a kui ox, and the sound resounded through the sky.

"Defend me! Stones! Arrow feathers are all ready for me!" Gao Gao glanced at Juxin who was leading the way under the city wall, and said with a stern look in his eyes: "Heavy crossbow! Aim for me in the direction of the enemy general! quick!"


"Bang...bang...bang!" Three arrows were shot in a row, and the location of Ju Xin became the focal point of the battlefield.

"Boom!" The first heavy crossbow broke through the shield and shot and killed three people, while Ju Xin's door was wide open, looking at the two arrows that were not slow, Ju Xin gritted his teeth suddenly, rushed over, and hid After passing this fatal arrow, the dozens of people behind were really unlucky and were shot to death here alive.

"Siege engine! Come in!" Ju Xin yelled suddenly, the huge siege city completely passed the moat and came to the bottom of the city gate.

"Fire oil bag! Throw it on the siege engine! Golden juice! Thunder stone! Get ready!" Yuan Chonghuan glanced at the bottom of the city wall and breathed heavily.

"No!" Deng Yuanjue personally came to the city gate with a sword, looked at the timing, and suddenly shook his hand. The kerosene bag was about to be thrown out. At this moment, Gao Da bent his bow and set an arrow, and the arrow was still burning with flames. Gao Da snorted coldly: " middle!"


When the kerosene encountered a raging fire, it burned directly, like a rain of fire, scattered on the siege vehicles, making the siege vehicles made of wood crackling and burning.

"Golden juice!" Deng Yuanjue drank suddenly.

"Hula la...!" The hot golden juice was sprinkled on the city, and none of the soldiers who were contaminated were spared.

Ju Xin was at the bottom of the city, watching the tragic battle in front of him, his brows were slightly frowned, and the siege engine was burning.

But retreating like this, Ju Xin was very unwilling. The two heavens of ice and fire in his heart made Ju Xin very entangled.

"General! We can't go on like this! The siege engine has been destroyed! Yuan Chonghuan came prepared. If he didn't retreat, the soldiers would suffer heavy losses and their morale would plummet. Afterwards, they want to take down the deserted city in one fell swoop! It will be even more difficult! "Qin Kai held the shield on top of his head, his expression dignified.

"Hey...!" Ju Xin sighed heavily, and said helplessly, "That's all! Withdraw your troops!"


"Woo... woo woo...!" The retreat horn sounded slowly, and Yuan Chonghuan on the city wall glanced at the Yan army receding like the ebb tide of the sea below. Yuan Chonghuan knew that the strongest combat power of the Yan army was gone. , the next siege battle will be much easier.

Yan Jun today!Regardless of military quality, soldier morale!And in terms of numbers, it is undoubtedly overwhelming for the underdog Yuan Chonghuan, and Yuan Chonghuan is good at making use of his military advantages and using geography.

The three elements of war are weather and time!Good location!Renhe, almost all generals will find their own combat style among these three options, and the strongest is Tianshi, because those who are good at using this are all characters whose wisdom is close to that of demons.

The geographical advantage is like that of Yuan Chonghuan, who uses the geographical advantage to the extreme to achieve the goal of defeating the enemy, but it is often used differently. Human harmony is naturally to boost morale and use the superiority of troops to achieve the level of crushing power.

Yuan Chonghuan breathed out his breath, his face looked calm, and he said after a while: "Organize your defense! Be careful of Juxin's sneak attack!"

"No!" Gao Da and Deng Yuanjue admired Yuan Chonghuan, and naturally they would not disobey his order.

In this battle, the Yan army suffered more than 300 casualties, but Yuan Chonghuan only paid the price of 400 people. For the Song army, this can be regarded as a big victory. It is very rare to achieve such a record by defeating the strong with the weak up.

The black sky gradually enveloped the white clouds in the blue sky.

Looking at the battle report in his hand, Liu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and expressed his appreciation for Yuan Chonghuan's ability. Liu Yu glanced at the suspicious Xie Hui, then handed the bamboo slip in his hand to Xie Hui and said, "Just take a look first!"

Xie Hui was suspicious for a while, but before he had time to think about it, he opened the bamboo slips, read the words inside one by one, and laughed for a while and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty! You have gained a good general!"

"That's right! I used to be blind! I never wanted to see a hero in adversity! Yuan Chonghuan bought enough time for our army in this battle! Now it's time to fight back!" Liu Yu suddenly stood up!His expression was indifferent, and his pair of Humen carried a creepy chill.

"Pass my order! The generals in the lobby will use soldiers!" Liu Yu looked indifferent, and with a wave of his big hand, a heroic look appeared.

"No!" Xie Hui let out a heavy breath, the time for the decisive battle has come!If Guo Wei is destroyed!They still have room to return!If not!The title of Liu Song!I can only perish! "Xie Hui breathed a sigh of relief helplessly, there is no way to do this, after all, the sky is about to destroy, and the general trend is irresistible.

In the black hall, relying on the lights, the stern looks of these generals can be seen clearly.

Holding the sword in his arms, Liu Yu was sitting on the throne with an ashen complexion, stroking his beard, his voice was flat, his eyes were staring down, and he said calmly: "This battle! It is a very important battle ! Who is willing to be the vanguard! Who is willing to fight! This time we only need brave generals! I will not force you, you should think it through yourself!"

The generals all around looked at each other, but no one was willing to stand up and force their way. After a while, they only heard a loud reprimand: "Minister! Lu Wenlong is willing to be the vanguard..."

"Minister Pei Yuanqing is willing to be the vanguard!" There was another blast, and Pei Yuanqing, who had already grown a beard under his nose, also stood up at this moment, and the two generals, like two giant pillars of the sky, supported Liu Yu's platoon.

Liu Yu felt deeply helpless, and said in a low voice: "Okay! Pei Yuanqing, Pei Renji, Lu Wenlong, you and the other three will command 1 troops to raid the enemy camp head-on! Hua Yuan and Shen Tianzi each lead [-] horses to meet them! The others are waiting for orders under the command of the lonely king! Do you understand!"

"The ministers must do their best!" Everyone stood up and shouted. Everyone knew that a life-and-death battle had arrived. Some people were worried, while others had evil intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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