Warring States Call

Chapter 1492 Traitor

Chapter 1492 Traitor
Dark night!Only the bonfire is burning, and the cool wind here blows the green grass wantonly!The soldiers who fought for a day are exhausted to the extreme!Lying directly on the ground means falling asleep, with the buzzing of mosquitoes in the ears, and the hot weather makes people sweat continuously. Although there is a cool breeze blowing through the heart, the soldiers still feel hot, but no one takes off their armor , because taking off the armor means that his life is gone.

Lu Wenlong held two guns and rode a white war horse!The cold and sharp black armor on his body undoubtedly did not show his dignity!Lu Wenlong stared at Humen ahead, and said calmly, "Come on!"

"Kill!" Under the leadership of Lu Wenlong and Pei Yuanqing, [-] soldiers rushed straight forward with a huge momentum. Logically speaking, the raid on the enemy camp should be carried out quietly, but Lu Wenlong seemed to be A chick who has never fought a war!Charged towards the enemy camp with great fanfare.

The soldier who was guarding the door was startled when he heard the sound. He staggered and fell to the ground. Seeing the Zhongshan army charging towards him on horseback, the soldier quickly turned around and said with a pale face, "The enemy attack... The enemy attack !Quick...quickly defend!"

In the big tent, Guo Wei was really enjoying the chicken soup. The whole person was very comfortable. There was also a young and handsome boy sitting next to him. He was majestic and heroic, holding a pancake in his left hand and a chicken leg in his right. Although he looked rough, he was It is more detailed.

"General! It's not good...it's not good!" The soldier ran into the big tent, looking embarrassed.

"What are you panicking about! What are you talking about?" Guo Kai casually threw away the chicken bone in his hand, picked up the brocade beside him and wiped his hands, his black face was very calm.

"The enemy army... is coming!" The soldier sat down on the ground, not having time to think about so many etiquettes, and immediately talked about the situation of the battle.

"Are you here?" Guo Wei was taken aback for a moment, but there was not much difference. He stared at the soldier with a very calm expression, and said calmly, "The general will know! You go down first!"

"General..." The soldiers had a moment of disagreement at first, but when they saw Guo Wei's confident appearance, they stopped talking and hurried out of the big tent. Just came out, in order to defend against the enemy's surprise attack!The soldiers also purposely looked around to make sure it was safe, and then they ducked away.

Guo Wei stroked his beard, glanced at the bamboo slips in his hand, and said calmly, "Wei Er! Do you think Ju Xin can catch up?"

"It should be too late, this credit! Father is determined!" Guo Wei glanced at Guo Wei, first admired it, and then said after a while: "Although Liu Yu is a defeated general who has been defeated repeatedly, he has also won many battles. Never underestimate it! Father, be careful!"

"You're right! But Liu Yu's transformation from a defeated general to being a king is not something anyone can compare to. Don't think too much now, and I will meet this often defeated general!" Guo Wei's expression was flat!Suddenly strode out.

"Double-gun Lu Wenlong is here! Those who stand in my way will die!" With a loud shout, Lu Wenlong brandished the double-guns vigorously, and seven or eight soldiers died in a row.

"The enemy army is going to be rampant, Wang Huo is here!" Hearing a yell, a tiger galloped towards the horse.

"Looking for death!" Lu Wenlong's eyes were bloodshot, and he couldn't even look at him. The silver gun in his hand swept up and down, turning into starlight all over the sky, and went straight to envelop Wang Jun's three vital points.

"Ding, Lu Wenlong's double gun attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 4, the basic force is 104, and the current force is 108"

"Ding, activate Lu Wenlong's Sky Fury attribute: add 7 to the force value, and the current force value is 115"

"Ding, Lu Wenlong's stable attribute is activated, and the force value is increased by 1, up to five times, and the current force value is 116"

An ethereal energy floated on Lu Wenlong's body, Wang Jun only felt that he could not block any shot that Lu Wenlong didn't make.

"Kang Dang!" Under one shot, Wang Jun only felt that there was an extra muzzle on his chest, and blood flowed down the wound on his chest. Lu Wenlong snorted coldly, retracted the gun suddenly, and said with a cold face: " Who dares to stop me!"

"Fire the arrows! Shoot and kill with random arrows!" Guo Wei put his hands on his arms, looked at the arrogant Lu Wenlong, and shouted suddenly.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The rain of arrows from the sky enveloped Lu Wenlong. Lu Wenlong raised his eyebrows, turned over and dodged the kite, but unfortunately the war horse under his crotch turned into a hedgehog!With a groan, he fell down the bloody slope.

Liu Yu watched the battle situation ahead from 800 meters away from the enemy, squinting his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking, and the sound of killing kept coming from his ears, listening to the fighting on the battlefield, Liu Yu seemed to enjoy it very much.

A general in the back looked like a mouse, looking at the calm Liu Yu in front of him, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty! Shall we stay put?"

Liu Yu casually glanced at the military general behind him, and saw his expression gradually grim and said: "General Kong! Are you asking Gu to do something?"

"I... I dare not!" Conte only felt his scalp go numb, his body was gradually shrouded in a chill, and a layer of sweat broke out from his back.

Liu Yu smiled lightly, looked at the battle ahead slowly and said, "General Kong! You must have been running to the Yan Army these days!"

Boom... At this moment, Conte only felt his brain roaring, and his mind went blank. He glanced at the position behind him for a while, and gradually backed away.

"Come here!" Liu Yu moved in a deep voice, his voice was cold and heartless.

The two generals Lu Fang and Wei Zhi standing behind Liu Yu stepped forward and grabbed Kong Te with one hand. The four palms were like iron arms, making Kong Te unable to move.

"Hmph! You are really a king, don't you know these scandals you have done? Collaborating with the enemy! You deserve to die!" Wei Zhi pressed Kong Te below with a stern look.

"What..." Kong Te's face was pale, and then he looked at Liu Yu who was silent, and for a while he seemed to give up, and cursed: "Liu Yu! You despicable and shameless villain! I will not let you go even if I am a ghost !"

"Shut up!" Su Jun strode up suddenly, and kicked Kongte's cheek. With this kick, several of Kongte's front teeth were knocked off, bleeding profusely.

Liu Yu put his hands in his pockets, his eyes looked hazy, and he said calmly, "Who is a villain, you or Gu? Guzi treats you well! Why did you betray me! Killed hundreds of thousands of my soldiers!"

"Hahahahaha! Liu Yu, you will lose in this battle! There is only one way to die with you! Listen to all of you, Liu Yu is just dying. If you want to survive, surrendering to Yan is the only way to survive. I am not Liu Yu. The first one, not the last one, I'll be waiting for you underground." Conte showed a ferocious face, looking at Liu Yu with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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