Warring States Call

Chapter 1493 Su Jun

Chapter 1493 Su Jun
"Really?" Liu Yu snorted coldly, and said for a while: "Gag his mouth! Take him to the battlefield to see who will die!"

"No!" Lu Fang's voice from behind was thunderous, grabbing Conte's neck with one hand, lifting him up like an eagle catching a chicken, with a very indifferent expression.

Liu Yu stood with his hands behind his back, Humen stared at the chaotic battlefield below, and said half aloud: "How's the situation!"

"Lu Wenlong! The two generals, Pei and Yuanqing, are already in a bitter battle! We won't go to support any more! I'm afraid it's...!" Liu Yigong was wearing black armor with a serious expression, holding a black knife in his hand, and looked at Liu Yu with a serious expression on his face. Some worries.

Liu Yu stroked his beard, watching the voice gradually shouting Sha Zhentian, Liu Yu slowly sat on the ground!With a heavy breath, he said, "Wait!"

"This...!" The generals at the back looked at each other in blank dismay. The three of Lu Wenlong had only [-] soldiers and horses, and they were facing three times as many enemy troops. If they continued to wait, they would only die.

Liu Yu sat on the ground, put his hands together, and bit his teeth. Liu Yu stared at the battle below with a pair of tiger gates, and frowned secretly: "Hold on! Just wait for Liu Fang and Gongsun Shu! The three soldiers and horses of Shulianggan are all ready! One battle will have the basis for a big victory! Right now, we can only wait patiently!"

"Su Jun!" Liu Yu's complexion gradually became cold, looking at Su Jun with fair skin behind him, Liu Yu looked calm, and suddenly pulled out a weed, regardless of whether he was dirty or not, and directly stuck it in his mouth.

"The minister is here!" Su Jun is not tall, about seven feet long, with a ghost tooth sword on his waist, and the white cloak on his back is automatic without wind. He is very respectful to Liu Yu, and he salutes slowly.

"What happened to the soldiers I asked you to prepare!" Liu Yu turned his head meaningfully, and glanced at Su Jun, as if he was testing and thinking about something.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, everything is ready!" Su Jun cupped his hands and looked calm.

Liu Yu nodded, and said half aloud: "Lu Wenlong can't hold on! You should send troops to help him first!"

"The last general has orders!" Su Jun looked resolute without any hesitation.

On the battlefield

Pei Yuanqing rode on a war horse, leaning on Lu Wenlong's back, and said with a heavy breath, "Why hasn't Your Majesty sent more troops!"

Lu Wenlong rubbed the pain in his heart, and said for a while: "The king's order! You and I just obey! Why talk so much nonsense!"

"Cut! Don't be arrogant! Have you seen the enemy general? Let's compare and see who gets his head first!" Although Pei Yuanqing is in the middle of his life, his fighting spirit makes him ready to move.

Lu Wenlong glanced at Pei Yuanqing who was behind him, and said calmly: "Compare! Who is afraid of whom! Come!"

"Kill!" The two let out a tiger roar, and the shadow of the spear and the hammer turned into a starlight covering the surrounding soldiers. There was only a bang, and dozens of strong soldiers in front of them exploded quickly under these moves. The whole person collapsed on the ground, wailing everywhere.

Lu Wenlong held the gun in both hands, and the moonlight shone on the tip of Lu Wenlong's gun with a frightening coldness. He stared at Guo Kai's direction and snorted coldly: "The enemy will stop! Take a shot from a certain family! Kill!"

"Quick! Block this enemy general!" Guo Wei pressed the sword in his arms, looking a little embarrassed, staring at Lu Wenlong with a stern expression!Looking at the soldiers behind him, he immediately issued an order: "Quick! Qing Qin! Zhang Yan, quickly stop this enemy general! Quick!"

"Hahahaha! I should be one step faster!" Pei Yuanqing swung the bright silver hammer with plum blossoms in his hand suddenly, and hit the soldier in front of him on the head. This blow was like a pumpkin hitting the brain, and the soldier under the hammer disappeared immediately. consciousness!The brain cracked and died.

"Chen Dong, Guo Congqian, stop the enemy!" Guo Wei suddenly pulled out the tiger-headed sword in his arms, with a serious face, protecting Guo Wei's front.

Guo Kui glanced at his son, laughed and said, "Don't worry! They can't run away!"

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Lu Wenlong's two guns were unpredictable, like reflections in the water, one after another, like waves.

Qing Qin is a tiger general, with a short knife in both hands, a beard on his chin, eyes like copper bells, and a voice like thunder. He is riding a good black horse. I don't know how fast this horse is, but just To be able to withstand Qing Qin's physique is extraordinary.

The good horse Lu Wenlong looked at the horse under Qing Qin's crotch with greedy eyes, and the silver spear in his hand suddenly flipped over and flew out of the sand.

"Whoosh!" The silver spear pierced the wind, and the rampant Qing Qin had no time to react, but was stabbed off the horse by the silver spear that was thrown towards him, and spit out a mouthful of old blood.

When Lu Wenlong saw it, he was overjoyed immediately, and jumped onto his horse suddenly. The top horse among all horses would not easily recognize the owner, but this horse was naturally extraordinary, jumping up and down, trying to throw Lu Wenlong to the ground, but Lu Wenlong's double His legs were like two iron clamps, firmly clamping the horse's belly. Lu Wenlong grabbed the horse's hair with one hand, not caring about the horse's rage.

When Zhang Yan saw it, he immediately urged the horse to come, and the silver spear in his hand went straight to Lu Wenlong's throat.

"En!" Seeing this, Lu Wenlong raised his brows lightly, with a dignified expression, and still maintained the current gesture of grabbing the horse.

Seeing the frenzied war horse, the soldiers around did not dare to get too close. Lu Wenlong was busy controlling the horse, and within a while, Zhang Yan was highlighted.

Lu Wenlong frowned slightly, and the silver spear in his hand suddenly thrust out. Zhang Yan, who was about to make a surprise attack, looked calm, but it was too late to turn around at this moment. But it was pierced suddenly, and blood flowed out from the tip of the gun. Zhang Yan had a look of disbelief, the weapon in his hand fell to the ground naturally, and Zhang Yan fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

Lu Wenlong was riding a war horse, feeling the restless war horse below, suddenly beat the horse with one hand, and suddenly shouted: "Sure!"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu who was suffering from such pain.

Lu Wenlong laughed calmly: "Let's go!"

"Woo...!" A loud horse cry seemed to echo Lu Wenlong's order.

Guo Wei frowned solemnly, and suddenly said: "Kill!"

"Ding, Guo Wei's sleepiness attribute is activated. When he is in charge of the army and trapped by the enemy general, the force value of the enemy soldiers will be reduced by 3 to 5 points. If the enemy general does not kill 2 people, the force value will be reduced by [-] points!"

"Boom!" The entire battle changed rapidly at this moment, with Lu Wenlong and Pei Yuanqing as the main players. The distance between the two of them and the big formation behind them was too long. He can still rely on his own bravery to maintain the situation, but no one knows what will happen next.

(End of this chapter)

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