Warring States Call

Chapter 1494 Ghost Soldiers

Chapter 1494 Ghost Soldiers
"Bastard...!" Lu Wenlong was about to step forward, but was blocked by several soldiers in front of him. These soldiers attacked and defended in an orderly manner, and had formed a unique battle formation. Lu Wenlong just opened an incision. Soldiers will emerge again to complete it.

"Damn it! These soldiers can't kill them all! What shall we do!" Pei Yuanqing was covered in blood, back to back with Lu Wenlong, the silver hammer in his hand was stained with blood, looked at Lu Wenlong behind him, and frowned: "What shall we do!"

After hearing this, Lu Wenlong said impatiently, "What else can I do! Kill me!"

"This... Alas!" Pei Yuanqing also lost his move. He gradually felt that his breath could no longer keep up with his own rhythm. Helpless, Pei Yuanqing had no choice but to go back the same way.

Guo Wei looked at the change in the battle situation, stared at Guo Wei sternly and said, "Do you still remember how my father taught you how to deal with this kind of warfare?"

"Remember! It's like cutting meat, cut it with one knife, and then have a drink!" Guo Wei gave a creepy feeling when he spoke.

After hearing this, Guo Kui couldn't help laughing and said, "Hahahaha! Good good! I'll leave it to you!"

"Obey!" Guo Wei smiled slightly, held the sword in his arms, took the command flag suddenly, and said calmly: "All generals obey the order! Cut the formation!"


Guo Wei caressed his beard, saw his son's majestic appearance, and ordered soldiers here, Guo Wei couldn't help feeling a little more melancholy and emotional, but more because he wanted to train his son to be a talent.

Who is Guo Kui?He is a famous general in the country of Yan. The Guo family is also a well-known family in the country of Yan. Guo Wei has to do his best for the future of the Guo family. Now only by cultivating the next generation of seedlings can the Guo family be guaranteed. The tree will not be blown down by the wind, and the current Guo family has a Guo Wei, who can be regarded as a successor.

When these famous generals of the Yan Kingdom die of old age, Wei Qing is the only one who can compete with his son. It is uncertain who will be the No.1 general of the Yan Kingdom. Guo Wei looked at his son, yes The more I look at it, the more I am satisfied. Simply these years of military service has worn away all the bad habits on this kid, otherwise Guo Wei would not be so relieved.

"Kill...kill...shoot arrows...help!" The shouts of killing around him continued, one after another, and one after another, the noisy battlefield poured one scene after another, and there was a joy of fighting here!The catharsis on the battlefield, the wailing of pain, but there is such a team, there is no sound!It was like a ghost soldier coming out of hell, silently!Their swords are life-threatening iron chains, but their appearance is as desolate and terrifying as ghosts.

"Pound...pound...pound!" There was only this one voice on the whole ground, there was no roaring, no shouting, only the sound of footsteps, these people were wearing white armor, with ghost masks on their faces, and everyone was holding The rusty spears are haunting one by one!The number of people is about 3000!There is a big flag on the central pole, which is called: "General Song Jiang!"

These five words seem to have boundless magic power. The leading general's voice was extremely hoarse: "Zhongshan Song Jiang is here! Who has invaded our country's territory! Soldiers! Follow me to kill!"


"Who is being presumptuous here! Let the arrows go!" The leader of the general held his bow and arrows, looked at the soldiers rushing to kill him, and shot and killed them suddenly: "Let the arrows go!"

"Swish, swish!" The arrow feathers fell and shot at these people, only to hear: "Ding Dang Dang!"

These cold arrows couldn't hurt them, and some even hit them, but they didn't feel pain, but they still walked forward in a flat manner.

The lieutenant general rubbed his eyes and patted his cheek to make sure he was not dreaming. He felt a little dazzled. When this wave of cold arrows shot past, these soldiers didn't even move, just like this slowly Go forward, go forward like a ghost.

"This... What's going on...!" The soldier had an unbelievable look on his face, and he felt very unbelievable. The soldiers behind him also looked at each other. In the past, even if there were no dead people , but there were still screams, but this...... not even a sound could be heard.

"General... General... General... General!" An old general beside him quickly shook the lieutenant's arm, reminding him not to hesitate any longer.

The lieutenant came back to his senses immediately, rubbed his eyes, and said for a while: "Quickly report this matter to the general! You stay here! I'll go back as soon as I go!"

"Alas... general!" The veteran was about to call back the deputy general, but this guy was running so fast that he couldn't stop him at all.

Seeing the "ghost soldiers" approaching gradually, some soldiers couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately ran away, shouting: "There are ghosts! There are ghosts!"

In the dark night sky, Liu Yu was sitting on the ground. Gradually, he saw three fires soaring into the sky. Liu Yu stroked his beard and laughed loudly: "Soldiers! It's time for us to defeat the enemy! Take your hands The sword, kill me! Drive these people who destroy our peace from our land! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The shouts of killing were like thunder and lightning, resounding through the entire battlefield, and the raging fire burned slowly, adding a lot of fire to the dark place.

And the three people who were looking in this direction were rubbing their hands, Liu Fang threw the water bag in his hand, and said with a sneer: "Attack!"

The other two places also began to slowly advance, as if they had dug pockets suddenly, waiting for the enemy to fall in.


"Why are you in such a panic!" Guo Wei looked angry, and glanced at the hurrying lieutenant general, but he was faintly worried, thinking: "Could something be wrong!"

"General! A ghost soldier suddenly came outside! They set up a banner, named General Song!" The deputy general swallowed, with a look of hesitation on his face.

"Song Jiang! Isn't he dead?" Guo Wei looked at the lieutenant with a look of disdain and said, "There must be someone pretending to be a ghost, just shoot and kill with random arrows!"

"No! When the subordinates saw them coming to kill, they already ordered to shoot arrows. These people seemed to have no feeling, no pain! They didn't even shout!" the lieutenant said in a panic.

"It's impossible...!" Guo Wei had a stern face, and Guo Wei behind him had a stern face, frowning secretly: "Wei Er! Go and see for yourself!"

"Get the order!" Guo Wei got the general order, casually took a war gun and killed him.

(End of this chapter)

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