Warring States Call

Chapter 1495 Guo Wei's Death

Chapter 1495 Guo Wei's Death

Holding a spear in his hand, Guo Wei led [-] soldiers to the gate of the camp. The surrounding soldiers were all gone, and the general flag on the ground was trampled to the ground. Guo Wei frowned, looked at the lieutenant behind him, and scolded coldly: " This is the soldier you bring!"

"This...!" The lieutenant swayed from side to side for a while, but couldn't tell why. He could only look left and right, looking at Guo Wei, speechless.

Guo Wei snorted coldly, and was about to step forward, but bumped into this army head-on. Guo Wei looked up and down carefully with a pair of tiger eyes, looking like a ghost, Guo Wei's heart skipped a beat, and he felt the breathing of the soldiers behind him. , one by one with heavy voices, Guo Wei's heart sank, secretly screaming that it was not good, he immediately picked up the bow and arrow, and snorted: Who is pretending to be a ghost here! "

"Whoosh!" The cold arrow was as fast as a gust of wind, and shot towards the crowd. The arrow seemed to fall into the sea, without any sound at all, and only these soldiers kept approaching.

"I'm not partial to you, general! These people are really not afraid!" The lieutenant at the back stared at Guo Wei timidly.

Guo Wei turned his head and glanced at the lieutenant general, he was so angry that Guo Wei snorted coldly, and immediately shouted: "Bring the torch!"

The leader of the ghost soldiers seemed to be afraid, and immediately drew his sword and snorted coldly: "Kill!"

There was no sound response, only the attack of these ghost soldiers. This horse is Su Jun's three thousand dumb soldiers. These soldiers first used medicine to make their throats dumb, and then gave them drugs similar to paralysis before the battle. If they are really injured, they will not shout out, they will only make ghostly whining noises, and with the addition of Song Jiang's name, they are unscrupulous. Although these soldiers are not afraid of swords, the damage of fire is still very large , now we can only fight hard.

"Liu Fang is here! Guo Wei keeps his head!"

"Gongsun Shu is here! The old man has not left his head!"

"Shu Liang is here! Guo Kui is going to die!"

With a sound of shouting, Guo Wei's face was shocked, and he looked at the soldiers behind him, and he kept rushing up to send ghost soldiers before him. Guo Wei said solemnly: "Quick! Get out! Quick!"

"No!" The soldiers under his command had long since lost their will to fight. Hearing Guo Wei's order to withdraw the troops, they immediately walked away without the slightest hesitation.

Guo Wei was also very apprehensive, turned his head and glanced at the ghost soldiers, and led the soldiers back to help. Looking at Guo Wei, whose face was sinking like water, Guo Wei said solemnly: "Father!"

Guo Wei glanced at Guo Wei, and then said, "You know the situation!"

"There are ambushes on three sides! The current Lu Wenlong army is just a bait! Could this be a bluff of the Yan Kingdom! The current Yan Kingdom does not have so many soldiers!" Guo Wei had doubts in his eyes, but he did not dare to be too After being sure, he could only focus on Guo Wei.

Guo Wei squatted on the ground, looking at the underground map, his eyes were full of doubts, and he said with emotion for a while: "The enemy is real or not! We don't know for the time being! But what about the enemy in the three places? Let's find out once we try it!"

"What do you mean!" Guo Wei listened, and came to Guo Wei's side, with a solemn expression.

"Send the order! Let go of Lu Wenlong's army, and the whole army will approach the rear. Once the enemy really has an ambush! Retreat immediately! You must not stay!" He said solemnly: "The whole army is attacking!"

"Obey!" Guo Wei didn't have time to think, and immediately went down to arrange the formation.

Liu Yu in the distance looked at the gradually changing battle formation, and immediately sneered: "It's a trick! Kill me! Hurry up!"


The retreat of the Yan army not only raised the morale of the low-morale Song army, but also lowered the morale of the Yan army, and even trampled each other to death.

Guo Kui charged forward on a war horse, but it was Gongsun Shu who came to meet him. Gongsun Shu held a white silver knife in his hand, stroked his beard, rode a white war horse, and said with a slight smile: "Guo Kui!" Where are you going!"

"This..." Guo Wei's face was shocked, but his heart was twisted together like a hemp rope. Looking at the aggressive Gongsun Shu, Guo Wei immediately shouted: "The whole army rush...!"

Before Guo Wei finished speaking, two figures appeared behind him, staring at Guo Wei with angry eyes, and said coldly, "Where are you going!"

"The ones who came were Lu Wenlong and Liu Fang who came here. The soldiers behind them were lined up with flags. They looked quite large from a distance. Guo Wei was startled and thought, "Isn't this Liu Yu who has dispatched all the soldiers and horses from all over the country?" !Oops………! "

"Be careful, general!" There was only a slap!A tiger general did not know when he came behind Guo Wei, took out the dagger in his arms, and suddenly stabbed Guo Wei's horse behind the buttocks. The painful horse immediately roared and ran forward at top speed.

Guo Wei disappeared for a moment!Subconsciously grasping the horse rope tightly, his face was a little panicked, and he even grabbed the horse hair with one hand, refusing to let go. The painful war horse became even more violent. Guo Wei behind him felt a chill in his heart , Immediately snatched the horse up, waved his whip suddenly, and said in a flustered expression: "Father! Father!"

"Hahahaha! Come here!" Gongsun Shu saw it, and was overjoyed immediately!He stretched out his hand suddenly, and when he mentioned Guo Wei, he captured him alive. Guo Wei felt like he was caught by the throat by a demon, and he didn't even have the ability to resist.

Seeing his father being arrested, Guo Wei's throat was choked up, and he began to be in a dilemma.

"Guo Kai is here! Listen, everyone! Put down your weapons! I won't kill you if you bother me!" Gongsun Shu suddenly threw Guo Wei to the ground. Guo Wei said: "Listen to the whole army! Listen to Guo Wei's order, and fight out quickly! Anyone who dares to violate the order! Kill without mercy!"

"Stop his mouth!" Gongsun Shu looked extremely impatient and waved his hand suddenly.

The soldiers under his command immediately stepped forward, casually took a piece of black cloth, and stuffed it into Guo Wei's mouth.

"Get on the shelf!" Gongsun Shu waved his hands and shouted, and the soldiers behind pressed Guo Wei forward.

Gongsun Shu looked at Guo Wei and said, "Drop your weapon immediately! Otherwise, die!"

"You...!" Guo Wei was taken aback for a moment, after this moment!But the whole silence, the heart is entangled!Unwilling!Don't give up!And pain.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whoo!" Guo Wei looked at his son for a while, then turned his head to stare at the big knife in Gongsun Shu's hand behind him, and slammed into it suddenly , blood stained Guo Wei's lapel red, Guo Wei's body collapsed on the ground powerlessly, a pair of Humen stared at Guo Wei, with a look of reluctance.

(End of this chapter)

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