Warring States Call

Chapter 1496 Behind

Chapter 1496 Behind
"General...!" The soldiers behind hurriedly reminded Guo Wei who was struggling, and Guo Wei raised his head and stared at the front. Guo Wei's body was kneeling on the ground, and blood dripped down Gongsun Shu's sword , Guo Wei's complexion was pale, his eyes were staring at Guo Kai's body, his eyes were gradually covered with bloodshot eyes, Guo Wei's choked throat let out a hysterical roar: "Kill...kill...kill...not one left! One Do not stay!"


"Kill!" The soldiers roared, and at the moment of life and death, everyone burst out with an astonishing killing intent.

Gongsun Shu also had a look of astonishment, and waved his hand suddenly for a while: "Kill!"

The sound is like thunder!Shouting to kill Zhentian, the two armies fought, Guo Wei's body was trampled mercilessly by the horses, Guo Wei personally led the troops to fight!A pair of eyes stared at Gongsun Shu, holding a bow and arrow in his hand, and shot arrows again and again, but Gongsun Shu was really skilled, Guo Wei's quiver was empty, but he still didn't shoot Gongsun Shu.

The two armies are at war!This is a fight of blood and flesh!Fortunately, Guo Wei made the right choice at the critical moment, otherwise the hundreds of thousands of troops would have completely fallen here.

Liu Yu looked at the bones all over the mountains and plains, and exhaled heavily, "How's the situation!"

"The Yan army has retreated! Our army lost 5000 people and beheaded [-]!" Xie Hui dragged his exhausted body to Liu Yu with a dignified expression.

"Wait! Why are the casualties of our army so high! When did the Yan army become so strong! Although Guo Wei is a general! But he is definitely not a general!" Liu Yu said with a look of disbelief. He once stayed in the country of Yan, and he knows exactly how powerful the Yan army is. The current loss is really unbearable for him.

"This battle! Yan's combat power has improved significantly! Although we lost some troops, Guo Wei died in battle! For our army, this is great news. Now we are the remnants of the defeated army who continue to pursue Guo Wei. Let's help Yuan Chonghuan and Yang Fan!" Xie Hui stroked his goatee, with a worried expression on his face. Although the victory is great, the main force of the enemy army still exists, and they are still clinging to their lifeblood!Moreover, it is really a miracle that Yang Fan and Yuan Chonghuan can persevere until now when the situation is weak.

Liu Yu estimated his beard, then found a place to sit down, and said half aloud: "The situation is still serious, so how about Beishan to help Yuan Chonghuan immediately, and when Daicheng is returned, Ju Xin will be forced to return to Yan Kingdom, where he Immediately advance westward and retreat from Zhao State in one fell swoop!"

"Your Majesty! I'm not a subject to scare you!" Xie Hui glanced at Liu Yu and hesitated to speak, as if Liu Yu was in a good mood and took advantage of this opportunity to speak quickly, otherwise it would be too late.

"Tell me!" Liu Yu was a little worried, the previous joy was swept away, and the current situation still seemed very complicated.

"Li Mu is very human! He is a veteran general of the Zhao State! The tenth-ranked general in the world, let's fight them, whether it is military strength, economy! or talent, we are not their opponents. We want to win from the Zhao State. It is really difficult to gain territory, so why not focus all your energy on the Yan State and cede the cities occupied by Zhao State in exchange for Zhao State's strike, so that we can stabilize the situation!" Xie Hui's face gradually turned grim. Get up, look at Liu Yu and say: "Minister! There is another plan! Although it is not easy to hear! But it may be possible to annihilate Yan State in one fell swoop!"

"Oh! Tell me about it!" Liu Yu glanced at Xie Hui. Liu Yu still trusted and valued him as his right-hand man.

"Li Shimin from the east of the Yan Kingdom! This person has long been coveted for the land of Yan. If the king cooperates with him! Promise the land in the west of Liao! The king of Yan is too busy to take care of himself, and he will definitely return to the rescue! We may be able to catch fisherman!" Xie Hui sneered.

"I'm afraid this strategy has just been brought out of the table! Han Yi is about to send troops!" Liu Yu sighed, rubbed his temples, and said with a stern expression: "Han Yi couldn't find an excuse to send troops. Once Zhao Yong died, Zhao Zhang If you don't want to inherit the position of overlord, this position will naturally fall on Han Yi's head, if Han Yi suddenly sends troops, I'm afraid we really won't even have a chance to stand up!"

"This... Your Majesty taught me a lesson!" Xie Hui hastily confessed, with a frightened expression on his face, and he felt a little helpless about it.

Guo Wei didn't even find Guo Wei's body, so he withdrew from the battlefield with [-] remnants, losing a total of [-] soldiers. It can be said that the Yan State was defeated, and the main general Guo Wei died in battle!Now the [-] troops can only be commanded by Guo Wei!After all, the other generals have their own arrangements, and Guo Wei's performance on this battlefield in this battle is remarkable. He is a general and worth cultivating.

The northern border of Zhongshan has now all fallen into the hands of Wei Qing. In addition to recharging the grain and grass in the northern border, Wei Qing will not worry about the grain and grass, but always pay attention to the movements of various places. Don't go south!Secondly, Guo Kui was defeated and died. These two top generals, who are known as Yan Shuanghu, both encountered nails. This also made Wei Qing feel a lot of pressure.

Holding the bamboo slips in his hand, Yang Yanzhao came to Wei Qing and said with a stern expression, "Liu Yu is going to support Yuan Chonghuan! It's hard to be Liu Yu's opponent with Ju Xin's strength! Shall we go to support Yuan Chonghuan!"

"People's cold butts don't want to stick our hot faces, so what are you rushing to do? Besides, don't you have Guo Wei's [-] soldiers and horses? Let's not go over and join in the fun!" Wei Qing looked at Yang Yanzhao, laughed and said .

"Are we just waiting here?" Yang Yanzhao looked at Wei Qing incredulously, with a dazed look on his face.

Wei Qing glanced at Yang Yanzhao with a smile, looked at the map and said: "Instead of entangled with Liu Yu's main force! It's better to join Zhao Jun and destroy Yang Fan, the stumbling block first!"

"How can this be destroyed! This Yang Fan is in the west! And with Li Mudao's means, it is easy to take down this person!" Yang Yanzhao said with a puzzled expression.

"Don't underestimate this Yang Fan. Cao Mo, one of the 24 famous generals in the world, died in his hands. Although he was not Li Mu's opponent, he can still do it if we keep pestering him. If we just look at it like this, don't help If they give it a shot, I'm afraid this war will become a protracted war, after all what the king wants is to win Liu Yu within a year!"

"What exactly should we do!" Yang Yanzhao pressed the sword in his arms and stared at Wei Qing with a stern expression.

Wei Qing laughed for a while, and said halfway: "Take Liu Yu's old lair first! Then raid Yang Fan's back! When Yanzhao's army converges, the Song Kingdom is basically over!"

"Oh, the weather is so nice today! No drinking at night!"


(End of this chapter)

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