Warring States Call

Chapter 1497 Yang Fan is seriously ill

Chapter 1497 Yang Fan is seriously ill
Li Mu's attack caused the entire west of Zhongshan to lose a large amount of territory. Yang Fan was born and died in Li Mu's hands. There were three times, three times. If Yang Fan hadn't discovered it early, I am afraid that Yang Fan's head would have been pretended by Li Mu. Give the box to Liu Yu to have a look. Right now, Yang Fan is really helpless. In addition to the previous battle, the morale of the soldiers is too low. Helpless, Yang Fan chooses to defend Li Mu in Huge.

The location of the Huge Pavilion is quite special, it is built by two big mountains, like a fierce tiger sitting in the mountains, one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it, Li Mu's army is also blocked here, but the fifteen cities in the west of Zhongshan are all It fell into Li Mu's hands.

Comparing the two armies, Zhao Guo's morale was high, but Yang Fan was exhausted. At this moment, the Hu Pavilion was guarded by Yang Fan as an iron arm.

Today's Yang Fan's beard is protruding, the wound under the corner of the eye is about three centimeters long, his face is dusty, his lips look dry, his face is pale and violent, and the cold sweat on his head is gradually breaking out. Holding the city wall, Yang Fan swallowed He swallowed his saliva, his forelegs softened for a while, and he leaned against the city wall, breathing heavily.

"General Yang...General Yang!" The lieutenant at the back looked surprised, and hurried forward to help Yang Fan, only to feel that he had touched a hot water bottle, Yang Fan was feverish, and the lieutenant immediately said in shock : "The deputy general quickly seek medical treatment...!"

The general next to Yang Fan hadn't finished speaking, but Yang Fan grabbed the deputy general, waved his hand, and signaled the deputy general to bow his head. Fan's mouth.

"Don't……………!" After Yang Fan finished speaking, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and gradually fell into a coma.

The deputy general looked agitated, and immediately shook Yang Fan, but there was no response. The helpless deputy sighed heavily, and immediately hugged Yang Fan and said: "The general has not closed his eyes for many days! You are here to guard! Wait until the general wakes up at night! Wait for the general's orders!


After the deputy general finished speaking, he picked up Yang Fan on his back and ran into the house quickly. In order to ensure the safety of the surroundings, the deputy general observed the surroundings. After a while, a sneaky medical craftsman was escorted by two soldiers. Down, came to the house.

After half an hour!The doctor came out with a burly head, and said solemnly, "The general's injury is quite serious!"

"What the hell is going on! Didn't you go well a few days ago? Why did it suddenly happen today!" The lieutenant general was at a loss for words. Yang Fan is the soul of the army. It was a defeat, but everyone knew that the defeat was a defeat, but all the land was lost, and the casualties were much smaller.

"The general has been overworked these past few days! The general's wound was inflamed during the rainy days a few days ago, which led to a fever. He needs to rest for a few days! Otherwise, his life is in danger!" the doctor said with a stern expression.

"Understood!" The deputy general nodded, and was about to go to guard the city gate, when the deputy general behind him immediately said: "General Hua Yuan! The general is awake! Call you in!"

"Understood!" Hua Yuan frowned, but there was nothing he could do about it. Holding the sword in his hand, he looked at the sky that was getting darker and cloudy, sighed, and said with emotion: "It's really raining all night because of a leak in the house!"

In the dark room, a few lights were shining, and Yang Fan was lying quietly on the bed, exhausted.

Hua Yuan strode forward, looked at Yang Fan and said, "General! How are you doing!"

Yang Fan glanced at Hua Yuan, and said half aloud, "How's the situation in the city?"

"Fortunately! Zhao Jun hasn't attacked yet! The [-] soldiers in the city are waiting in full battle, and Zhao Jun won't be able to come in for a short time!" Hua Yuan said sincerely.

"Hey! If Li Muru hears that I have suddenly fallen ill! I will definitely not give up this opportunity! This time I have three plans to temporarily... cough cough... block Li Mu! Just listen... Once something happens Transformation... cough cough... you can choose yourself!" Yang Fan glanced at Hua Yuan, although this guy is not worthy of a big responsibility, he should be able to take charge of his own right now.

"General, please speak!" Hua Yuan knelt on the ground and glanced at Hua Yuan with a dignified expression.

"First! Strictly abide by the affairs here! After I recover from illness, I can... cough cough... and the situation can be stabilized!" Yang Fan coughed, and then continued: "Second! If the news spreads You are bluffing! Pretend to reveal your flaws! Let Li Mu mistakenly think this is a trick! He will definitely not come easily... cough cough... no... will not come to attack!"

"Is this the third one? Li Mu really saw the flaw! You need to make two preparations and set up your defenses! Wait for Li Mu to enter the set! But this battle must be difficult!" After Yang Fan finished speaking, he picked up the soup on the table and blew Blow the hot air from above and drink it up.

"The general understands! Let's go down and get ready!" Hua Yuan was about to leave after speaking, but Yang Fan took Hua Yuan's left arm... and then said: "This time you...cough cough...by the way Check! How many enemy spies are there in this army, clean them up!"

"Leave it to me! These earth-skinned dogs! I'll kill every one I find!" Hua Yuan said viciously.

"These people beat and beat, maybe...cough cough...you can get some information!" After Yang Fan finished speaking, he didn't say much, and just closed his eyes. In fact, Yang Fan wanted to explain a few words, Asking Hua Yuan to strengthen the city wall or something, but thinking about it, Hua Yuan's head is not so stupid that he can't think of this, so he stopped talking and went to sleep.He, Yang Fan, is really tired!The discomfort on his body made Yang Fan suddenly feel that maybe death is also a kind of relief.

It has been half a month since the Three Kingdoms of Yan, Zhao, and Song went to war, and the news spread all over the country. Yingzheng of Qin Kingdom naturally received the battle report, and Guo Tu and Xu You, two idiots, have already reported to Yingzheng, hoping Qin sent troops, wishing them a helping hand.

Right now, Ying Zheng was sitting on the throne, holding a chess piece in his hand, and said calmly, "How are the people of Song State?"

"It's settled down! Now it's really in the post house!" Zhang Yi stepped forward, stared at Ying Zheng sincerely, and bowed to him.

Ying Zheng slowly put down the chess pieces in his hand, looked at Zhao Gao who was beside him and said, "You lost!"

"Your Majesty's chess skills are extraordinary! I'm ashamed of my slaves!" Zhao Gao quickly complimented him.

Ying Zheng casually threw the rest of the chess pieces into the chess box, straightened his sleeves, looked at Zhang Yi and the rest of the people and said, "Do you think we will send troops or not in this battle? Let's talk about it!
(End of this chapter)

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