Chapter 1504

"Father!" Li Zuoche was about to argue with Li Mu, but Li Mu became very impatient, and immediately shouted: "Get out!"

"Ah!" Li Zuoche had no choice but to sigh heavily, and strode out. The soldiers on both sides looked at each other, and one of the veterans, Niu Jian, felt that it was not the time to wait, so he immediately pressed the sword in his arms. , came out of the formation, cupped his hands and said: "General, it has been seven days now! The army spends a lot of money every day, and it takes a long time! I'm afraid the army's morale is uncertain!"

"I implore the general to send troops! Take us to make contributions!" Su She and Xu Li went out first, and the generals behind them also followed suit, and stepped forward quickly.

Li Mu glanced at the bamboo slips in his hand, closed them halfway, and said calmly: "The battle is no joke! It's not like you don't know the situation of Huge! The city is high and the ground is sinking! I want to attack it by force! It's not the lives of [-] soldiers. You can’t fill it in! You should be cautious! You should lure the enemy out! That’s the best policy!”

"General! Everyone has waited for a short time. This Yang Fan is deliberately waiting for us to retreat automatically! The longer the delay now, it will not be good for us. The first battle of Yan State is not good, and it is very likely to give Liu Yu a chance to breathe. If we don’t win the Hu Pavilion, we won’t be able to defend the territory we have captured, and we will fall into a passive position, and the Song State will definitely use this as a base to spy on our Zhao State’s territory! This battle is about home and country! Please make the decision, General!” Li Dui took a thousand steps ahead and analyzed the current battle situation.

Li Mu rubbed his temples, and said for a while: "That's all! Let's wait for him for a few days, if Yang Fan still defends the city! We are sending troops to attack!
"The last general takes orders!" Everyone respectfully took orders immediately


"What's the noise outside!" Li Mu frowned. Just now, he asked for these annoying lies, but outside was still screaming.

"It's not good! Yang Fan has left the city! He led his troops to kill him!" A lieutenant trotted over with blood on his face, his expression extremely flustered.

When Li Mu heard it, he immediately laughed and said, "God really helped me! Sima Shang!"

"The last general is here!" I saw a middle-aged general in black armor, with a hair crown on his head, a face like black jade, and a sense of arrogance in his expression.

"I'll give you 1 troops! Take the pot pavilion immediately before dawn, if it doesn't work! Come and see me!" Li Mu shouted immediately.

"Wei Chen takes orders!" When Sima Shang heard that he couldn't escape this performance, he walked out quickly, his eyes full of excitement.

"Others! Follow me to meet this General of the Song Dynasty!" Li Mu snorted coldly, and with a wave of his battle robe, his aura gradually spread.

Yang Fan rode a war horse, holding his ghost-headed long sword in his hand, and suddenly shouted: "Soldiers! Kill the enemy and serve the country! Kill one to reward the sword with three coins! Cut one and promote one rank! One gold cake!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" With this reward, the lowly soldiers seemed to have been stimulated like never before, and they rushed forward. After a while, the previous three thousand infantry were slaughtered.

"Hahahahaha! Yang Fan, you little turtle finally came out! Kill this guy for me! The one who took his head! Promoted to the third rank! Kill!" How long Li Zuoche has been in the army, he will be more or less encouraged How could he not like Yang Fan's method, but now Yang Fan has thrown himself into the trap.

Yang Fan Humen stared at Li Zuoche, suddenly took out the flying knife in his arms, looked at Li Zuoche's drop and threw it over, in the dark night, Li Zuoche only felt the cold light piercing his collarbone, it hurt so much Li Zuoche fell asleep on the spot.

Yang Fan snorted coldly: "General Yang Fan of the Song Dynasty is here! Who dares to fight!"

"The enemy generals are going to be rampant, Niu Jian is here!" Only a rough sound was heard, Niu Jian held a bull's head golden knife in his hand, and urged his horse to fight with Yang Fan.

Yang Fan rode on a war horse, looked towards Niu Jian, snorted coldly, and suddenly clamped the horse away, the big knife in his hand turned into a white arc of lightning, slashed towards Niu Jian, and shouted in a deep voice: "Cut the sword!" Those who bid for their heads dare to be rampant!"

"Everyone is arrogant! Let's see whose knife is faster!" Niu Jian was not to be outdone.

"Kang Dang!" After one move, Niu Jian only felt that the big knife in his hand seemed to have concentrated heavy stones, and even knocked the big knife in Yang Fan's hand, but Yang Fan coughed suddenly, with a trace of sweet blood in his throat, Yang Fan knew that Duan Ran was not his opponent with Niu Jian's strength, but Yang Fan felt that his body was deteriorating and that time was running out, so Yang Fan wanted to get rid of Liu Yu's confidant troubles before he died, and this Li Mu is one of them.

"Ding, Yang Fan's thin knife attribute is activated, and the force value is forcibly increased by 3 points. The current Yang Fan's basic force value is 99, the force value of the flowing water is increased by 1, the force value of the black fish horse is increased by 1, and the current force value is 104!"

"Yang Fan dies!" Niu Jian saw that Yang Fan was not killed in one blow, so he rode over immediately, and he was bound to kill Yang Fan here.

"Crack... bang!" There was the sound of cutting blades and the sound of heads falling, and everyone stretched their necks, not knowing whose head fell to the ground.

Yang Fan, who broke his neck with a knife, put away the big knife. Blood spurted out from Niu Jian's neck and throat, splashing Yang Fan all over. The khaki armor was covered with blood, like a beast rushing out of hell. Yang Fan Wiping the blood off his face, he stared at Li Mu with dark eyes, covered his lips, coughed violently, looked in Li Mu's direction, and rushed away.

On the battlefield, soldiers and vehicles confront each other!The horse turned on its back, the horse neighed, and Yang Fan cut off Niu Jian's head, shocking a large number of enemies. He thought that Li Mu would also be silent in it, but Yang Fan was wrong.

Yang Fan didn't hesitate, and immediately shouted: "Medium!"

"Ding, when Yang Fan's dark dart attribute is activated, every time he throws a dart, the force value will be increased by 5, and the enemy's force value will be reduced by 1∽5 points of force value! The force value of the plum blossom dart will increase by 1, and the force value of the black fish horse will increase by 1. The base force value is 99, and the current force value is 109"

"Ding, Li Mu is affected by the dark dart attribute, and his force value is reduced by 2 points, and the current force value is 90!"

"Don't be crazy!" I heard a cry, and saw a tiger general with a silver gun in his hand, turned his weapon upside down, and swept away the cold arrow shot by Yang Fan. Wearing silver armor and riding a jade lion, he is majestic and heroic, and his body is full of momentum. At first glance, he looks like a warrior who has experienced many battles.

Seeing that he missed a single blow, Yang Fan held his throat and coughed. He stared at the incoming general with a pair of tiger doors, and said exhaustedly, "The general...cough cough...who is it!"

"It's Ma Chao from a certain family!" Ma Chao glanced at Yang Fan up and down, only to see that he was a sick man, looking at Niu Jian who had been turned into a headless corpse before. Ma Chao originally planned to capture Yang Fan alive destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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