Warring States Call

Chapter 1505 Decision Making

Chapter 1505 Decision Making
Holding his weapon in his hand, Yang Fan looked at the majestic Ma Chao, coupled with the previous battle, Yang Fan covered his mouth, coughed violently, looked cold, and immediately shouted: "Hua Yuan! Where is the field?"

"The last general is here!" Two tiger generals, riding black and yellow horses, came out together and came to Yang Fan's left and right sides respectively, looking cautious.

Ma Chao's pair of Humen stared at the changes in Yang Fan's side, and the shouts and shouts all around made the whole world irritated. Judging from previous experience, it may be a tough battle right now. If you want to avoid being passive, you can only take the initiative.

"You wait for Xiaoxiao! You dare to be rampant in front of me, and die!" Ma Chao was furious, and suddenly swung his gun out, the silver gun in his hand turned into a sky full of stars, and the shadows of the guns were like three thousand arcs of thunder, dead to death Blast forward.

Yang Fan's expression was astonished, and he swung the saber out immediately, and the saber techniques in his hand were also continuous, but Yang Fan was a little out of breath, and before ten strokes were passed, he was vaguely suppressed by Ma Chao, and gradually lost his resistance Opportunity.

Li Mu stared at the changes in the battle situation in front of him. The chaotic scene seemed very noisy. The two armies were fighting together, and it was impossible to distinguish who was from whom. It was almost a chaotic war. And for some reason, Zhao Jun's losses skyrocketed. Li Mu had to pay attention to it. Looking at Yang Fan who was fighting with Ma Chao, Li Mu stroked his beard and secretly sighed: This Yang Fan is a general after all. If he has been training for a few years, when these veterans leave, this Yang Fan is doomed. He is a new general, but it is a pity that they are standing on the opposite side. Such opponents often want to strangle him in the cradle, otherwise, when he grows up, he will be Zhao Guo's confidant.

"Li Dui, Lou Huan!" Li Mu didn't hesitate anymore, since he decided to ruin Yang Fan, he couldn't show mercy.

"The last general is here!" Li Dui pressed the sword in his arms, with a bronze sword on his waist, with a stern face, and looked at Li Mu respectfully. There was another person beside him, with a Chinese character face, and his expression was indifferent. Because it was night, I couldn't see his expression.

"The two of you each led 2 soldiers and horses, and spread out from the left and right sides. In addition, Pang Nuan led [-] soldiers and copied Yang Fan's back route. This is a lone wolf and must not be let go. After the formation is arranged, , with the sign of lighting a fire! Listen to my orders uniformly! Do you understand?" Li Mu looked sternly, and looked at the three of them with an unquestionable expression.

"I'll wait to die to finish it!" The three suddenly shouted, obviously the grievances of many days had erupted today.

"Go!" Li Mu waved suddenly!The uncertainty of Li Zuoche's life and death made Li Mu feel uneasy. To be able to stay awake now is Li Mu's greatest patience.

The three of them did not stop after receiving the general order, and immediately urged their horses to charge left and right. The large-scale mobilization caused the entire battlefield to start a large-scale mobilization. Many soldiers were at a loss. The army showed signs of retreating, but it was even more ferocious, like a tortoise biting its flesh, refusing to let go.

Li Mu's face was ashen, looking at Jia Yan behind him, he said with a serious expression: "Quickly lead five thousand soldiers forward to stop the attack, and we must not let the enemy break through the defense! Hurry up!"

"General! If you are dividing up your troops, you will not have enough guards!" After Jia Yan heard this, he looked very anxious and embarrassed.

"Go!" Li Mu couldn't bear the anger in his heart, he yelled at Jia Yan, the clay figurine still had a temper, let alone Li Mu.

Jia Yan also knew that Li Mu was annoyed, looked at Li Mu who was bristling with anger, promised, and led [-] soldiers and horses to charge forward, which curbed the momentum of the enemy's pursuit.

Hua Yuan was overjoyed when he saw Li Mu dividing his troops, and looked at Shen Tianzi beside him, and said in a deep voice: "Sure enough, the general did not expect it! Where is Li Mu! Kill Li Muzhe! Conquer the king and worship the general! Kill!"

"Kill...kill...!" The shout of killing was like thunder, Hua Yuan urged his horse up, tens of thousands of people behind him seemed to be transformed into a group of lone wolves, and Li Mu was like a weak and helpless elephant. When a wolf rushes to kill, it will inevitably be divided and eaten.

Li Mu rubbed his hands, tore off his cloth belt, and tied it on his forehead, so as not to let his hair fall out during the battle. Li Mu spat, pulled out the sword in his arms, and said with a gloomy expression. : "For Zhao Guo! Kill!"

"Kill!" The two armies fought!The drums of war are like thunder, and the blood is like rain. In half an hour, it must be inextricably linked.

"Ding, the horse super gun activates the attribute, the force value is increased by 8, facing the opponent who uses the same gun, the enemy's force value is reduced by 6 points, the current horse super force value is increased by 8, the weapon dragon cavalry gun force value is increased by 1, and the mount Shalifei's force value The value is increased by 1, the base force is 99, and the current force value is 109"

"Ding, Yang Fan is affected by Ma Chao's attribute, the force value is reduced by 6 points, and the current force value is 103!"

"Break!" Ma Chao swung away the broadsword in Yang Fan's hand with a single shot, and said with a cold expression, "The enemy will die!"

"Boy! Look behind me! I'm afraid Li Mu can't do it!" Yang Fan held the knife in both hands, quickly stabilized his body, and stared at Ma Chao with a smile in his eyes, but his palms were faintly trembling. .

Ma Chao held guns in both hands, originally planning to end Yang Fan with one move, but because of Yang Fan's words, he had to stop, and glanced behind Yang Fan out of the corner of his eye, his whole face sank, staring at Yang Fan, He snorted coldly: "Take care of you first!"

"Cold glow!" The silver spear in Ma Chao's hand stabbed out, like a wild lion jumping out of the bushes, appearing sudden and domineering.

Yang Fan stared at Ma Chao calmly, and said calmly, "Boy! Your marksmanship is messed up!"

"Ding, Yang Fan's strategy attribute is activated, using words to interfere with the opponent, reducing the enemy's force value by 1∽7 points, adding 4 points to each person's force value, reducing the current Ma Chao's force value by 5 points, and the current Ma Chao's force value is 104 points! Yang Fan's force value Add 4 to the value, and Yang Fan is currently 107!

"If it's just talking like this to disturb me! It's too small to look down on me!" Ma Chaozhou's body was illusory and broken, and the aura of Zhou's body was rising steadily, and the killing intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Ding, Ma Chao's fighting attribute is activated. Every time he fights with generals from other countries, his force value will increase by 3. When facing a general whose force value is higher than his own, Ma Chao's force value will automatically increase by 3. It can be activated 3 times!"

"Ding, add 3 to Ma Chao's force value, the current force value is 104, Wang Yanzhang's force value is higher than mine, add 3 to Ma Chao's force value, and the current force value is 107!"

"Enemy! Die!"

"That's all, you're not good enough." Yang Fan looked at Ma Chao with disdain in his eyes.

"It's not just that"

(End of this chapter)

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