Warring States Call

Chapter 1510 Siege

Chapter 1510 Siege
Yang Shiqi looked at the arrogant Yang Yanzhao with a look of astonishment. He was furious, holding a bronze sword in his hand, and said with embarrassment: "What are you doing standing there in a daze! Hurry up and prepare for defense! Thunderstone! Rolling wood! The arrows are moving up quickly! !hurry up!"

Yang Rong and Yang Pu held up their clothes, looked at each other left and right, held up their clothes for a while, and said with a stern expression: "I'm not ready yet! Get moving!"

"No...no!" The two sides quickly wiped the sweat from their brows, these three people are really not to be messed with, and one is more tempered than the other.

Yang Yanzhao hurried back on his horse, Wei Qing!Sapphire!The three of them, Chang Yuchun, looked at Yang Yanzhao with weird faces. This kid said he was smart, and he was really smart, but when he said he was a fool, sometimes it felt like he was complimenting him.

Wei Qing wiped the slender man on his head, saw Chang Yuchun and Lan Yu beside him, and said calmly, "I'll trouble the two generals in a while!"

Chang Yuchun and Lan Yu looked at each other, and said half aloud, "That's all!"

After the two finished speaking, they looked at each other, pressed the weapons in their arms, and walked forward to straighten out their armaments. Because of Yang Yanzhao's relationship, they might have to face a tougher time ahead.

Seeing that the two had already left, Wei Qing glanced at Yang Yanzhao, and said calmly, "Boy of the Yang family! This is not your usual style. Tell me, what are you planning?"

Yang Yanzhao took out a dried jujube from his bosom, threw it into his mouth casually, and said calmly, "General Sapphire is good at field battles! General Chang Yuchun is also all-rounder! I think we can win this battle! We will definitely gain a lot! "

"Your wishful thinking is really good! You and I haven't finished learning! You are going to learn from them!" Wei Qing folded his arms around his chest, staring at Yang Yanzhao with a smile in his eyes, with a slightly teasing and friendly expression. appreciate.

"Confucius from Jixia Academy once said: Three people must have my teacher! Choose the good ones and follow them! Choose the bad ones and change them!" Yang Yanzhao spit out the red dates in his mouth, and then took out the spear beside the tree , took out a white cloth from his pocket and wiped it clean.

"You boy...!" Wei Qing was also blocked and couldn't speak, simply ignored the guy, rubbed his wrist, looked at Yang Yansi who was giggling, kicked his ass and cursed angrily : "What are you laughing at! Let's go!"

Yang Yansi looked at the deflated Wei Qing, but didn't dare to touch his brow. He immediately covered his buttocks, ran forward with a smile, straightened out the soldiers and horses, and prepared to attack the city.

Half an hour was about to pass soon, and the soldiers in the city looked around one by one, looking very nervous. The deserters who had escaped originally, with the encouragement of Yang Shiqi and others, had a certain fighting power, but the other soldiers It's just that mud can't support the wall!Holding a long gun, they approached slowly. If there were not law enforcement soldiers behind them, they might all be hiding in the ground, hugging their heads, and began to tremble.

"Woo... woo... woo...!"

When the horn of war blew slowly, Yang Shiqi held the sword in his arms, wore an unsuitable armor, and said sternly: "It's finally here!"

Get rid of Yang Shiqi in the whole city!Yang Rong!Outside of Yang Pu, there were only the little-known Sima Xi, Su Weiwei, Yang Yan, Lu Xiufu, Lu Zongdao, and Zhang Sengyou, all of whom were embarrassing literati.

Wei Qing rode on a war horse and led an army of tens of thousands to form a battle, surrounding the entire Lingshou group. As the saying goes, the city is about to be destroyed by black clouds, and the soldiers below are all in battle, Chang Yuchun!Sapphire!Huang Zhong!The four of Zhang Fei were on the left and right. As long as Wei Qing gave an order and the army pressed up, they would be destroyed.

Wei Qing looked up and down with a pair of star eyes, and found that the army on the city wall was well-equipped. Although the soldiers were not imposing, but fortunately they filled every vacancy. Wei Qing stroked his beard and said with emotion: "The guards on the city wall ! To still have some skills.

"General! Give the order! The enemy army has not moved for half an hour, and they are obviously unwilling to surrender. Let's do it!" Sapphire rode on the horse with a solemn expression.

Wei Qing squinted, stroked the sword in his hand, and stared at Yang Shiqi above. He was already prepared in his heart. Looking at Lan Yu, who was full of fighting spirit, Wei Qing smiled and said: "Since General Lan Yu is so heroic! This first battle give it to you!"

"Decree" Sapphire accepted the general order!Urging the Wuyama under his crotch, holding the Yanlin knife in his hand, he led the army out of the army formation.

"Maybe you can ask the general! Is this Yang Shiqi willing to surrender!" Wei Qing still had a glimmer of hope, after all, it would be best to surrender.

"Okay!" Lan Yu was very imposing, her eyes were full of heroism, and she held the treasure halberd high above her head, looking down at the world: "The guard in the city! Can you surrender!"

"Look at that enemy general, shoot me." Yang Shiqi stared at Sapphire with a solemn expression, holding a mentality that killing one would be enough, and killing two would make money.

"Deling!" The prejudice next to him threw the tiger-head machete to the side, suddenly took the bow and arrow, looked in the direction of Sapphire, and suddenly let the arrow go, only to hear: "Buzz!"

Bending like thunder, galloping away, it can be said to be as fast as a gust of wind, but who is Lan Yu? Climb the city wall first! Official promotion to three ranks!"


"Siege the city!" Chang Yuchun at the east gate swung his tiger-headed machete, tens of thousands of troops stepped forward, and everyone dared to fight, carrying ladders close to the city wall, and quickly attacked the city.

Yang Shiqi saw that Wei Qing had finally made a move, but he didn't know who to send to fight, and he couldn't find anyone who could fight with Sapphire!The generals that Chang Yuchun was fighting against had no choice but to drive the ducks to the shelves and beat Yang Rong!Yang Pu duo launched! "

"Let the arrows!" Yang Rong suddenly shouted at the top of his voice, but most of the soldiers under him were farmers, and they couldn't even draw their bows, which gave Chang Yuchun an opportunity. Turning over to the city, he shouted loudly: "Build a ladder!"

"Yes!" Hundreds of people quickly set up on the city wall with ladders on their shoulders. When Chang Yuchun saw him, he suddenly went up with his sword behind his back, turning into a ferocious tiger, as if he was about to eat people.

"Quick! Stop him! Quick!" Yang Rong was startled, and immediately greeted everyone.

However, Chang Yuchun seemed to be born among flowers, with no leaves touching his body, and even if there were small holes, Chang Yuchun climbed up the city wall and made a bloody hole in a short time.

Wei Qing watched from below, belittled secretly, really didn't know whether the enemy was too weak, or Chang Yuchun and the others were too strong
(End of this chapter)

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