Chapter 1511
"Come here for me!" Chang Yuchun was like a devil from hell, just breaking out of the ground, stretching out his big hand, like a net that covered the sky and covering the sky, and Yang Rong was like a fish in the river, Yang Rong suddenly With force, he pulled it over and held it firmly in the palm of his hand.

Chang Yuchun sank into his dantian, and suddenly roared: "Get up!"

Yang Rong was already as thin as a stick, and he was easy in Chang Yuchun's hands. Chang Yuchun grabbed him and threw him towards the city wall, slumping over the edge.

Yang Rong only felt himself spinning, and when he realized it, his feet felt chilly. Looking carefully, his feet were hanging in the air, and the ground was hundreds of meters down. At this moment, Yang Rong only felt scalp numbness and cold sweat on his back , There is no meaning of continuous movement, just wait quietly like this.

There are a few loyal servants on the left and right, wearing military uniforms to protect Yang Rong. Seeing that Yang Rong is in danger, they immediately rush forward. Chang Yuchun looks at them, holding Yang Rong's lapel with his left hand , holding a knife in his right hand, with a pair of eyes shining scarlet, he snorted coldly: "Going forward, this person will be smashed to pieces! Go back!"

"This..." All the servants were worried about Yang Rong's safety, and without Yang Rong's order, they all started to retreat, and the soldiers under the city wall poured in frantically, and the torn hole eventually became bigger and bigger , the city gate guarded by Yang Rong completely fell at this moment.

Chang Yuchun also felt that his arms were heavy, and he couldn't catch Yang Rong. He glanced at Yang Rong, who was about to burst into tears, and snorted coldly, "Come on me!"

"Crack!" Feeling the solidity of the ground again, Yang Rong heaved a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat off his brow, but what awaited him were countless weapons around him, Yang Rong sighed helplessly. The tone is really man-made!I am fish.

"Ladder! Hit the door!" The Yanlin knife in Lan Yu's hand suddenly swung forward, overturning the arrows that were shot, and hundreds of soldiers behind them shot together, carrying the ladder and charging forward one after another, like a galloping hungry wolf.

Yang Shiqi on the city wall saw it, and immediately greeted the general beside him: "Let the arrows! Quick! Let the arrows!"

"Fire arrows!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Arrows rained down on the city wall, several careless soldiers were shot, and dozens of soldiers carrying the ladder were also shot to death. Lan Yu saw that something was wrong, immediately grabbed a shield, and cursed Said: "Son of a son of a bitch! It's really a dog jumping over the wall! The archer covers! The shield hand covers the person who lifts the ladder! Quick!"

"The wooden stake hit the city gate! Hit me! Hit!" Sapphire looked at the protruding wooden stake beside her, suddenly threw the shield in her hand, hugged the wooden stake, and strode away suddenly, seeing that the deep The red city gate slammed forward, only to hear: "Boom!"

Although the quaint gate was solid, but because a corner of the city wall was broken, the troops gradually became insufficient, and the entire siege battle was carried out with destructive forces.

"Break it!" Sapphire carried a big log and slammed into the gate.

With a sound of "touch", the majestic gate was loosened by the sapphire bump, and Yang Shiqi's expression on the top became more and more ugly. If this continues, the gate cannot be guarded at all.

No!In other words, the city gate never thought of defending it at all, and they all defended the city with the mentality of mortal death.

"No! No...I surrender...I want to go home!" Finally, a soldier couldn't take it anymore, and suddenly turned over, without any time to think, he immediately threw his weapon and ran back.

"Whew!" Yang Pu, who has been unknown all this time, swung his sword suddenly, blood scattered all over the sky, spraying directly on Yang Pu's face, Yang Pu said indifferently: "Runner! Kill without pardon!"

"This... this...!" All the soldiers looked at Yang Pu, their mouths opened, they dared not speak out, there were wolves before them and tigers behind them, there was really no way to go to heaven, and no way to go down to earth.

Yang Shiqi looked at the many soldiers for a while, and said angrily: "Send the order, gather soldiers and horses below, and when the enemy comes, be sure to repel them!"


"Break it!" Sapphire saw that she hadn't knocked open the gate once, but then bumped it again.


"Break!" Sapphire quietly hugged the wooden stake in her hand and bumped forward over and over again, feeling exhausted, and the soldiers behind her were also very weak. Looking at the soldiers beside her, she suddenly shouted: "What are you doing standing there? Come and help!"

"Yes yes yes!" The soldiers on both sides came to their senses and ran over immediately, raising their hands to set up the ladder.

"Break it!" Dozens of strong men hugged the wood and slammed into it violently.

"Crack... Boom!"

The ancient and heavy gate opened slowly, as if it was dusk under the setting sun. Sapphire's neck was red, panting heavily, staring carefully at the falling city gate.

Seeing that the gate was broken, Yang Shiqi tightly held the weapon in his hand, wiped the sweat from his palms, swallowed his saliva, suppressed his inner anxiety, and looked at the soldiers behind him who were ready to go: "Soldiers serve the country with their own bodies! The time has come, kill me!"

"Kill!" When the two armies meet, it is naturally a fight, but the ending is naturally clear at a glance.

Wei Qing outside the city looked at the dissatisfied Yang Yanzhao, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother! What have you learned!"

"Is this... a siege battle...?" Yang Yanzhao muttered to himself, he had never fought a siege battle before, and the veteran of that day made him suffer a lot, but now!It was beyond his cognition.

Under the setting sun, the Song character flag on the city wall was thrown to the ground, and the brand new Yan character flag stood proudly in the air, too!Wei Qing couldn't run away with this first effort.

In the morning light of dusk, Lan Yu and Chang Yuchun brought Sanyang to Wei Qing, pointed at the three people who were in a panic, and said, "What about these three old guys!"

Wei Qing glanced at the three of them, and took out a piece of paper from his bosom!Indifferently said: "What are the names of these three people!"

"Yang Rong! Yang Pu! There is another man named Yang who came unexpectedly!" Chang Yuchun stroked his beard.

"It's them! The one the king wants! Wait for the reinforcements to come! Just throw it to them and take it back!" Wei Qing waved his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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