Warring States Call

Chapter 1512 to

Chapter 1512 to

The news of Lingshou's fall spread throughout the battlefield within three days. Han Yi dispatched Xie Xuan as a general to lead Li Cunxiao!Zhao Yun!Guan Yu's three generals led [-] troops to join the battle. In addition to the original Ju Xin and Guo Wei's joint efforts to contain Liu Yu, Liu Yu is now a shackle.

Ju Xin and Guo Wei were worried about Liu Yu's escape, so they joined forces and forced Liu Yu to the top of Qishan Mountain, surrounding the entire mountain. They almost failed, but fortunately Wei Qing and Li Mu led the troops in time They came to encircle and suppress, which prevented Liu Yu from escaping. Liu Yu's [-] troops had already been surrounded, and the food and grass in the army could last for ten days at most.

Guo Wei sat on the ground, grilling the bonfire, and said with a livid face: "I don't understand! They have already surrounded them! Why don't we attack, and have to wait for the Han army to come? Without them, we can't take Liu Are you rich? I want to take this guy's head as a memorial to my father!"

"Don't worry! One more army! At least it can reduce our losses!" Wei Qing immediately came forward to appease. As for Li Mu and Ju Xin, the principle they uphold is to wait for work with ease, and there are very few people who are as radical as Guo Wei.

On Qishan

Liu Yu's hair was disheveled, his complexion was pale, and a group of confidants gathered around him, all of them ashen ashes.

"Cough!" The breeze blew, and Liu Yu coughed violently. He glanced at the generals around him, from left to right: Pei Yuanqing, Pei Renji, Pei Fangming, Lu Wenlong!Liu Youqiu, Liu Xuanchu, Xie Hui, Xu Xianzhi, Fu Liangxing, Lu Fang, Wei Zhi, Su Jun, Liu Fang, Yuan Chonghuan, Gongsun Shu, Feng Ji, Tian Feng, Jushou, Shu Liangqian, Sima Xi, Su Yangyan, Gao Biao, Gundam, Deng Yuanjue, etc... Liu Yu looked depressed, looked at the crowd and said, "Follow Gu! It's hard for everyone!"

"My lord, don't say such frustrating words. It's my honor to follow my lord!" Pei Yuanqing was the first to react, and looked at Liu Yu solemnly.

After listening to Pei Yuanqing's words, Liu Yu was slightly moved. After all, they were the first group of confidants who followed him, which also made Liu Yu's lonely heart feel a little better.

"The food and grass in the army can last for a few more days!" Liu Yu casually picked up the water and said solemnly.

"There are not many left, and we can hold on for ten days at most! Besides, there are many surrendered soldiers in the army these days! We are afraid...!" Xie Hui had a bitter face.

"My lord, don't panic! Brothers Lu Wenlong and I will work together tomorrow! Let the lord have a bloody path! Then the lord can retreat quickly!" Pei Yuanqing glanced at the blood hammer behind him, and a trace of iron blood flashed in his eyes.

Liu Yu remained silent for a long time, and the whole barracks could only hear the crackling of the bonfire. Where else could Liu Yu go when the battle was at this level, since ancient times, he has always been victorious and defeated, which one will have a good result, Liu Yu Looking at the sky, for some reason, he felt that the road ahead was becoming more and more desolate.

after midnight

Xie Xuan led the [-] elites to come in a hurry. A pair of tiger gates looked at the tents around, looked at the guards who were always on guard, nodded secretly, and shouted after a while: "Xie Xuan is here!"

There was only a shout, and after a while, everyone came out to welcome him. Guo Wei looked unkind, and said angrily, "It's finally here!"

Holding the sword in his arms, Li Mu looked at Xie Xuan, feeling greatly disappointed in his heart, but he let go of the falling stone in his heart. If Han Yi sent a general of Wu Qi's level, Li Mu wondered if Han Yi came to grab the land, But now it's Xie Xuan, so that's easy to say.

Seeing Xie coming, Wei Qing and Ju Xin immediately saluted and said, "General Xie!"

"You don't need to be too polite! This time I also brought the meaning of the king of Han, the division of land between the two! It's just that although our country does not take an inch of land! But Liu Yu, we are going to bring him back!" Xie Xuan looked at with a smile Xiang Li Mu and Ju Xin, these two people can be regarded as old people, they can also be regarded as representative figures, and they are people who can make up their minds.

Li Mu looked at Xie Xuan suspiciously and said, "How to divide the land in my country of Zhao!"

The Huge is an important hurdle to protect the acquired territory. Without the Huge, everything is a castle in the air, so the Huge must be in their hands.

"Your Excellency stopped moving after you took the Hu Pavilion! It was also to avoid conflicts between the two families. Although you took two more lands! But King Yan is not a stingy person! I don't know what King Yan wants!" Xie Xuan Looking at Ju Xin with a smile, it's obvious that he's making love here.

"Our army doesn't need to care about the two cities! But please hand over the original soldiers! There are soldiers of Yan State who were bewitched by Liu Yu, and they can be regarded as returning to their hometown at this time! I hope that General Li Mu will grow up!" Xin also argued with reason. The city can be fought again, but Li Mu still has [-] surrendered soldiers in his hands, which is a vital force. For Zhao Guo, mosquitoes are not meat, but once Zhongshan is destroyed, the two countries border each other, and the use of troops is indispensable. For the country of Yan, mosquito meat is also meat.

"Haha!" Xie Xuan looked at Li Mu with a smile and rubbed his wrist. What Han Yi wanted was balance, and the purpose of his coming today was to maintain this balance. Xie Xuan looked at Li Mu with a smile and said, "Now Yan The country is also taking a step back, I don't know what General Li Mu wants!"

Li Mu glanced at the two foxes, waved his hands immediately and said, "That's the only way!"

"Haha! Everyone is happy! The attack will be launched on time tomorrow morning! Our army will also help the two countries in this battle! But if Liu Yu is caught, I hope everyone will give up their love. I am grateful to Xie Xuan!" Xie Xuan immediately bowed and saluted, Said calmly.

"No! I've decided on Liu Yu's head! How can I give it to you!" Guo Wei suddenly stepped forward, questioning Xie Xuan's proposal.

"This is...!" Xie Xuan asked suspiciously.

"I am General Guo Wei...!"

Xie Xuan glanced at Guo Wei, then shook his head secretly, a dead person, there is no need to say anything to him.

(End of this chapter)

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