Warring States Call

Chapter 1513 5 Tiger Admiral

Chapter 1513 Five Tiger Admirals
The afterglow of the morning was still shining on the ground, and the birds in the forest began to chirp, looking for their own breakfast. Everything was so beautiful and longing, but more of it was the momentum of a desperate fight.

Early in the morning, Liu Yu killed horses and cooked meat, and took out all the food and grass in the army. The fragrance of the food and the stimulation of the meat turned the Song army, who was frugal, into wolves, and everyone showed wolfish greed.

Pressing the sword in his arms, Liu Yu tore off a piece of roasted, browned and tender horse leg with one hand, and stabbed him up with a dagger. Humen stared at the soldiers who were looking around, and Liu Yu suddenly shouted: "Soldiers! The time for life and death has come! Yan Guo humiliated me! Zhao Guo deceived me! Even South Korea wants to pinch me Song people. As a king alone, I can't defend my home and country, and I can't lead you out of the encirclement today. Charge alone, and after the soldiers have eaten and drank enough, they will fight out of the siege together with me, and let those enemies who despise us see that I, the people of Song Dynasty, are also bloody!"

"Get out of the siege! Get out of the siege!" Pei Yuanqing waved the silver hammer in his hands with a stern expression.

"Break out of the siege! Break out of the siege!" One after another shouted, the killing sound shook the sky.

"Eat!" Liu Yu immediately waved his big hand, and the soldiers beside him rushed up, regardless of the hot hand and mouth, and opened their mouths to swallow it.

Holding the sword in his bosom, Wei Qing carefully looked at today's chimney, only to suddenly realize that today's black smoke is thicker and longer than before, Wei Qing frowned, and greeted: "Yang Yanzhao!"

"The end is here!" Yang Yanzhao said with a stern expression, raising his gun.

"Pass the order! Prepare for battle! Liu Yu is going to attack!" Wei Qing said with a stern expression.

Yang Yanzhao glanced at the bonfire burning on the mountain, and knew how Wei Qing saw it, so he didn't ask any more questions, and suddenly rode on his horse to convey the order.

Li Mu, who had just caught up with the mountain and was about to observe the enemy's situation, happened to see Wei Qing watching the fire and ordering, and secretly sighed: This country of Yan is afraid that another loser Le Yi will come out!Murong Ke is now a military general, and my country of Zhao should also cultivate more talents, otherwise, after a hundred years, who will compete with me?

The country of Yan sent 15 troops this time!It can be said to raise the soldiers of the whole country, Zhao Guo raises 30 soldiers!Xie Xuan led [-] troops, a total of [-]. Now Liu Yu is already a turtle in the urn, and now is the time to close the net.

The sun was shining on this land, Liu Yu occupied the high ground, looked down, picked up the silver gun in his hand and shouted: "Soldiers! Charge!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Thousands of arrows!" Ju Xin rode a war horse, and the red cloak on his back was automatic without any wind. He waved his hand suddenly. Shooting arrows, only to hear: "Swish...swish!"

The cold arrows all over the sky passed like locusts, and several soldiers with quick eyesight and quick hands immediately came to Liu Yu together, holding up the shield in their hands, and only heard: "Dingling, Dingling...!"

The soldiers who had no defense around them suffered heavy losses. Once they were shot to the ground, what greeted them was the trampling of the soldiers behind them.

"Kill the enemy's leader! One man is under ten thousand!" Liu Yu directly shouted the highest honor he could give, constantly stimulating the soldiers' fighting spirit.

"Generals! Liu Yu's occupation of the high ground is very passive for us. Quickly retreat fifty steps! Fight Liu Yu head-on!" Xie Xuan glanced at Li Mu and said solemnly.

"That's right! Retreat fifty steps!" A horn blew and the soldiers got the general's order, and they quickly retreated. Because the formation was deployed in advance, the speed of the army was much faster.

"Kill!" Seeing the retreat of the coalition forces, Liu Yu couldn't help but look solemn, and secretly cursed: "Old fox."

But Liu Yu was also helpless, looking at the soldiers behind him, he suddenly shouted: "Kill!"

"Double guns, Lu Wenlong, come here again! Who dares to fight!" The ice and fire double guns in Lu Wenlong's hands flowed like clouds and flowing water, continuous like ocean waves, and almost none of the soldiers around him could be combined.

"The enemy generals are going to run rampant, Guo Congqian of the Yan Kingdom!" Hearing a shout, a general who was eight feet long, with a hulking back and a silver gun in his hand, aimed straight at Lu Wenlong.

"Yan Guo, Zhang Yan is here!" There was another shout, and Zhang Yan held a tiger-headed broadsword in his hand, and rushed forward on horseback, straight to the front.

"Kill!" Lu Wenlong looked at the two without hesitation, and went straight to kill.

"Kang Dang!" The swords clashed. Although Zhang Yan and Guo Congqian were not seriously injured, their hearts were full of energy and blood, and the tiger's mouth was bleeding. Lu Wenlong retreated with strength and snorted coldly: "That's it! How dare you come here to show off?" , die!"

"Let's see who dies first!" Guo Congqian was not afraid, and shot to kill.

"Death!" The silver spear in Lu Wenlong's hand swiped up and down, and with one move, he pushed away the silver spear in Guo Congqian's hand, and without hesitation, he shot out with a single shot like a thunderbolt, finishing Guo Congqian with one blow.

When Zhang Yan saw it, he was afraid, he didn't dare to fight, and was about to leave, but Lu Wenlong threw his gun and cut off his retreat.

The bodies of the two became cold, but when they were looking at them, the corpses fell off the horses, and their lives were gradually lost in the flow of their blood.

"What! Zhang Fei from Yan is here! Don't be arrogant, little boy!" Zhang Fei yelled, patted his horse and went straight to Lu Wenlong.

No wonder Zhang Fei was called Lu Wenlong Xiaobailian. Although Lu Wenlong had a mustache on his chin in the past ten years, his cheeks were still very handsome.

"Heitantou! You fucking court death!" Lu Wenlong looked annoyed, and he couldn't care less about urging his horse to kill him.

"General Lu! I'll help you!" Pei Yuanqing swung his gun to kill him with a solemn expression.

"General Zhang, don't panic! Huang Zhong is here!"

"Hei general, don't panic! Ma Chao is here!"

"Zhao Yun is here too!"

"Guan Yu is here! Hurry up and lead him to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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