Warring States Call

Chapter 1514 Martial Saint

Chapter 1514 Martial Saint
"Using more to bully the less, you really are a moron! Don't panic, Wen Long, Yuan Qing is coming!" Pei Yuanqing held the silver hammer in his hand, with a heavy expression on his face, and suddenly swung it upwards. The silver hammer in his hand seemed to have the strength of ten thousand catties.

"Your Excellency, pause! This road is blocked!" Zhao Yun was polite in his words, but the silver gun in his hand was as fast as lightning, like a flood beast in the colorful sea, and the silver gun in his hand swept up and down. Pei Yuanqing saw it, his heart was dark, and he waved it immediately Gun parry.

"Deng Yuanjue is here!" There was another roar, a burly man with a silver-headed snake gun in his hand, galloped on his horse, stabbed the soldier who was alive, and snorted coldly: "General Lu, don't panic! A certain Deng Yuanjue is here!"

"The enemy is rampant! Let me meet you!" Among the Yan army, a partial general rode his own black horse and held a mountain ax in one hand. Just looking at it made him feel mighty.

"Who is coming! This general will not kill the nameless ghost!" Deng Yuanjue shouted suddenly, his expression rampant.

"Yan Guozhong General Ju Wu is too! Deng Yuanjue keeps the head!" Ju Wu seemed to be very confident, looking at Deng Yuanjue's head, he took an ax with both hands and chopped it down with one axe.

"Let's go!" Deng Yuanjue was not afraid, holding the gun with both hands, the silver gun in his hand, looked in Ju Wu's direction, and threw the gun suddenly.

"Hoo!" The long spear broke through the wind, Ju Wu looked at it, and immediately swept the mountain ax in his hand, swung Deng Yuanjue's silver spear with one move, and snorted coldly: "Small skills! Dare to show off!"

"Eat my staff!" Deng Yuanjue got a Zen staff from nowhere. In the era of the Warring States Period when there were only a single weapon, such a strange weapon appeared. If you look closely, you will find it a bit weird, and you don't know how to use it.

"Looking for death!" Ju Wu didn't hesitate, and swung his ax to chop off.

"Kang Dang!" The two heavy weapons bombarded together, Ju Wu only felt that he hit the boulder with his hands trembling, and was about to fight back, but Deng Yuanjue seized the opportunity, and the Zen staff in his hand suddenly smashed down on his head and face.


Ju Wu only felt like thunder, and he couldn't even scream, but Deng Yuanjue took his life.

Ju Xin in the distance looked at him, squinted his eyes, and his expression involuntarily became solemn. He was about to send someone to take down this hero, but he heard a roar. The general came out with extraordinary momentum, who could he be if he wasn't Guan Yu.

"The people who insert the label and sell their heads dare to be rampant! Eat a knife from a certain family!" Guan Yu's voice was like thunder, and he held his Qinglong Yanyue knife in one hand, dragging the knife to the ground, and the red flame horse under his crotch rushed away. A knife mark that was tens of meters long was dragged.

"Killing you is like slaughtering a chicken...!" Before Deng Yuanjue finished speaking, Guan Yu ran up to Deng Yuanjue, holding a knife in one hand, his slightly squinted phoenix eyes suddenly opened, and his half-meter-long beard was windless under his breath. Automatically, with a sudden force with one hand, all the illusory energy was condensed on the wind of the knife, Guan Yu shouted: "Go!"

The knife looks like a machete!Like a full moon, just Guan Yu's roar was like thunder.

"Ding, when Guan Yu's Martial Saint attribute activates, his strength will increase by 2, every round will increase by 2, up to 5 times, Guan Yu's basic strength is 105, the strength of Qinglong Yanyue Dao will be increased by 1, and the strength of Red Flame Horse will be increased by 1, now the strength is 109 ,"

"Ding, Guan Yu's critical attack attribute is activated, and his force is increased by 10, and his current force is 119"

"Ding, Guan Yu's force value for dragging the knife is increased by 5, and the current force value is 124!"

Deng Yuanjue narrowed his eyes and quickly raised his hands, raised the Zen stick in his hand, and blocked it. In his opinion, Guan Yu was just trying to scare people, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Crack... Boom!" Guan Yu's saber fell to the ground with a single blow, and the heavy saber on the ground stirred up heavy dust. on the ground.

Deng Yuanjue seemed to be immobilized, with both hands maintaining the posture of holding the Zen stick, but Guan Yu didn't waste too much time on him, and turned his horse's head just to leave.

The breeze blew slightly, and Deng Yuanjue's Zen staff split open, revealing a deep knife mark on his chest, and blood flowed out from it, which can be described as blood scattered all over the sky. gas.

Qin Kai was even more surprised: "Is this guy called... Guan Yu? Why have I never heard of his name!"

It was only then that everyone realized that Han Yi's fierce generals were really like crucian carp crossing the river, in an endless stream.

Li Mu stroked his beard, and said with an ugly expression, "Is it him?"

"The general recognizes this person!" Behind Ju Xin, Qing Qin stared at Li Mu with a look of astonishment in his eyes, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"That's right!" Li Mu stroked his beard and exclaimed with admiration: "When I first saw him, I was a little fuzzy, but I remembered it after seeing the saber technique he used! During the Jin War, he once fought hard against the famous Qin general Wang Yanzhang, regardless of the outcome. Later, he single-handedly entered the Qin camp with 12 other people to seize the corpse. "

"How powerful is it? But why is this person so unknown!" Guo Wei also expressed his own doubts.

"The King of Han has a cloud of powerful generals these years! There are endless powerful generals, but even so, they have lived up to their reputation!" Li Mu said with emotion.

"Hahahaha! General Li Mu looks familiar!" Xie Xuan greeted with a smile.

Liu Yu only felt his scalp go numb, looking at Deng Yuanjue who didn't even catch Guan Yu's knife, Liu Yu said with embarrassment: "This person... who is it!"

"Your Majesty! This man is Han Yi's confidant general! Guan Yu! He has been following Han Yi since he defeated Zheng!" Xie Hui held a shield to block the arrows all around him, and he looked as timid as a mouse.

(End of this chapter)

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