Chapter 1516

"My lord! The situation is uncertain right now! I will fight a bloody path for my lord! My lord, leave quickly!" Standing behind Liu Yu was a young man in charge of the crown, holding a wolf-headed black knife in his hand, riding a war horse, with a decisive look on his face. color, followed by three hundred black armored infantry.This man's name is Liu Fang, and he is a son of Liu Yu's clan. He is fierce and decisive. The three hundred infantrymen behind him are Liu Yu's private soldiers named Liu Yujia. They are all good fighters. What they want is In times of crisis, being able to save one's life, the role of the Liu Yujia is now fully utilized.

"And! Wait a minute!" Liu Xuanchu breathed heavily, wiped the sweat off his head, and said solemnly: "My lord, quickly put on this armor, and Liu You begged to change into my lord's clothes! Be sure to get a golden cicada to escape!"

"No!" Liu Yu immediately refused, looked to Liu You and begged, "Once you ask to put on this suit! Without the protection of the army! He will be in danger!"

"My lord!" Liu Youqiu stepped forward immediately, put his hands on Liu Yu's shoulders, and said solemnly: "You carry not only the hope of the Yan Kingdom! You also have the hope of my Liu family! !"

"My lord! Hurry up!" Liu Xuanchu looked shocked at the flying arrows flying around, and made a decisive decision without too much hesitation or hesitation.

"!" Liu Yu pretended to refuse, but Liu Xuanchu and the others joined hands. Seeing that the matter was almost over, Liu Fang immediately led three hundred warriors towards the weak enemy of the coalition forces. Charge up.

Wearing this ill-fitting armor, Liu Youqiu immediately drew his sword and shouted, "Charge!"

"Kill...kill...kill!" Seeing that Liu Yu was still there, many soldiers still had some confidence in their hearts, and continued to charge as before.

Guo Wei was riding a war horse, holding a silver gun in his hand, and looked around the battle situation back and forth with a pair of tiger gates, but he never found Liu Yu's figure. For a while, Guo Wei looked very annoyed. The silver gun shook up and down, and within three moves, he picked up the general with one move, then stretched out his big hand to grab the general's throat, put one hand in his hand, and snorted coldly: "Where is Liu Yu! Don't say... die!"

The fear of death made the soldier give up struggling, and stretched out his finger with difficulty, pointing in Liu Yu's direction. Guo Wei squinted his eyes and saw Liu Youqiu commanding the battle, and he was wearing Liu Yu's clothes , This made Guo Wei overjoyed, and just as he was about to make a move, several arrows sounded in his ears. Guo Wei, who had experienced many battles, immediately grabbed the side general and held it high above his head, with a look of resentment on his face.

"Get out of here!" Guo Wei's arms were bulging with veins, his face was livid, and he threw the corpse at the crowd, disrupting the enemy's deployment.

Guo Wei held a silver gun in his hand, his face became cold and he said: "Kill!"

In order to avoid startling the enemy, Guo Wei glanced at the soldiers behind him who were difficult to get close to, his eyes turned sideways, he tightened his grip on the horse's belly, and immediately shouted: "Drive!"

The war horse neighed, and Guo Wei's hands turned into black shadows, protecting his body. Guo Wei was like a bird flying through the dense forest, and within a short while he approached Liu Youqiu's side. What's a pity, Liu Youqiu at this moment I don't even know now that my death is approaching quietly.

"Liu Yu's dog thief is coming!" Guo Wei roared suddenly, seeing that the time was ripe, when would this matter not be moved.

"What!" Liu Youqiu stared like a cowbell, looking at Guo Wei who was coming towards him, bypassing rows of skirmishers and rushing towards him!Liu Youqiu only felt a chill, but right now... Liu Youqiu faced this sudden shot, but he had no chance to take it away.

"Pfft!" The spear pierced the armor!Guo Wei's originally excited figure was even more excited under the stimulation of blood. He finally took revenge, but he felt something was wrong. This Liu Yu is a military commander who has experienced many battles. , but will also entangle one or two. Looking at this person, he is much thinner than Liu Yu, with a pale complexion. Looking at this weak and powerless look, it is obvious that he is a literati who has no power to restrain a chicken.

"You're not Liu Yu! Who are you!" Guo Wei's brain twitched rapidly, and his brain immediately became agitated. He looked at Liu Youqiu and said with a cold expression.

Liu Youqiu looked at the astonished Guo Wei, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he grabbed Guo Wei's weapon with both hands, and shouted suddenly: "I am Liu Youqiu! Kill this man! Promoted to five ranks!"

"You...!" Guo Wei wanted to close the gun, but Liu Youqiu grabbed him desperately. Even if Guo Wei beat him to the ground, this guy just refused to let go.

When the surrounding soldiers heard Liu Youqiu's name, they immediately knew that Liu Yu was not the one who died. The original feeling of fear was gone, and what remained was the desire for credit, and Guo Wei suddenly became a favorite.

Liu Youqiu was trying to appease the army until his death, in order to buy time for Liu Yu.

"Grand Liu!" Behind Guo Wei came a shout of anger. A middle-aged general with a sword in his hand, his eyes like a tiger, looked at Guo Wei with soaring anger, his voice was like thunder, and he shouted loudly. :"go to hell!"

"Ding, Gongsun Shu rise up! Fury! When everyone's bravery reaches a certain level, the force value will be increased by 6. If you face someone with a heavy weapon, your force value will increase by 3, and if you face someone with a light weapon, your force value will increase by an additional 6!"

"Ding, add 6 to Gongsun Shu's force value! Guo Wei currently uses a silver spear, which is a light weapon. Gongsun Shu's force value is added by 6, the current Gongsun Shu's basic force value is 103, the Lidi Golden Sword's force value is increased by 1, and the Xuanhuju's force value is increased by 1. , the current Gongsun Shu force value is 117!"

"What..." Guo Wei turned his head and glanced at Gongsun Shu, who was showing great power, with a look of astonishment in his eyes, and there were many people around him, Guo Wei lost the power to resist in an instant.

"Crack!" Gongsun Shu raised the knife and chopped off Guo Wei's head with one blow. He glanced at Liu Youqiu below, and said with an embarrassing expression, "Grand Liu...!"

"Your Majesty... I will hand it over to... Your Excellency...!" Liu Youqiu spit out a mouthful of blood from his eyes, and finally fell down in the bloody slope, and dragged Guo Wei to hell before he died.

"Grand Liu...!"

(End of this chapter)

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