Warring States Call

Chapter 1517 Veteran Huang Zhong

Chapter 1517 Veteran Huang Zhong
Gongsun Shu looked at Liu Youqiu's body, looking very sad, but the battle situation kept changing, and no one knew what would happen in the next second.

"Whoosh!" An arrow sounded through the wind. Gongsun Shu could be regarded as a battle-hardened general, and he could still hear the sound. At this moment, Gongsun Shu had no time to think, and suddenly lowered his head, Feeling a coolness coming from the temples, Gongsun Shu stretched out his palm to stroke it away, and the slap was full of blood.

It's just scratching the surface a little bit, and it doesn't hinder any major events. If Gongsun Shu hadn't turned his head just now, I'm afraid he would have explained it here today.

Gongsun Shu suddenly turned his head, glanced at the soldiers behind him, and said angrily, "Where did you come from! Backstabbing!"

"Hahahaha!" Hearing a loud voice, nearly fifty years old Huang Zhong, riding a black horse, his gray beard fluttering with the wind, said with a smile on his face, "I didn't use my full strength to sneak up on me! I never thought about it! On the contrary, I underestimated you, a general!"

Gongsun Shu heard the shouts from behind, and immediately turned his horse's head. The Lidi golden knife in his hand was shining coldly under the sunlight, and the tiger stared at Huang Zhong, and cursed: "Old man! I think you are not alive!" I'm getting impatient! Court death! Drive!"

Gongsun Shu shouted in a deep voice, this old guy looks kind!But the arrow just now had the mentality of killing himself. For those who want to kill him, Gongsun Shu has no moral respect for the old and the young.

"Little baby dares to be rampant in front of the old man! I think you were still breastfeeding when the old man was fighting! And let the old man meet you! Drive!" Huang Zhong is a general after all!More or less tempered, seeing the extremely arrogant Gongsun Shu, he immediately urged his horse to kill him.

"I'll give you a few meeting gifts first!" Huang Zhong was old-fashioned, with Fengming Dao on his horse's back and a longbow in his hand, squinting his eyes, his gray beard swaying from side to side under the breeze.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Ding, Huang Zhong's shooting attribute is activated, and the force value is instantly increased by 5. The special effect is unexpected, and the force value is added by 3 points! The force value of the Phoenix Winged Dragon Bow increases by 1, the force value of the green-haired horse increases by 1, and Huang Zhong's basic force value is 101. , the current force value is 111"

At this moment, Huang Zhongzhou was condensing an illusory energy in the cold arrow in front of his eyes, and the bow was drawn like a full moon.

"Whoosh!" As fast as lightning, Qin Wuyang's eyes were shocked, and he was about to turn around to resist, but it was too late. An arrow pierced through his throat and landed on Qin Wuyang's throat.

"Ahem!...Ahem!" Gongsun Shu frowned, feeling the pain in his temples. Gongsun Shu knew that this old man's arrow technique was not simple, so he swung the golden knife in his hand so that it was airtight. To three cold arrows, just listen to Ding Dong!The cold arrow has been overturned by Gongsun Shu, and when Gongsun Shu came back to his senses, Huang Zhong had already come straight with the big knife in his hand.

Gongsun Shu frowned, looking at Huang Zhong who charged, Gongsun Shu suddenly shouted: "You are courting death!"

For Gongsun Shu's quick response!Huang Zhong didn't show any surprise, on the contrary he was very calm and calm, holding his own Fengming Saber, his gray beard was fluttering in the cold wind, Huang Zhong's white sword eyebrows involuntarily frowned, With a serious face, he shouted: "Get down!"

"Ding, when Huang Zhong's veteran attribute is activated, his force value instantly increases by 4. The special effect is easy to make the enemy look down on him because of his old age, and reduces the enemy's force value by 5∽10 points."

"Ding, Huang Zhong's basic force value is 101, the force value of the old man under his crotch is increased by 1, the force value of Fengming Dao is increased by 1, and the force value is affected by the veteran attribute by 4, and the current force value is 114!"

"Ding, Gongsun Shu is affected by Huang Zhong's veteran attribute, and his force value is reduced by 2 points. The current force value of Gongsun Shu is 115!"

"Kang Dang!" The two men's swords met, and they only killed like a revolving lantern. For the first time, Gongsun Shuyin vaguely pressed Huang Zhong to fight, but as time went by, Gongsun Shu felt that something was wrong. Zhong Fei didn't feel tired, but became more and more courageous as he fought, which surprised Gongsun Shu very much.

"Ding, Huang Zhong's old man attribute is activated, and he fights against his young general. Every round of the battle, the force value will be increased by 1, up to 10 points. At present, Huang Zhong, Gong and Sun Shu have fought for two rounds, and Huang Zhong's force value Add 2, the current force value of Huang Zhong is 116"

Damn it!As time went by, Gongsun Shu only felt that the situation was getting more and more wrong, and the situation was becoming more and more unfavorable to him.

But the situation on the battlefield is quietly changing.

Liu Youqiu!Guo Wei's death more or less affected the morale of the two armies.

Under the protection of Liu Fang and Liu Xuanchu, Liu Yu gradually approached the edge of the formation, and the battle situation on the front line has always been Lu Wenlong!Pei Yuanqing and Pei Yuanqing fought against each other, respectively entangled the enemy's Zhao Yun!Second General Zhang Fei!Even Shu Lianghe blocked Ma Chao's progress, and Gongsun Shu led the army to entangle Huang Zhong!The five tiger generals were fought four times in a row.

Guan Yu had a big sword in his hand, he was on the rampage, and within a short while he became the main force. Qin Kai and Sima Shang were also not to be outdone, and began to show their talents in this battle, and gradually became qualified to become famous generals.

Xie Xuan, who was really watching the battle, looked at the entangled army. The key lies in Lu Wenlong and Pei Yuanqing. If these two people are not dead, it may be difficult to defeat the Song army. As soon as he thought about it, Xie Xuan couldn't help turning his eyes to Li Cunxiao's direction.

"Isn't it alright?" Li Cunxiao seemed to notice Xie Xuan's eyes and deep voice like a scourge that had been suppressed for a long time.

"Thank you, General Li! Let's deal with the enemy with two guns!" Xie Xuan laughed.

Li Cunxiao listened, glanced at Lu Wenlong's direction, and said calmly: "I have heard that this person is a fierce general who can rival Wang Yanzhang, and he is qualified to kill him today!"

(End of this chapter)

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