Warring States Call

Chapter 1518 Lu Wenlong

Chapter 1518 Lu Wenlong

Li Cunxiao's voice seemed to shine like thunder across the entire land, Xie Xuan listened to Li Cunxiao's heroic words, he didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't feel happy.

"Drive!" Li Cunxiao urged the horse to come out, the scarlet horse under his crotch snorted softly, and the soldiers and generals lined up on the left and right scattered one after another, like a fierce tiger that opened its gate, about to show its minions.

"General Zhang Fei! Come back quickly! Give this person to General Li Cunxiao!" Xie An rode on a horse, because Zhang Fei was the general of Yan.

Zhang Fei had heard of Li Cunxiao's prestige for a long time, but the words changed from Xie An's mouth.

Zhang Fei has a violent temper, and when he fought against Lu Wenlong, he had already been on fire. Hearing Xie An's scolding, he scolded angrily, "Look down on me! Let's see a certain family take this person down!"

"Ah...ha!" Zhang Fei shouted suddenly, the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand moved like lightning, his face was like black iron, and his voice was like thunder.

"Ding, Zhang Feihao's combat attribute is activated, and the basic force value is increased by 5. He will go forward without fear!"

"Ding, Zhang Fei's fanatical attribute is activated, and when activated with the heroic attribute, it can strengthen the heroic attribute, the force value will be increased by 3, and the heroic attribute will be increased. It can be activated three times, and the force value will be increased by 8 each time!"

"Ding, the current Zhang Fei's basic force value is 100, the force value of Wuyun Treading Snow is increased by 1, and the force value of Zhangba Snake Spear is increased by 1! The force value is increased by eight, and the current force value of Zhang Fei is 110!"

When Lu Wenlong saw it, his face became more solemn. Looking at the furious Zhang Fei, he snorted coldly, "Heitantou! You are too arrogant!"

Lu Wenlong's two spears were like a dragon, and the waves undulated, continuous like ocean waves, and stabbed directly at Zhang Fei's vital parts.

"Ding, Lu Wenlong's double gun attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 4, the basic force is 104, and the current force is 108"

"Ding! The second attribute of Lu Wenlong's double guns is activated, the double guns occupy one end, facing a single weapon! The enemy's force value is reduced by 3 points! And the personal force value is increased by 3, the tiger colt's force value is increased by 1, and the force value of the ice and fire dual guns Add 1! The current strength of Lu Wenlong is 113!"

"Come on!" Zhang Fei gathered an ethereal energy, and swung the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand more quickly. Lu Wenlong was also not afraid, and the musket in his hand stabbed out, and the two spears intersected!The soldiers around could vaguely see the sparks left behind by the two of them, as if they had exploded in the air, making a protracted ripping sound.

Zhang Fei wanted to take a breath at first, but the corners of Lu Wenlong's mouth rose slightly. The ice spear that was about to be fired was like a poisonous snake. Seeing Zhang Fei's opening, it stabbed out as fast as lightning.

"Ding, Zhang Fei is affected by the second attribute of Lu Wenlong's dual guns, and his personal force value has been reduced by 3 points. The current personal force value is 105!"

Although Zhang Fei is a rough man, he is a careful man. Otherwise, there would be no history of Zhang Fei piercing a needle. There are fine lines in the rough. Seeing Lu Wenlong's spear coming, Zhang Fei quickly swung his spear to block, Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the muskets from the side rushed towards him, and Zhang Fei had to lower his head to avoid the sharp edge for the time being.

"Get out!" Seeing that his situation was getting more and more difficult, Zhang Fei suddenly roared.

Ding, Zhang Fei's Roaring attribute activates, reducing the strength value of the enemy general by 3 points, each person's strength value is increased by 5, and can be activated three times in total. The current strength value of Zhang Fei is 115, Lu Wenlong is affected by Zhang Fei's roaring attribute, and the strength value is reduced by 3 points , the current force value is 110! "

"Bang Dang!" There was only the sound of rough ore pressing, and the two guns in Lu Wenlong's hands stopped for an instant!Far from being as heroic as before, there was invisible pressure, and my ears were slightly deaf and dumb!The black star stared at Zhang Fei with a dignified expression. If it weren't for the roar just now, Zhang Fei would have spilled blood here.

Lu Wenlong looked at the battle situation that was gradually being defeated. If he did not make substantial progress, the army's morale would fall short. Now that Zhao Yun is entangled with Pei Yuanqing, it is hopeless to count on him. Lu Wenlong took a deep breath and immediately shouted: " kill!"

Ding, activate Lu Wenlong's Sky Fury attribute: Add 7 to the force value, and the current force value is 117"

"Ding, Lu Wenlong's compassionate attribute activates, loyal to the country and protects the family! Good for the country! Facing the group members, everyone's force value will be increased by 10, and Lu Wenlong's force value is currently 127!"

"Down!" Lu Wenlong roared, and the two guns in his hands glowed scarlet at this moment, looking really alluring.

"Kang Dang!" Under the blow, the sound resounded through the whole world, Zhang Fei's palms were slightly numb, and he looked back and forth with a pair of Humen, and said in his heart: This person is not simple!If I rely on my strength alone, I'm afraid I won't be able to take him down!Now everyone is watching, they can't save face, and they must not retreat.

"Come!" Zhang Fei was not afraid, and suddenly shouted.

"Ding, Zhang Fei's five tiger attributes are activated, and each additional person is present, each person's force value will be increased by 1! Currently five people are present, Zhang Fei's force value will be increased by 5! Currently Zhang Fei's force value is 115!"

"Ding, the current veteran Huang Zhong's force value is increased by 5, Ma Chao's force value is increased by 5, Guan Yu's force value is increased by 5, and Zhao Yun's force value is increased by 5!"

"Ding, when Zhang Fei's Roar attribute is activated, the force value of the enemy general will be reduced by 3 points, and the force value of each person will be increased by 5. It can be activated three times in total. The current force value of Zhang Fei is 115. Lu Wenlong is affected by the attribute of Zhang Fei's Roar, and the force value will be reduced by 3. Point, the current force value is 124! Add 5 to Zhang Fei's force value, and the current force value is 120!"

"Ding, Lu Wenlong's second attribute of compassion is activated, immune to all negative attributes of the enemy, and the current personal force value is restored, and the force value is 130 points!"


"Ding! Zhang Fei's Roaring attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 5, the current force value is 125, and Lu Wenlong's attribute is immune! It is currently invalid!"

"Boom!" The two soldiers met, and a huge force was passed on the weapon. Zhang Fei's brows became colder, and he secretly cried out in his heart.

"Bastard! That's too bad!" Zhang Fei thought to himself!There was a chill in my heart, and I suddenly saw that I was about to be unable to withstand Lu Wenlong's attack.

"Ding!" There was a crisp metal delivery sound, and Zhang Fei only felt that the strength in his hands was a lot easier. When he looked up, a strange weapon stood in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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