Warring States Call

Chapter 1519 Zhang Fei Drags the Horse

Chapter 1519 Zhang Fei Drags the Horse
Zhang Fei followed the gaze of the weapon, and saw Li Cunxiao holding the King Yu spear in his hand, staring at Zhang Fei calmly and saying, "I'll come!"

Unlike others, Li Cunxiao didn't have contempt in his words, which is also the respect he gave him when he saw Zhang Fei's strength.

Zhang Fei was originally a character of not admitting defeat, even if Li Cunxiao tried to persuade him with good words, Zhang Fei also had the character of not hitting the south wall and not looking back, the weapon in his hand suddenly trembled, knocking over Li Cunxiao's weapon, and coldly snorted: "No! I can take him!"

"Ding Dang...!" Zhang Fei pushed aside Li Cunxiao's weapon, and was about to continue the battle, but there was a sound of an arrow in his ear. The careless Zhang Fei was hit by an arrow in the chest, and he fell off his horse and landed heavily on the ground !The whole body was in pain.

"Hahahaha! The famous general of Yan Kingdom is nothing more than that!" Accompanied by the sound of Zhang Fei falling off the horse, he heard a heroic smile, and everyone looked at a middle-aged man wearing black armor and holding a pear wood bow in his left hand. , with a smug look on his brows, his figure is strong, but this stabbing in the back is really disgusting.

As soon as Lu Wenlong saw Zhang Fei fell off the horse, the silver spear in his hand was swift and sharp, and the tip of the spear pierced Zhang Fei's throat. Lu Wenlong said: "If you can leave alive today, I, Li Cunxiao, write the words backwards!"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Wenlong only felt an invisible pressure on him, and Lu Wenlong felt a sense of oppression like never before.

Zhang Fei spit out a mouthful of blood, patted the dust on his face, stood up suddenly, looked at the general who was shooting at him, and cursed angrily: "Your mother's dog roe deer! Let me die!"

Zhang Fei let out a loud roar, and stretched out his hand to take out the cold arrow in his chest. The armor was covered with flesh and blood, and it was as big as a newborn baby's fist. Zhang Fei held it casually in his hand, and charged forward suddenly.

"Hmph! Unarmed! Get mad in front of me too!" With disdain in his eyes, Lai Jiang threw away the bow and arrow in his hand, took off his silver moon scimitar, slapped the horse's buttocks, and said arrogantly: "Looking for death!"

"Gao Biao, don't be impulsive! Come back!" Gao Biao behind saw him, and immediately wanted to stop his younger brother. He was too impulsive. Zhang Fei is a famous player in the world. He could fight Lu Wenlong for thirty or forty rounds without losing. He didn't know how much Gao Biao weighed. He was lucky to be able to last ten rounds in Lu Wenlong's hands.

Gao Biao didn't take it seriously. Zhang Fei, who had already been slandered by him, had no weapons in his hands, so how could he be his opponent? Thinking of this, Gao Biao had three points of confidence, and the speed of the horse was three points faster.

Zhang Fei kept charging at the same speed. Seeing Gao Biao urging his horse to charge, Zhang Fei stopped the script and just stood still.

Gao Biao thought that Zhang Fei was afraid, but he was even more excited. Holding the knife in one hand, he saw that he was about to get close to Zhang Fei. The big knife in his hand swung out suddenly, with a look of madness in his eyes, and laughed loudly: "You Just become my stepping stone to become famous in the world!
After Gao Biao slashed out with a knife, Zhang Fei immediately rolled and rolled under the horse. When he reached the blind spot where Gao Biao slashed, Zhang Fei cursed: "You dog! Grandpa wants your life!"

Zhang Fei suddenly stuck the bloody arrow in his hand into the horse's belly, and then got away to the horse's belly. The painful horse began to become irritable and refused to press, and the four horses' hooves were thrown away wantonly. He took the big knife in his hand, controlled the horse rope with both hands, and tried his best to control the situation.

Zhang Fei, who turned over, spit out a mouthful, stretched his hands to the ponytail, and suddenly shouted: "Get down for me!"


The surrounding generals were far away, watching Gao Biao and Zhang Fei's melee combat was completely different, they saw the level as if Zhang Fei pulled the horse upside down alone, a stunned soldier murmured: "This...this...is this a person...a person?"

Negative emotions were passed on to two, and then to four. More and more soldiers were amazed by Zhang Fei's supernatural power. Even Lu Wenlong, who was fighting Li Cunxiao, was a little shocked.

Xie Xuan stroked his beard, his eyes were a little astonished, he withdrew his emotions for a while, and said to Ju Xin: "This general is really brave! Congratulations to Yan Guo for gaining a general!"

"Hahahahahahaha! Each other! General Li Cunxiao of your country has already become famous, and in the past he even fought against the seven generals of Zhongshan by himself. This record is not comparable to mine!" Ju Xin looked at Xie Xuan with a smile. The smile is very obvious, obviously he is very happy that Yan Guo has such a strong general, if he knows that this guy is sent by Han Yi, he will probably lose his mind and go crazy.

"Come down!" Zhang Fei roared angrily, blushing, the veins on his arms popped out, and his face turned red, but Gao Biao's left leg was firmly pressed against the horse, no matter how he beat the horse, This guy couldn't get up.

Zhang Fei casually picked up a copper hammer, dragged his body heavily, looked at Gao Biao below and said, "Die!"

"Stop!" Before Zhang Fei could make a move, the Gundam behind him looked shocked, and hurried up his horse, but he didn't have a bow and arrow in his hand, otherwise he could have delayed it for a while, but unfortunately there was nothing he could do to stop it now.

The corners of Zhang Fei's mouth rose slightly, and the copper hammer in his hand suddenly fell down. Gao Biao watched the copper hammer in front of him get bigger and bigger, and the fear in his eyes gradually increased. He knew he was careless.

"Boom...crack!" Gao Biao buried himself in the ground with endless regret.

(End of this chapter)

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