Warring States Call

Chapter 1520 Lu Wenlong is dead

Chapter 1520 Lu Wenlong is dead
"Boom!" The copper hammer seemed to be the final word, but all Song Jun who saw the scene in front of him showed timid eyes, and even the Gundam who charged forward on the horse hesitated for three minutes. Seeing Zhang Fei's eyes showed deep fear.

"Kill!" Zhang Fei yelled like a fierce tiger that had just fought for the top of the mountain, as if he wanted to declare his sovereignty.Song Jun was terrified when he heard this, but when the coalition army heard it, their morale was greatly improved.

Lu Wenlong frowned, looking at the arrogant Zhang Fei, and Li Cunxiao who was pestering him in front of him, Lu Wenlong only felt that his strength was gradually exhausted, and now there was only one thought in his mind, that is a quick battle.

"Kill!" Lu Wenlong yelled suddenly, and the silver spear in his hand turned into spear shadows all over the sky like two poisonous snakes, stabbing at Li Cunxiao's vital parts repeatedly!It can be described as fast as the wind.

"Ding, Li Cunxiao is bold to launch! When picking a general, reduce the enemy's force value by 3 points and increase your own force value by 5 points. When facing an army of ten thousand people, reduce the enemy's force value by 1 point and increase your own force value by 8!"

"Ding, currently Lu Wenlong is receiving 3 points of courage from Li Cunxiao, and the weapon Li Cunxiao uses is also a pair of guns, so Lu Wenlong's force value is reduced by 6 points, and Lu Wenlong's current force value is 124"

"Down!" Li Cunxiao yelled suddenly, and the two soldiers in his hands directly stabbed out.

"Ding, Li Cunxiao added 5 to the force value of the dual attributes, and the current force value is 122!"

The guns were like fast shadows, the blades intersected, and sparks shot out everywhere. Lu Wenlong's two guns were clearly pressing towards Li Cunxiao. Lu Wenlong said disdainfully: "I thought some powerful character came! I can't believe it! Keep the head!"

"Really! When the tiger is eating pigs! He never thinks about whether he is surrounded by pigs or hunting beasts!" Li Cunxiao looked sternly, watching Lu Wenlong's gradually approaching gun shadow, The veins on Li Cunxiao's arms suddenly popped up, the scarlet blood around his body was like water plants growing on Li Cunxiao's body, without rules, it seemed that he was not under Li Cunxiao's control but obeyed his orders.

"Ding! The second special effect of Li Cunxiao's Shuangjue is activated. It is activated according to Li Cunxiao's personal anger. Every time he faces a dangerous situation, the force value will be increased by 2. It can be activated up to 3 times. It will be the third force value plus 6! The current force value is 128"

"Uh!" Lu Wenlong's pupils suddenly zoomed in and out. He felt that his opponent was not a human, but a monster, a monster that made people tremble in shock. Now Lu Wenlong felt that what Li Cunxiao said earlier was not a lie. Kill your own qualifications in seconds.

fear!Unwilling!Anger and madness flooded Lu Wenlong's body, and Lu Wenlong's aura also appeared disordered and crazy. The scarlet blood was more vigorous than before, but more violent.

"Since you're going to die! Let's go down with Lao Tzu! You'll be dragged to death, general! Death is worth it! Go die!" The two spears in Lu Wenlong's hands suddenly thrust out together, as if two dragons were sailing out to sea, aiming at Li Cunxiao's body respectively. Throat and chest stabbed, as long as one of these two places is shot, this life can be regarded as confessed here.

"Ding, Lu Wenlong's life-saving attribute is activated, facing the situation of life and death, he will risk his life to kill the enemy! Everyone's force value is increased by 5, and Lu Wenlong's current force value is 129!"


The two weapons were as fast as a gust of wind, within half a breath, they had already arrived around Li Cunxiao's body, but Li Cunxiao let out a muffled snort, the Yu Wang's spear in his hand!Bi Guoyan made a move together and turned into streamers.

"Ding, Li Cunxiao's divine power attribute is activated! Five horses don't distinguish their corpses, and they are eternal warriors! The king is no more than Xiang! The strength is no more than bully! The general is no more than Li. Li Cunxiao's force value is increased by 10, and the current force value is 138!"

"Ding... Bang Dang... Ah!" All the generals who watched the battle noticed this scream. Looking at it, Li Cunxiao held the weapon in both hands, but it was Lu Wenlong who dropped the musket in his left hand. At the enemy, the wrist was pierced by Li Cunxiao's Bi Guoyan, Lu Wenlong's head was covered with cold sweat, a hundred thousand blood soaked the entire ground, the ice spear in his right hand was struggling to support Li Cunxiao's King Yu, but this blow, The two had already decided the outcome.

Lu Wenlong's wrist was pierced and his tendons were picked. Even if his arm recovered, his abilities would be completely useless.

Li Cunxiao stared at Lu Wenlong calmly with a pair of Humen, and said calmly: "You are very good! You have never put down your weapon in the face of a strong enemy! It's a pity that you met me! No matter! It's a man! Let you go A horse! Live the rest of your life in peace!"

After Li Cunxiao finished speaking, he was suddenly shot, turned his horse's head and left. Lu Wenlong breathed heavily, looked at his bloody left hand, and looked at Li Cunxiao. Lu Wenlong suddenly recalled his whole life. Even if he retreated, he never left the battlefield in despair. Even if he died, Lu Wenlong would go forward bravely. When he had received pity from others, Lu Wenlong held his ice gun tightly with one hand, looked at Li Cunxiao and shouted suddenly: "Did I let you go? Die! Drive!"

Li Cunxiao glanced at Lu Wenlong, and there was a trace of coldness and respect in his eyes, such an opponent!Not much more.

"Kill!" Li Cunxiao didn't hesitate anymore, and the scarlet blood on Zhou's body condensed out.

"Boom!" After this move alone, the blood in Lu Wenlong's mouth continued to flow, and the ice spear in his hand disappeared. Lu Wenlong glanced at the small muzzle on his chest, and his eight-foot body was paralyzed. Falling on the ground, there was a lot of dust, his road to Lu Wenlong came to an end, Lu Wenlong was heading towards the blue sky, and black shadows flashed from time to time, Lu Wenlong said powerlessly: "My lord... the great cause... is not over... ...the last general...goes!"

This is the end of a generation of famous general Lu Wenlong!Li Cunxiao looked at Lu Wenlong's body, dismounted slowly, put away the ice and fire guns, put them beside Lu Wenlong, glanced at the soldiers behind him, and said, "Leave him a whole body! Let's have a proper burial!"


Lu Wenlong is dead!The defeat of the Song army gradually became a trend of collapse. Pei Yuanqing, who was entangled with Zhao Yun, cried out secretly. The sadness and anger in his heart filled Pei Yuanqing's whole brain. Looking at Zhao Yun who was persevering with him, Pei Yuanqing suddenly shouted: "Fuck off!" open!"

"Don't be presumptuous, everyone! Eat a knife from a certain family!" Pei Yuanqing just forced Zhao Yun away!But there was a roar from behind. While watching, the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in Guan Yu's hand had become a crescent moon, and he swung it suddenly. Pei Yuanqing looked shocked, and immediately swung his hammer to resist, only to hear: "Kang Dang!"

The thunder of the sword and hammer resounded through the battlefield!Pei Yuanqing had already exhausted his energy from fighting with Zhao Yun, Guan Yu was ready to attack again, and was in the position of a sneak attack. This knife only shocked Pei Yuanqing, and he rolled to the ground again and again, unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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