Warring States Call

Chapter 1521 Liu Yu Was Arrested

Chapter 1521 Liu Yu Was Arrested
Guan Yu breathed out a turbid breath, stroked his beard, as if he was recovering his breath, Danfeng narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Come here! Bind it!"

Zhao Yun put away the silver spear in his hand, rode his horse and came to Guan Yu's side and said, "Thanks to General Guan this time!"

"This is victory without force! But the battle cannot be delayed! Although it is a bit shameless! But it is better than letting Liu Yu go!" Guan Yu rubbed his wrist, put away his knife and returned, and began to search for Liu Yu among the tens of thousands of troops figure.

"Come here!" Ma Chao turned angrily, picked up Shu Lianghe's weapon with a spear, kicked it up, and pressed the dragon cavalry spear in his hand against Shu Lianghe's throat, and said calmly: "General Shu ! Let Ben go! You have been spotted!"

"You...!" Shu Lianghe was about to break free, but the surrounding generals had already surrounded him!It was directly tied up.

The battle between Gongsun Shu and Huang Zhong has also reached a fever pitch

"Ding, Huang Zhong's old man attribute is activated, and he fights against his young general. Every round of the battle, the force value will be increased by 1, and the maximum can be increased by 10 points. Currently, Huang Zhong, Gong and Sun Shu have fought for 8 rounds. Huang Zhong's force value Value plus 124, the current force value of Huang Zhong is [-]"

"Ding, the attribute of Huang Zhong's five tigers is activated. For each additional person present, each person's force value will be increased by 1! Currently, five people are present, and Huang Zhong's force value will be increased by 5! Currently, Huang Zhong's force value is 129!"

Huang Zhong's aura gradually became stronger, Lu Wenlong and Pei Yuanqing!The successive defeats of the three of Shulianghe caused Gongsun Shu to lose his will to fight in an instant, and he suddenly bought a loophole, escaped from the battle circle, and fled away. Shushe fell off his horse, and then urged the horse to arrive. He cut off his head and returned with a knife.

"Where's Liu Yu?" Ju Xin saw that the battle line was defeated, and he still doesn't know where Liu Yu is going!My heart gradually became worried.

"Yeah!" Xie Xuan frowned, screaming inwardly, and then said: "I'm afraid Liu Yu used a trick to get the golden cicada out of its shell! This beast is so cunning! Thank you Shi!"

"The last general is here!" Xie Shi hurried up his horse, secretly puzzled.

"Tell Guan Yu! Zhao Yun! The three generals of Li Cunxiao! Hurry up and take him! You must find this person!" Xie Xuan's eyes gradually showed embarrassment.

"No!" Xie Shi immediately shouted.

On the battlefield, a scribe in white clothes, half a century old, with a beard under his nose, stood under a tree, Humen stared at the gradually crumbling battle situation, closed his eyes slightly, and cloudy tears slowly flowed from his eyes Exhale, let out a deep breath, and said with a lot of emotion: "We are still defeated in the end! Forget it! Forget it! More than ten years of merit and fame! My country of Song can't survive in the end! Forget it! The former king! Xu Xianzhi is coming!"

Xu Xianzhi hung the rope from a tree and finally hanged himself to death.

Yuan Chonghuan looked at the defeated situation, Humen looked at the front, and was finally captured alive by Zhao Yun, giving up the resistance he should have.

On the quiet sheep farm trail, Liu Fang rode a war horse and drove quickly for Liu Yu, and a group of remnants of defeated soldiers gradually gathered around him, such as Su Jun!Gundam!They have all been withdrawn!Seeing that everyone was exhausted after fleeing the battlefield, Liu Fang looked at Liu Yu behind him and said, "My lord! Let's rest!"

Liu Yu was also miserable, so he nodded and sat down.

"Where is Liu Yu going! Capture him if you don't hold your hands!" Hearing a loud shout, Sapphire wore a blue armor and rode a war horse to urge him up, followed by three thousand fierce soldiers.

"My lord, hurry up! The end of the world is here!" Su Jun charged forward with his [-] ghost soldiers. When Liu Yu saw Lan Yu, he was really out of his wits. Before he had time to think about it, he immediately pulled up his horse and left.

Su Jun is naturally not Lan Yu's opponent, within half an hour Lan Yu ended the battle, cut off Su Jun's head, and continued to look for Liu Yu's figure.

The sky was getting dark, and the soldiers behind Liu Yu were exhausted. Looking at the soldiers around him, Liu Yu looked up and saw that the bright stars in the sky were now extremely dim. As it should!"

"Prince Song! Don't leave!" After hearing a loud voice, Wei Qing gradually revealed his face while riding a war horse, and Chang Yuchun gathered beside him!Sapphire!Yang Yanzhao!Yang Yansi!Pound!Flower cloud!Lu Xiangsheng!Zhang Dingbian and other generals!A full 3 people!Surrounding Liu Yu with thousands of people is tight!
"Protect the king!" Liu Fang was the first to react, and stood up suddenly. Lu Fang and Wei Zhi firmly protected Liu Yu, and there was no one around Liu Yu. Except for Xie Hui, only Gundam was left, Pei Renji When they broke through with Liu Xuanchu, they were shot to death by random arrows.

"You...how did you find Gu!" Liu Yu looked at Wei Qing in disbelief!Even a little bit more unwilling.

Wei Qing stared at Liu Yu on a war horse, and said calmly: "If you want to find it, you will find it! What's more, King Song still has our people! You are the person King Han called for! Don't resist! Let me go Bar!"

"Han Yi! Is it Han Yi again? Why can't I get rid of him in my whole life!" Liu Yu was calm at first, but when he heard Han Yi's name, he felt bad, and even became incomparable Agitation and rampage irritability.

Wei Qing stared at Liu Yu indifferently, and said calmly: "King Song should understand! In the past, you took advantage of King Han's unpreparedness to launch the War of the Four Kingdoms! This beam has already been formed! Put down your weapons!"

"Gu Ruoruo?" Liu Yu stared at Wei Qing stubbornly, and said solemnly.

"That will be nerve-wracking! Come on, generals!" Wei Qing rubbed his temples, it was so soft!Then it can only be hard.



"The enemy is going to be rampant! Lu Fang! Wei Zhi is here!" With a loud shout, Lu Fang!Wei Zhi and Wei Zhi went down the mountain like two fierce tigers, and they went straight to Liu Yu. The two of them could be Liu Yu's personal guards!Force is naturally extraordinary.

"Do you still remember this general? The shame of attacking food in the past, let's pay it back today!" Zhang Dingbian shouted suddenly, provoking up and down with a spear in his hand, while Lu Xiangsheng came to help, Lu Fang and Wei Zhi were as close as they were The enemy, Jagaben was exhausted, the four of them fought for [-] to [-] rounds, Zhang Dingbian!Lu Xiangsheng and the two of them picked off their heads respectively, and drove back.

While Gundam and Liu Fang were also rushing to the battle, their heads were decapitated by Pang De and Hua Yun.

Wei Qing looked at the exhausted Song Bing and snorted coldly: "Those who put down their weapons! Don't die!"

"This...!" One by one, the soldiers began to put down their weapons one after another. Liu Yu looked at the scene in front of him, regretful!Pain intertwined in his heart, he looked at Wei Qing and said, "Good! Very good!"

Wei Qing didn't care so much, and said calmly, "Tie it up!"

(End of this chapter)

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