Warring States Call

Chapter 1523 Nan Ji

Chapter 1523 Nan Ji
"Ding, the 17th most famous person in the family list Zongze in the late Northern Song Dynasty: 76 in military strength, 97 in command, 96 in intelligence, and 96 in politics! Currently implanted as a veteran of Yangdi"

"Ding, the current top 18 people on the list are Zongxi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty: force 99, commander 88, politics 60, intelligence 75, currently implanted identity: Zongze's son"

"Ding, currently the top 19 people on the list are Yao Chong of the Tang Dynasty: force 61, commander 88, politics 97, intelligence 95. The current implantation status is a civil servant promoted by Yang Jian"

"Ding, the No. 20 person who hit the list at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty is Zhang Yu: force 98, commander 93, intelligence 80, politics 83. Currently implanted in Zhang Fu's elder brother, currently the official who is Zhu Di's coming"

"Ding, the current No. 20 on the list is Liu Yan of the Eastern Han Dynasty: force 95, commander 90, politics 51, intelligence 60, currently implanted as a child of Liu Bang's clan"

"Ding, the current No. 20 on the list is Ming Dynasty Magui: Magui, force 94, commander 90, politics 86, intelligence 90, and the current implantation identity is Ma Shumou"

"Ding, No. 20 currently on the top list: Gan Hui of the Ming Dynasty: Force 97, Commander 96, Politics 60, Intelligence 65. The current implantation identity is Gan Ning's nephew"

"Ding, the current explosion is over"

Han Yi rubbed his temples, he was exhausted, it was over after all, except for Ji Fa and Zhao Guo, almost all got talents, but Zhao Guo did not lose money this time, the news from Ju Tianji that Zhao Guo I got Shen Tianzi, Fu Liangxing, Fengji, Tianfeng, Jushou, and Shulianggan six at a time. These people's abilities are not bad. Although Zhao Zhang is not capable, he has gathered a group of loyal ministers and generals under his command. There is Lin Xiangru inside, and Lian Po and Li Mu outside. It has to be said that Zhao Yong left a good family background for his son.

"Great King" In the dark night, there were only a few candles flickering in the cold wind, and a hoarse voice came from the back pillar.

Hearing this, Han Yi was shocked, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief. He took a look at the person, immediately picked up the bamboo slip on the table, threw it at it, and cursed angrily: "Next time, can you move it?" Sound, there is a next time, Gubaobuqi is going to draw his sword"

"Hey" the visitor smiled awkwardly, patted his head, and said with an embarrassed expression, "Your Majesty, you came in a hurry! I didn't pay attention, but there is good news this time."

Han Yi glanced at him. In this palace, there is no other person who can joke with him and also be able to hide and disappear except for Guo Jia. This guy is also a rare minister who knows the existence of heavenly secrets.

"What good news, just tell me what you have!" Han Yi glanced at Guo Jia, got up slowly, glanced at the spirits on the bookshelf, reached out to take him down, opened the lid of the wine, and the aroma of the wine was overflowing , Guo Jia's eyes are like a hungry wolf seeing the food, and he couldn't help licking his tongue. Han Yi saw it and joked: "If the news is not good, you can only smell this wine today."

Guo Jia can also be regarded as a bright person in the country of Yan. He is the main official who communicates with the exchange of food for horses. In order to control the country of Yan, Han Yi let Guo Jia stay there and continue to discuss the matter of changing horses. When he comes back now, he is afraid that something will change the overall situation.

Guo Jia took off his headgear with a smile, rubbed his palms, looked at Han Yi with a smile and said, "Generals Wei Qing and Zhang Fei have already controlled the two major armies of Yan State, and Yandu is controlled by General Han Derang. Chang Yuchun and General Lan Yu controlled part of Ju Xin's army. Murong Ke is currently entangled with Li Shimin in the north and has no time to take care of Yandu. Now, as long as the king speaks Under this order, the whole country of Yan belongs to the king.”

"You came here to talk to Gu." Han Yi listened to Guo Jia's words, but there was not much excitement in his words. Now that the Yan Kingdom has fallen into his hands, the following allies will still be afraid of Han Yi Will he step into the footsteps of the Yan Kingdom? When the time comes, going south will inevitably become Han Yi's greatest resistance, and it will even become more difficult to unify the world. It can be said to be harmful but not beneficial. Bad idea.

"Hey, I'm afraid that the king will be in a hurry!" Guo Jia laughed loudly.

Han Yi glanced at Guo Jia angrily, and snorted coldly: "Gu Xiang is such an ugly person, why don't you want to drink this wine today?"


"Let's talk about it. Right now, the country of Yan is moving and can't be moved, and it can't be let go. Tell me your opinion, and this time, the first one to be destroyed is the country of Wu," Han Yi said with a stern expression.

"Why is it the country of Wu, which doesn't border on it, so it's useless to take it!" Guo Jia muttered a little.

"No, this time I'm going to use my strength, I don't plan to annex the South, after all, it will be exhausted, and I won't be able to recover after more than ten years. At that time, it will be in vain for Qin and Zhao countries, and I will fight for you For example, Zhu Yuanzhang is a piece of fat, and Yang Jian and Ji Fa are all evil wolves. If Zhu Yuanzhang dies and goes south alone, the strength of the princes is almost the same, and it will be much easier to collect them. It can expand the territory and check and balance Qin and Zhao, what do you think?" Han Yi looked indifferent, the layout is too big, and it is difficult to move.

After hearing this, Guo Jia became serious, took the wine gourd handed over by Han Yi, and said calmly, "Your Majesty's plan is perfect, but I can add to the cake."

"Oh..." Han Yi was taken aback, looking at Guo Jia who was drinking, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Yan Guo owes the king such a big favor this time, so I have to pay it back more or less." Guo Jia stroked his beard and said with a smile in his eyes. On this day, I will definitely gather [-] troops for the king to be driven by the king."

"Oh, according to what you said, wouldn't Gu be able to obtain the entire south without a single soldier?" Han Yi laughed.

"These 7 people have been used up, and the king doesn't have to return them. Let's not drink the pot of wine. When the ministers bring the [-] elite soldiers back, they are having a good time with the king. Oh! By the way, Liu Yu will arrive tomorrow How will the king deal with him?" Guo Jia rubbed his eyelids, feeling sleepy.Days of traveling made him exhausted.

"Let's talk about tomorrow"

"I'm leaving first, and I have to rush back to the country of Yan, there is no time to delay"

"No hurry, go back and have a look"

"No, Your Majesty knows about this subject. If this matter is not resolved, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep well." Guo Jia said with a smile, put on her hat, and disappeared into the night.

Han Yi looked at Guo Jia's disappearing back and looked very thin, frowned slightly, and said with emotion; "Forget it, when you come back, I will treat you to drink enough."

(End of this chapter)

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