Warring States Call

Chapter 1524 Meeting

Chapter 1524 Meeting
The hot sun shines on this land, and the prison cars are guarded by capable soldiers, advancing towards the towering Chang'an City, the people on both sides point and point at the prisoners, and the urchins are still smiling as usual Hehe, they circled around together, as if they didn't know anything and didn't care about anything.

At the front of the prison car, Liu Yu had disheveled hair, covered the glare of the sun with his hand, and vaguely glanced at the prosperity of the street from the corner of his eye. Liu Yu seemed to have seen the scene of prosperity. To describe it in two words, it is living and working in peace and contentment. Liu Yu raised his head and looked at the increasingly clear palace. Liu Yu laughed at himself: "Han Yi, it's not wrong to lose alone in your hands."

"King Song, I've been waiting here to congratulate you for a long time." There was a crisp voice, with the contempt of the superiors between the words, Liu Yu rubbed his eyes, looked at the person who came, and saw that he was seven feet long and wearing purple clothes , with a jade belt around his waist, a white jade crown in his hair, and a face like white jade. The fierce general's eyes on the young man in front of him can be described in one word as loyalty, whoever it is if it's not Han Ning.

Liu Yu glanced at the young man, with a simple side, Liu Yu knew that this young man was not simple, he had means, and he was a character.

From the corner of the eye, Liu Yu glanced at the people around him. The second person was Han Ming, with a pocket on the left door, like an old monk in meditation. He was dressed in black, and he didn't open his mouth when he heard Han Ning's shout. His eyes were calm, Liu Yu more or less had an image of this young man, who was brilliant in the Prairie War.

Liu Yu sees that the looks of these two people are similar, their eyebrows are similar, and they are about the same age. At first glance, they are brothers, so I think too much!Thoughts flew.

Seeing Lu Shuang behind Han Ning, he immediately shouted at the top of his voice, "I'm asking you something, why are you so dazed?"

Liu Yu glanced at Han Ning, but he was too lazy to talk nonsense with them. It was a fact that he lost, but Han Yi wanted to send these two little bastards to dismiss him, so he underestimated him too much.

"Bastard" Lu Shuang had anger in his eyes, and was about to step forward to teach him a lesson. Han Ning also had anger in his eyes, but he didn't mean to stop him, and he was about to attack Liu Yu.

Han Ming stood up abruptly, looked at Lu Shuang coldly, the murderous aura all over his body seemed to be unable to escape, and rushed towards Lu Shuang to disperse.

When Lu Shuang saw it, he was stunned, and even couldn't help taking three steps back. Han Ning was not afraid when he saw it, and put the hilt of his sword against Lu Shuang's waist, signaling him not to panic.Han Ning stared at his younger brother with a smile, and said with a laugh: "What's wrong with the fourth brother, he suddenly has such a big temper?"

Han Ming was too lazy to talk to this guy, glanced at Deng Yu behind him, and strode forward without any hesitation. Deng Yu also understood what Han Ming meant, and waved his hand suddenly: "Bring it in."

Han Ning looked at the arrogant Han Ning, and said coldly in his eyes: "Does this kid think that he can show off his power in front of me after two meritorious deeds? He is really a lowly servant."

"My lord, do you want to teach him a lesson?" Lu Guang, the guard Liu Yu had seen before, said in a low voice.Although he felt Han Ming's murderous intent, he was not afraid at all.

"No, he's in the limelight now, let him take a step, and it won't affect the overall situation." Han Ning looked indifferent, but his fingers were rattling.

Along the way, Liu Yu also saw the matter of the two brothers, looked at the back of the young man in front of him, and said suspiciously: "Boy, why are you helping me!"

Han Ming stopped, turned to look at Liu Yu, a pair of black pupils seemed to see through Liu Yu, Han Ming's ruddy lips said calmly: "Because you are considered a hero"

Deng Yu was a little startled, it was the first time he saw Han Ming talking so much with a stranger.Liu Yu was also a little surprised, but he was relieved after a while, looking at Han Ming and saying, "Your vision is broad, you are not a hero, but a real hero can stay in this palace? Boy I'm optimistic about you! It's a pity that your temper is too boring, that brother of yours is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and your future road will be difficult?"

Han Ming glanced at Liu Yu, but he didn't want to talk too much nonsense with Liu Yu, so he walked for a walk. This young man who was only fifteen years old was carrying what he shouldn't bear at his age.

Inside the Bamboo Pavilion

Han Yi took the jug, opened it gently, and asked about the aroma of the wine inside. Behind him stood Fei Lian, Elai, Dian Wei, Gao Lishi, and Zheng Chenggong.Han Yi looked at the sun that was getting hotter and hotter, and said with a puzzled look: "How long has it been, why hasn't this happened until now?"

"It must be that the two Highnesses have been delayed outside the palace gate! Why don't you go and remind me?" Gao Lishi bent down and agreed to Han Yi.

Han Yi smiled lightly, and asked the two of them to meet Liu Yu, just to see what they could learn from Liu Yu.
It is rare for Liu Yu to become a king from nothing in this troubled world. If he hadn't been born in the wrong place, his achievements would not be much lower than Gu Gu's."

"Unfortunately, what he met was the king!" Gao Lishi flattered him inappropriately.

"The great king Liu Yu is here!" Gao Lishi had just finished flattering, and Han Ming came here with Liu Yu.

At this moment, Liu Yu had already got off the prison car, wearing iron chains and dirty clothes, leaning on the gap in his hair to look at Han Yi.

"Song King! I have been waiting here for a long time!" Han Yi put down the wine gourd in his hand, looked at Liu Yu who was wearing shackles, and immediately waved his hands: "What are you doing in a daze, open the chain?"


"Kang Dang" the heavy chain fell to the ground, Liu Yu rubbed his wrist and looked at Han Yi, wondering what was going on in his head.

(End of this chapter)

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