Warring States Call

Chapter 1525 Arrangement

Chapter 1525 Arrangement
For Han Yi now!Liu Yu is no longer a threat. In terms of force, Liu Yu is not his opponent at all, not to mention that there are so many fierce generals gathered behind Han Yi, and more importantly, Liu Yu's mentality has collapsed. The old vigor is gone.

Han Yi handed the gourd of wine in his hand to Gao Lishi, motioning Gao Lishi to pour him wine, Han Yi waved his sleeves, looked at Liu Yu and said, "Liu Yu, this is the best spirits in Chang'an! Let's understand the kindness and resentment!"

Liu Yu reached out to stroke his hair, combed his beard, and looked at Gao Lishi's slowly pouring wine, but Liu Yu was not afraid, picked up the cup and drank it down, only feeling that his throat was hot, and his lower abdomen rose There was a lot of enthusiasm, Liu Yu immediately laughed and said: "Good wine! Han Yi! Good wine!"

"Let go...!" Dian Wei was about to explode, but Han Yi stopped him immediately, but he didn't care about Liu Yu's words at all.

Liu Yuzai looked at Han Yi's belly carefully, just as Han Ning was walking slowly, Han Yi glanced at Han Ning and Han Ming, and said bluntly: "It's nothing like that! Go on down!"

"No!" Han Ning appeared to be polite, and he backed off with a response, but Han Ming ignored it and walked out in obscurity.

"Liu Yu! Liu Yu! Speaking of it! You and I are old rivals. You lost to me in the Four Kingdoms War! You lost to me in the Lu Kingdom War! You still lost to me in the Seven Kingdoms War! The battle of Song Yan! You still lost to me!" Han Yi stared at Liu Yu with a smile, as the so-called killing and killing, but this sentence seemed to be invalid in front of Liu Yu, the quality of this guy's heart is not in vain.

After listening to Han Yi's ridicule, Liu Yu didn't make a fuss, looked at the empty wine bottle, cast a glance at Gao Lishi and said, "What are you doing in a daze! Pour the wine!"

Gao Lishi was slightly angry when he heard it, but after seeing Han Yi's signal expression, he could only pick up the jug and pour wine for Liu Yu.

Liu Yu stroked his chin, let out a sigh of relief, looked at Han Yi and said, "I, Liu Yu, don't believe in fate! Defeat is not terrible! What's terrible is that I can't face failure! I, Liu Yu, can die! But I can't live in a daze. At first I just initiated the war of the Four Kingdoms on the basis of the interests of the Song army! Although I was defeated all the way after that! But I have grown from a general to a king! Although I can’t make a strong country and pass on an heir, I don’t regret it in my life, at least what I have done All things are following my heart! Defeating is not a shame!"

"Hahahahahahaha!" Han Yi laughed involuntarily after hearing this, and suddenly clapped his hands and said, "What Gu admires is your mentality! You were born in Wei! Qi! The Three Kingdoms of Yan! Gu may not be your opponent But for Gu! There are not many people in this world who can be lonely opponents! You are one of them, and there are not many heroes in the world! But you are also one of them!"

"Oh! I don't know who the opponent King Han is looking for!" Liu Yu stroked his beard with a puzzled expression on his face. He even wanted to know who else Han Yi could care about besides himself.

"You might as well guess!" Han Yi looked at Liu Yu with a hint of teasing in his eyes.

"Is Yan Xi?"

"A puppet supported alone! Do you think he counts?" Han Yi chuckled and picked up the wine glass. This Liu Yu was still cheating on him. Han Yi looked at Liu Yu and said, "Yingzheng! Xiang Yu! Zhu Yuanzhang! Liu Bang These four are still worth seeing! Ji Fa! Yang Jian and Yang Jian can only be counted as half of each other!"

"Oh!" Liu Yu didn't feel surprised, but looked very plain. He looked at Han Yi and said, "It's almost the same as I thought! Forget it! I don't want to entangle with you any longer! How to deal with Gu! Let me explain! Gu Wang wants to There is a way of death for a lonely king!"

Han Yi narrowed his eyes, picked up the wine bottle, looked at Liu Yu and said, "Do you think Gu will kill you?"

"Isn't it? Kindness to the enemy! Cruelty to oneself! This is an eternal truth!" Liu Yu said calmly, stroking his beard.

"Have you heard of Prison Dragon?" Han Yi looked at Liu Yu with a smile.

Liu Yu looked puzzled and shook his head. This was the first time he had heard of this place.

"Zheng Zhuanggong! Chai Rong and the two are waiting for you? I have sent you to your wife and concubine, and your heir is not a wise man! The orphans have been entrusted to the people to take care of them! It's not all killed! As for you, where will you settle down?" Live the rest of your life!" Han Yi smiled and looked at Liu Yu with a flat expression.

When Liu Yu heard it, his palms trembled slightly, and his eyes showed embarrassment. Isn't Wei Kaizhi referring to his two-year-old son?In other words, my three wise eldest sons have already...

Han Yi couldn't do the thing of raising tigers, and Han Yi didn't want to do it. He could only take a compromise method. Liu Yu let out a sigh of relief, and his whole body was quite decadent. Liu Yu looked at Han Yi and was speechless .

Han Yi looked at the decadent Liu Yu, and at the cold food and drink, Han Yi said indifferently: "The wine is gone! The grievances are over! Go ahead!"

"Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!" Liu Yu screamed up to the sky and stood up suddenly. The generals behind Han Yi suddenly became vigilant, but Liu Yu said indifferently: "The world has never been unified! This eternal miracle is as good as it is!" You are done, you might as well tell Gu!"

After speaking, Liu Yu strode away!Only Han Yi was left with a lonely background. Han Yi picked up the wine bottle, sipped a glass, and said calmly: "These generals will be brought up!"


In just a few minutes, a few dirty generals of Xiangchen were brought up. Among them, Han Yi was quite fancy, while Yang Shiqi, Yang Rong, Yang Pu, and Yuan Chonghuan!Pei Yuanqing!Yang Yan!Wang Kun, Lu Xiufu, Lu Zongdao, Zhang Sengyou!Unfamiliar faces were placed in front of Han Yi, and there was a faint smile in Han Yi's eyes.

"Putong...Putong!" All the ministers of the defeated army knelt down, and there were a few tough men, such as Yuan Chonghuan!Sanyang and the others were unwilling to kneel, so Du Dianwei kicked him down. On the contrary, it was Pei Yuanqing, who was still kicked by Dianwei as long as he didn't kneel. This made Dianwei angry and was about to exert strength, but Han Yi was smiling. Said: Pei Yuanqing, right?I've heard of you!How about it!I am willing to work under Gu's command! "

"Thank you King Han for your love! But I, Pei Yuanqing, am used to eating a family meal! I can't eat King Han's meal!" Pei Yuanqing snorted coldly, apparently unmoved.

"Song is dead! Why did you hang yourself on a tree?" Han Yi's expression was serious, as if he had seen Pei Yuanqing's will to die.

"Hahahahaha! The Song Kingdom will not perish! Because he is in my heart! As long as I am alive! I will be the Great Song Dynasty! The king will fight to the end!" Pei Yuanqing spoke righteously, like a loyal minister and righteous man.

(End of this chapter)

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