Warring States Call

Chapter 1526 Pei Yuanqing died

Chapter 1526 Pei Yuanqing died
Having said all of this, Han Yi could also see Pei Yuanqing's loyalty. Besides, Pei Renji's death had an indirect relationship with him. In the future, when Pei Yuanqing knew that there would be a rift, it would be better to fulfill his loyalty.

Han Yi glanced at Pei Renji, and said calmly: "He is a loyal person! I will leave you with the whole body alone! Gao Lishi! Give poisonous wine!"

"No!" After Gao Lishi finished speaking, he waved to the eunuch behind him, which was obviously prepared long ago.

Looking at the poisonous wine getting more and more advanced, Han Yi's voice came to mind: "I admire your loyalty! You will be recorded in the history books! Go with peace of mind!"

"Then thank you King Han!" Pei Yuanqing didn't hesitate much, picked up the wine bottle and drank it all in one gulp. Within a moment, Pei Yuanqing was poisoned and died, and Pei Yuanqing didn't regret it!At least he is worthy of Liu Yu!Worthy of Nangong Changwan!Worthy of Lu Wenlong!And later generations will remember him and Nangong Changwan!Lu Wenlong was listed as the Three Pillars of the Song Dynasty!Three pillars fell, and the building collapsed.

Fortunately, Pei Yuanqing kept the last reputation of the three, if Pei Yuanqing surrendered!If you can't make contributions in the future!I'm afraid I'll be ruined.

Han Yi looked at Pei Yuanqing's body, and said with a breath of foul air, "Drag it! Burial!"


"Yuan Chonghuan!" Han Yi squinted his eyes, looking at the man in front of him who refused to kneel, but was held down by evil, with a trace of expectation in his eyes.

Yuan Chonghuan was silent when he heard Han Yi's voice, cold sweat broke out on his head, and the pain on his left shoulder was sent to his brain, which made Yuan Chonghuan realize that as long as he made a slight movement, the big man behind him would kill him , Listening to Han Yi's words, Yuan Chonghuan was not interested in answering, so he could only grit his teeth and maintain his dullness.

Han Yi smiled slightly, picked up the bamboo slips on the side, opened them slowly, and muttered: "Yuan Chonghuan! He was originally a captain of the Lu State! He followed Liu Yu! Liu Yuli was appointed as a side general! Kill the redundant ones with five thousand miscellaneous soldiers. Yan Guo’s elite cavalry, since then, he has rejected Yan’s famous general Juxin for more than half a month! Afterwards, he was classified as a town general! Gu... You are right!"

Yuan Chonghuan frowned. This was the only remarkable achievement in his life. If Liu Yu hadn't reused Nangong Changwan as a reckless man, how could he have lost!Looking at the miserable state now, Yuan Chonghuan said in a deep voice: "If you want to kill, kill! A soldier can be killed but not humiliated!"

"Oh!" Han Yi chuckled, rolled up the bamboo slips in his hand, put them on the table, stared at Yuan Chonghuan calmly, and said calmly, "Do you think Gu is insulting you?"

"Isn't it?" Yuan Chonghuan suddenly raised his head with anger in his eyes.

Han Yi glanced at Elai, and signaled him to let go. Looking at Yuan Chonghuan, whose face was getting more and more relaxed, Han Yi said indifferently: "I'm not going to recruit you this time! And invite you?"

"Hehe!" Yang Shiqi, who was kneeling below, took the lead in laughing softly, looked at Han Yi and said in a deep voice, "What's the difference between the two!"

"Hahahahaha! Indeed!" Han Yi stood up suddenly, looked at Yang Shiqi and said indifferently: "But... this Mr. Yang! You may have forgotten one thing!"

"What!" Yang Shiqi was completely fearless at the moment. He looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, and stared at Han Yi with his old eyes, as if he wanted to pass on this guy.

"You have no choice in recruiting! But the invitation is different. Gu intends to let him go! He can join Gu! He can also leave Gu!" After Han Yi answered Yang Shiqi's question, a pair of black pupils seemed to see through Yang Shiqi, Staring at Yuan Chonghuan with a flat face, he said indifferently: "Although Gu's subordinates gather stars! But Gu will not let go of a talent! Instead, he will make the best use of everything! Gu will let you show what you have learned! Looking at you Yuan Chonghuan In my life, I don’t lack anything! But I only lack a good master!”

Yuan Chonghuan was silent. He was moved by the conditions proposed by Han Yi. Yuan Chonghuan was really unwilling to die like this. After following Liu Yu for these years, he got nothing. In Liu Yu's eyes, besides Lu Wenlong and Pei Yuanqing, the Liu family's children are the ones he trusts the most. He, the general of the Lu Kingdom, has not been promoted or used in the slightest.But at the same time, Yuan Chonghuan was also worried, and the surrender would inevitably be shamed by other generals!He would be excluded from time to time, and looking at Han Yi's famous generals, none of them were descended generals. No, Cao Mo seemed to be one, but this guy wanted to die.

"The world is uncertain! There are still many opportunities for you to show off what you have learned! Liu Yugu didn't kill him! Your death for no reason is not worth it!" Han Yi said calmly, picked up the wine bottle in his hand, and now We can only look at Yuan Chonghuan's temper.

Yuan Chonghuan frowned, and his expression was a little erratic. Yuan Chonghuan stared at Han Yi with serious brows, and let out a foul breath for a while: "I wish to surrender to King Han!"

"Hahahahaha! Good! Good!" When Han Yi recruited Yuan Chonghuan, he had already thought of the second situation. If this guy didn't submit to him, he would have to be killed. Although this guy's ability is not as good as Bai rise!Han Xin!Wu Qi is a top-notch general, but he has no opponents under the top-notch, and this guy is good at defense. No matter who gets it, it is a serious problem for Han Yi. Now it is a good thing to be able to subdue him. This time he went south There must be a place for him.

After hearing this, Yang Shiqi and others frowned. As expected, Yuan Chonghuan was no longer in Liu Yu's inner circle. It was a wise choice for him to surrender to Han Yi.

Seeing that Yuan Chonghuan was accepted, Han Yi couldn't help being in a good mood. Looking at the remaining people, Han Yi said calmly: "Several! How can you say you are willing to surrender!"

"I just want to die quickly! Please also ask King Han to make it happen!" Lu Xiufu said with a livid face.

"Forget it! Gu is too lazy to deal with you old bones today! Zheng He!" Han Yi glanced at Zheng He who was standing silently behind him, and said indifferently.

"The servant is here!" Zheng He trotted all the way over, with a stern expression on his face.

"Send these people to Luoyang! Leave it to the prince!" Han Yi breathed heavily, his expression very calm. Now that Han Chen's attributes have been stimulated, don't be too sorry!This time, by the way, let's see if the hostility on this kid has gone down.


"Han Yi! A scholar can be killed but not humiliated! You send a yellow-mouthed boy here...!"

"Yuan Chonghuan... are you disloyal...!"

Han Yi and Yuan Chonghuan didn't care about the words of these lunatics, and Han Yi's next consideration was how to go south. The porridge in the south, it's time to boil him.

(End of this chapter)

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