Chapter 1528

The War of the Seven Kingdoms has just ended, and all countries are recovering their previous vitality. Zhu Yuanzhang, as the most powerful prince on the surface, has two political leaders, Li Shanchang and Wu Zixu. It was much faster, and the harvest coincided with the harvest within one month, and his vitality was restored. For the rest of the time, Zhu Yuanzhang has been mobilizing troops and horses.

Although the land area of ​​Wu State is not as large as that of Liu Bang, it is expensive because it has more cultivated land. A few years ago, King Fucha of Wu followed the advice of Zhu Yuanzhang and Wu Zixu, adopted the Ding Law, and received a lot of support from the court. The population of Wu State increased.The main content of the Population Law is to encourage the common people to have children, and the more children, the more rewards!At the same time, it attracted foreign people to come and live, and gave them the status of arable land and Chinese people. During this period, it achieved certain results.

The predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade. Fucha's efforts finally became Zhu Yuanzhang's wedding dress. This is also the main reason why Zhu Yuanzhang quickly recovered his strength in a short period of time. Adult men immediately drill and recruit recruits, and retire older veterans. The first is to ensure the combat effectiveness of the soldiers, and the second is to see how many soldiers have been expanded to improve the country's combat effectiveness.

In the dark golden hall, Zhu Yuanzhang was holding a writing brush in his hand, relying on the lights, carefully reviewing the bamboo slips in his hand, and Li Shanchang was sitting below!Wu Zixu, Hu Weiyong, and Gu Yong, in the dark hall, only these few lights shone brightly in the dark night.

"Kong Youde, Shang Kexi, Geng Zhongming, and Hong Chengchou, the four defeated generals, have news!" Zhu Yuanzhang held the brush in his hand aggressively, writing vigorously on the bamboo slips, his voice was hoarse with his head lowered, but his voice was majestic in the wireless Press toward the four people.

Li Shanchang!Wu Zixu!Gu Yong and the others were all calm, but Hu Weiyong shook his head a few times, looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and said immediately, "I will report... I will report to the king! Kong Youde... Shang Kexi and the two are now imprisoned in the prison, Geng Zhongming! At present, Hong't know...don't know where to go!"

"Crack!" Zhu Yuanzhang slammed the bamboo slips he had finished reading at Hu Weiyong. His plain face was like deep water at the moment, and he was a terrifying servant. Zhu Yuanzhang squinted his eyes, looked at Hu Weiyong, and said calmly, "These two have no talent. Incompetent! Kill it! In addition, to appease the morale of the army! Promote a few generals!"

"No... promise!" Hu Weiyong took the bamboo slip tremblingly, wiped the cold sweat from his head, the cold wind in the hall blew, and made Hu Weiyong tremble, and the half-covered Hu Weiyong was soaked in sweat.

"Today's soldiers! Food and grass! How about the military equipment!" Zhu Yuanzhang casually picked up a bamboo slip, narrowed his eyes slightly, put his cold hands into his sleeves, and regained some heat. He looked like an old monk in meditation.

"We have recruited [-] soldiers and horses to make up for the original soldiers. In terms of food and grass, we can live a prosperous year without starting a war! All the weapons and equipment have been prepared and stored in the treasury. Your Majesty can call them at any time!" "Wu Zixu stroked his beard, and there was a trace of satisfaction and weakness in his eyes. The satisfaction is that the Wu State is stronger than before, and the weakness is that if it was not hit hard by Zhou Yu's variable two years ago, Wu State will become stronger than before. In the past, it was stronger, and such things as soldiers were not supplemented just by supplementing.

The national power of Wu State is not a little bit stronger than Sun Yue, but the main reason why Wu State can't beat Sun Yue is that there are too few famous generals. In the first battle between Wu and Yue, only Sun Ce, who was at the bottom of the box, suddenly had more Sun Yue. Zhou Yu, looking at the current state of Wu, Xu Da is one, Wu Zixu is half, there is one who has not grown into Li Wenzhong, and the rest of the generals are gone.

Zhu Yuanzhang was also worried about this matter, staring at Li Shan with eyes like a beast, and said, "Ruo Ruogu plans to launch a war in half a month! How long can the food and grass last!"

"If there are no accidents! As long as you persist until the beginning of spring to cultivate, it will be enough to supply the king for a year!" Li Shanchang stroked his beard. If the battle line really drags on for a year, then Wu's family fortune in these years will be huge. clean up.

Zhu Yuanzhang squinted his eyes slightly, stroked his beard, and said solemnly: "If you want to take down Sun Yue quickly, it is impossible to rely solely on yourself. Although Gou Jian has a feud with Sun Quan, he will never look at Wu Guo for no reason. Make it bigger! So this battle still needs Goujian to participate!"

"There is no need to worry about this! If we launch a war to destroy Sun Quan! Gou Jian will definitely resist all opinions! But the key right now is the marriage between Sun Quan and Han Yi. If we attack Sun Quan! Han Yi will definitely send troops to stop it!" Gu Yong's complexion looked solemn, now that Wu Guo said it bluntly, he was a bit cautious, and if he was not careful, he would capsize in the gutter.

Zhu Yuanzhang rubbed his temples. Han Yi made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles, but he had nothing to do with him.

"Now our country does not border Han Yi, and our country is united with Xiang country. Han Yi must use Yang Jian or Ji Fa. Among them, Yang Jian has the shortest distance, so he must be Han Yi's first choice. Ju country is located in a remote place. If you want to open It must be very difficult to expand the territory, and Yang Jian is their primary goal. As long as we form an alliance with Ji Fa, the king will marry his daughter! He Xiang! The two countries sign an alliance, and the three countries will watch and help each other! Even if we cannot confront Han Yi, we can. The city is fixed, and the Qin State in the west will definitely not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Great things can happen!" Gu Yong's face is like white jade!This is the best way he can think of so far.

It can be said that the state of Ju was forced to go home. It was originally the state of Qi, but Ji Fa only took three cities, and was blocked by the general of the state of Qi, Fuhao, and then the state of Qi was negative. When Ji Fa was full of ambition, Cao Cao persuaded Fu Hao to surrender, and Han Yi destroyed Gao Qi, which almost crushed Ji Fa's dream, so that now Ji Fa has Han!There are two countries, Sui and Wu, and they are not allowed to enter!I can't go back and I can't go back!Very aggrieved.

Zhu Yuanzhang narrowed his eyes and stared at the lights in front of him, as if he was considering Gu Yong's proposal. After a while, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Gu Yong and said, "The task of going to Ju country is entrusted to you! I hope you will not disappoint Gu! "

"Weichen will definitely do his best!" Gu Yong didn't dare to promise at the moment, after all, Ji Fa has been really low-key these years, and he doesn't know what kind of temperament this guy is.

Gu Yong is also gambling!Bet this young king is a wise master of great talent and boldness!The betting girl found out that he had ambitions, as long as he bet right, Wu Guo would not be so passive, and the road to the south would be easier.

(End of this chapter)

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