Warring States Call

Chapter 1529 Ji Fa

Chapter 1529 Ji Fa
Gu Yong set off in a hurry on the second day. Because of the border between the two countries, within three days, Gu Yong came to Ji Fa's territory and expressed his intention. Looking at the few people behind Gu Yong, it was Let Gu Yong enter the city.

There have been no large-scale wars in Ju State these years, and even if there were, it was only for Han Yi. So far, there are only three well-known military generals in Ju State, and only Pang Shigu can take action in the country. One, and the other two were former generals of the Qi State, Hou Yi and Chi You. These two men killed several fierce generals of Han Yi in the battle of Qi State. Han Yi already had the heart to kill them. , originally wanted Ji Fa to hand over the two of them, but Ji Fa knew how to practice Tai Chi, saying that he would not hand over the two of them, and was willing to cede a city in exchange for the two.

It can be said that Ji Fa has already taken the risk of offending Han Yi to win them over. Of course, the effect is obvious. Today, the two of them are devoted to Ji Fa and are willing to go through fire and water for him, and Gu Yong can also see from this that Ji Fa is a man with means. In addition, he and Han Yi have turned against each other. Although the two countries are still in an alliance, there must be a lot of small cracks on the wall.

There are means for this one!able!A monarch who is determined and not afraid of Han Yi's coercion, Gu Yong sees him very much. At the right time, Wu Guo helps him annex Yang Jian. Unless Han Yi goes south to destroy Ji Fa and Xiang Yu, Wu Guo can sit back and relax. As long as Zhu Yuanzhang Go south to pacify Sun Quan and Goujian, and rule the country of Yue!Even in the face of Han Yi, he is capable of fighting.

The sun was shining on the main hall, and Ji Fa was sitting on the throne with his hands drooping on his knees, and he was calm and arrogant. Behind him stood the two evil stars Chi You and Hou Yi, which invisibly added a lot to Ji Fa. Prestige, civil and military ministers stand on the left and right, among which the military generals are headed by Pang Shigu, and the civil officials are dominated by Ji Dan.

The name Ji Dan sounds like an egg, but this guy is the famous Zhou Gongdan in history, and his martial arts and martial arts are fine!The key point is that people don't love power, and the young master will return the power when he grows up, which can be described as a model of a good minister.

Ji Fa looked at the civil and military ministers on both sides, and said calmly: "My dear friends! Gu Yong from Wu Kingdom is here this time! I don't know what you think!"

"Although the great king Wu Guo came here this time, although he doesn't know what it means, he will go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, and he must not take it lightly!" Yang Xiu's whole body is like a sharp sword. The situation is different from that of other countries. The natural geographical location limits the growth of Ju State, which makes Ju State very embarrassed. It cannot go up or down, so it can only be in an awkward position.

Moreover, the only way Ji Fa can seem to be benefiting now is to join forces with Yang Jian to attack Zhu Yuanzhang, so as to ensure invincibility. Yang Jian has also said this for a long time, but the two countries are currently recovering, and I am afraid that they will not be able to easily in a short time.

After listening to Yang Xiu's nonsense, Ji Fa glanced at Ji Dan who was silent at the side, frowning, let out a breath for a while, and said solemnly: "Han Yi's power is gradually growing! There is a vague unity The trend of the world, if you are cooperating with Han Yi, you must be seeking skin from a tiger! Although Yang Jian is the overlord! But he has always been attached to Han Yi, and the two countries have been at odds before. It is too difficult for my country of Ju to dominate the world. The children and grandchildren are not exhausted, so I have to think about the people of the future generations, and as far as I know! Han Yi has sent people to the Sui Kingdom in the past few days, and I am afraid that something big will happen. This time, let's take a look at the movements of the Wu Kingdom! The situation is unclear, I, Ju, throw the pot!"

"What the king said is holy!" Everyone sang in unison.

Ju State has been managed by Zhou Gongdan for these years, and its national strength is also increasing day by day. Zhou Gongdan copied Han Yi's military training method and Wu State's personnel law, and modified it according to the situation of Ju State. Qin State's meritorious system was also banned. Zhou Gongdan took it over and used it, so that the current Ju State has a strong military force, and everyone wants to fight!The purpose is to make contributions!Grain and grass can supply one hundred thousand troops for a year!It can be said in one sentence that the current state of Ju has been reborn, and the only flaw is the shortage of soldiers!The successor is weak, and I want to expand the territory, but it is even more difficult.

This is also the reason why everyone is aggrieved. Going up, Han Yi can't beat it!Going down and Yang Jian only dared to have a small friction, once the real fire came, Wu Guoke below would reap the benefits of the fisherman. All of this made Ji Fa very aggrieved.

"Ji Dan! In the current situation, what should we do in Ju Country!" Ji Fa glanced at his younger brother, who is so wise and demonic. The situation is really too slow, coupled with the original Huang Chao's interference in politics, it has delayed a lot of time. By the time Ji Fa came back to his senses, Han Yi had already occupied Qi, which was really helpless.

Ji Dan glanced at the minister behind him, and slowly uttered four words: "Wait and see!"

"Yeah!" Ji Fa was speechless by Ji Dan's words, but he also knew that there was nothing to say about this matter, so he could only give up, looked at Pang Shigu and said, "How is Huang Chao now?" !"

"Your Majesty! Huang Chao is still safe now, but Zhu Wen, Huang Kui, Shang Rang, and Meng Kai under his command are not very safe! They still have more than 3 elite soldiers in their hands!" Pang Shi Gu said solemnly.

"Huh! The current Huang Chao is still immobile! Don't let him meet the four of them! Otherwise...!" Ji Fa's meaning is self-evident.

"Your Majesty! What I think! Now that the overall situation has been decided, the four of them are still rampant like this! It is really detrimental to the majesty of the King! I think! The four should be closed! Oppression is the main thing!" Wearing white clothes!Zhao Zhang, a middle-aged man with a height of seven feet, stared at Ji Fa solemnly.

"Tell me!"

"Your Majesty can give way in the name of rewarding the army to appease the morale of the soldiers, and then go straight in and capture the enemy's chief general. The four of them must do it at the same time. If they resist! Just shoot and kill him!" Zhao Zhang said solemnly.

Ji Fa stroked his beard with a dignified expression!As if thinking about this matter, Ji Fa glanced at Ji Dan who was silent for a while, and saw Ji Dan gave him a positive look, Ji Fa finally made a decision, and immediately said: Pang Shigu! "

"The last general is here! You go to Huang Kui's barracks! The second brother goes to Shangrang's barracks! Tan Daoji! Ge Congzhou! You two go to find Meng Kai! Go alone and meet Zhu Wen!" Ji Fa said decisively.

"Your Majesty, don't do it! Zhu Wen is cruel by nature! Deceitful! Absolutely not!" Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed drastically. This is about to cause an accident, and who is responsible for it.

"It doesn't matter! Because Zhu Wen is cunning, this guy will only relax his vigilance if he goes alone, and he can't let these five people have cholera anymore...!"

(End of this chapter)

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