Chapter 1530
In the early morning of the next day, Ji Fa personally went to the army in the name of rewarding the sergeants. The troops were divided into four groups, each with only 3000 troops, and the carriages stretched for hundreds of meters. , the people had nothing to do, the underage men and children were gathered together to train the army formation, and the rest were some women watching on both sides of the street, chirping one by one, as happy as sparrows.

But three of the four major military camps were acting as if nothing had happened, while the camp where Ji Fa went was quietly undergoing changes.

The 35-year-old Zhu Wen was showing his big yellow teeth, eating the barbecue in his hand, and his red eyes were bloodshot, as if he hadn't closed his eyes for three days.

"General!...That's the situation!" Standing below Zhu Wen was a soldier in his twenties, holding his sword, staring at Zhu Wen with a stern expression, with a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

Zhu Wen threw the barbecue in his hand on the table, casually picked up the rag on the side, wiped his greasy hands, picked up the wine jar on the side, took a big drink, took a long breath, looked at the lieutenant general and said : "Deputy General Ma! How many years have you followed this general!"

"General Qi! It's been seven or eight years!" The lieutenant general Ma trembled slightly, looking at Zhu Wen, his whole body trembled a lot.

"It's been seven or eight years! I remember teaching you, right? You need to find out and report to me! Your Majesty is only here to reward the army in person. What about the news about the other three major military camps? Hmm!" Zhu Wen stood up suddenly, his eyes wide open. With an angry look, the four major military camps are all watching and helping each other. If Ji Faru rewards the soldiers, in order to express his sincerity, he will definitely reward each family. But now the deputy general reported to himself without knowing anything, and now even the soldiers of the other three armies The news is gone.

"General... the last general has checked! This time the king only came to this camp! I came here in a hurry, forgot...forgot to report" Vice-General Ma said bravely, in his opinion, maybe a lie would do the trick It's too much to hide, but if you don't spread it, I'm afraid it will inevitably be bruised today.

"Really?" Zhu Wen's black eyes seemed to see through Vice General Ma.

"Yes... yes!" Deputy General Ma wiped the cold sweat off his brow, but his heart beat a lot faster.

"Go down!" Zhu Wen didn't even look at Vice-General Ma.

"!" Vice-General Ma breathed a sigh of relief tremblingly, and was about to leave, but Zhu Wen immediately stopped Vice-General Ma: "Stop!"

Lieutenant General Ma, who had let go of his heart, suddenly became excited again, turned his head to look at Zhu Wen and said, "General...general...what's the matter!"

"This Korean liquor is almost finished! You find a way to get it for me! It's just around the corner that you will be promoted to a general!" Zhu Wen's eyes were filled with amusement, and he looked at Lieutenant General Ma with a smile.

"The last general will do it!" Deputy General Ma finally put down the big rock he was carrying, and immediately ran out relieved.

Zhu Wen picked up the wine jar, stroked the mouth of the bottle, and muttered to himself, "Children Ji Fa! What are you going to buy?"

half an hour later
When Ji Fa came to the big camp, the soldiers and horses of the whole big camp were almost resting, basking in the sun lazily outside, but if you observe carefully, there are people guarding all around, and there will be a few soldiers between each camp. A sentinel, used to observe the surrounding situation.

"This Zhu Wen is so dereliction of duty, he really deserves to be killed!" Standing behind Li Mu raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows, and he didn't feel comfortable no matter how he looked at it. If he was the soldier under Li Mu's command, he might be able to hit the board lightly.

Ji Fa glanced at Li Mu, motioned him not to worry, looked at Chi You behind him and said: "Get Gu a jar of strong wine, and then drink away!"

"No!" Li Mu got up immediately, picked up a wine jar, Ji Fa took it with one hand, and walked over.

The soldiers at the gate saw the black king's flag and immediately shouted: "The king is here! Greet him quickly!"

"Your Majesty is here... Get up quickly! You son of a bitch! It's okay to be lazy at ordinary times, but cheer me up today! Something went wrong! I'll deal with it by military law!" a general shouted at the top of his voice, No wonder he was so anxious, his barracks was the closest to Ji Fa, if Ji Fa went to Zhu Wen to raise his voice, he would still have a good life in the future, at least he would not be able to escape with bruises.

The general looked at a soldier who was still lazily underground, and immediately lost his temper. He suddenly stepped forward and swung the whip in his hand. The soldier's legs were only numb, and he didn't get up for a while. The whip was getting further and further in, and he immediately raised his hand to block it, and subconsciously closed his eyes.

"Crack!" The hot whip came down, and there was a sound of flesh and flesh, but the soldier didn't feel any pain, which surprised him, and he opened his eyes suddenly, only to see Ji Fa stretching out his hand to block the blow.

"Great... Great King...!" When he saw that the whip hit Ji Fa, he was taken aback, and then panicked. The whip in his hand did not fall to the ground, and he lost all energy, and immediately knelt down. Lying on the ground, trembling, he cried out sadly: "The last general...the last general...the last general doesn't know the king...!"

"Okay!" Ji Fa got up slowly, glanced at the trembling general, helped him up, then glanced at the soldier lying on the ground and said: "This time I come here alone to reward the army! Don't wait Too much pressure! This general is also in such a hurry because he is lonely! Speaking of which, he is lonely!"

"The last general dare not...!" The two people who had just been lifted up immediately knelt down again, sweating profusely!The soldiers on the side also knelt down!I was terrified.

"This time to reward the soldiers! If you soldiers don't mind! Drink this wine with Gu Tong!" After speaking, Ji Fa suddenly drank heavily, and after drinking, he handed the wine jar in his hand to the side general.

He took the wine jar hesitantly, but seeing Ji Fa's sincere eyes, he immediately took the wine. This drinking is not a big deal, the soldiers around all saw it, and he was very grateful to Ji Fa. With the drink, it is worthy of them.

Everyone's morale was high, and they showed great admiration and respect for Ji Fa. I don't know who was the first to shout: "Long live the king! Long live the king!"

For a while, the fiery atmosphere ignited the big camp. Originally, Li Gang wanted to stop Ji Fa's disrespectful behavior, but now it seems that the effect is good.

"Let's go! Let's go see General Zhu Wen!" Ji Fa is indifferent but small. This is the charm of a king. A small move can ignite the entire army. This is what Han Yi's rise in his early years relied on. This trick has been tried repeatedly. .

And Zhu Wen in the big tent heard the shouts of the big camp, and his heart sank: "The visitor is not kind!"

(End of this chapter)

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