Warring States Call

Chapter 1532 Counting

Chapter 1532 Counting

"Ding, Commander Huang Chao is 99, and Shang Kexi has a force value of 95. The current system needs 4 people on the list!"

"Ding, the current No. 1 back Liang Zhuzhen: Force 95 Commander 85 Politics 44 Intelligence 80 Special attribute selection: The selected soldiers are all capable and capable! And it is easy to produce generals! There is a 20.00% chance to find talents! Currently Implanted as the school lieutenant who whipped Ji Fa! Because Ji Fa is a virtuous corporal, grateful to Ji Fa, and loyal!"

"Yeah!" The eyes that had just been closed suddenly opened at this moment. This special attribute surprised Han Yi, not to mention the ability, this attribute alone can quickly create an elite soldier. The talent Ji Fa got this time is quite capable!Han Yi stroked his chin, thinking about how to take this Zhu Zhen for his own use.

"Ding! The current second person on the list is Yang Shihou Liang, with strength 99, commander 95, politics 73, and intelligence 80. Special attributes: silver spear effect and section army can be formed. After formation, the soldier's strength value will be increased by 3. The current implantation status is a soldier protected by Ji Fa. !Because Corporal Ji Fa Lixian is grateful to Ji Fa and is loyal!"

"Damn it!" Han Yi frowned. It was definitely not easy for these two people alone. After a long time, Ji Fa could pull out a silver spear to act like a soldier, and Ji Fa must not be allowed to grow bigger. Han Yi stood up suddenly, Pick up the map, spread it out on the ground, and look at the location of Ju Country!A cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Ding, the third person on the list is currently: Yao Pingzhong of the Song Dynasty: 97 in military power, 74 in command, 45 in politics, 57 in intelligence, and implanted in identity. A general promoted by Zhu Yuanzhang!"

"Ding, the fourth person who is currently on the list is Ming Dynasty Ping An: force 96, commander 96, intelligence 80, politics 65, currently implanted as Zhu Yuanzhang's adoptive son, deeply loved by Zhu Yuanzhang!"

"Ding, the current explosion is over!"

"Hehe! You are still so fair to the system! It really is true that the fat does not flow to outsiders' fields!" Han Yi said with some irony, but the system did not respond to Han Yi.

"Call Liu Ji here quickly!" Han Yi stroked his beard, his tiger eyes didn't know what he was thinking.

"No...!" Gao Lishi got the order and walked out non-stop. Half an hour later, Liu Ji came running profusely with sweat, looking exhausted and panting.

As soon as Han Yi saw Liu Ji, he strode forward, grabbed Liu Ji's wrist, and walked straight forward. When he came to the map, he said solemnly: "Berwen is built by you! How do you see Ju? country!"

"Wait a minute, my lord! Let me sort it out!" Liu Ji was flattered at first, then wiped the sweat from his brow, squinted his eyes, looked at the map of Ju, and said half aloud: "Ji Fa's city mansion is extremely deep! These years have been affected by geographical location! It’s hard to do much! But Ju has [-] troops! If the king is really worried! You might as well attract a soldier to harass Ji Fa!”

"How do you say that!" Han Yi said solemnly.

"During the Great War on the Grassland! General Han Shizhong once fought against the barbarians! If we send out news on the sea that Ju is rich in products! The national power is weak, and those bullying barbarians will definitely rush away! No need for the king to pay a single soldier, You can stop Ji Fadao's development!" Liu Ji stroked his goatee, and it took less than half an hour!Liu Ji came up with a solution.

Han Yi stared at Liu Ji with black pupils, and said with emotion in his heart: He is really Zhuge Liang in three parts of the world!Rule the world Liu Bowen!This guy is really not covered!

"Your Majesty...but what I said was inappropriate!" Liu Ji stroked his beard, and said suspiciously when Han Yi didn't speak.

"No! This plan is very good! I will start to arrange it now. Han Yi rubbed his wrist and looked at the map on the ground with a dignified look. He didn't know what he was thinking. The map in front of him seemed ordinary. , but in fact, the silent flames of war have begun to breed fire, and a big battle is inevitable.

Ji Fa, who had returned to the military power, seemed to loosen the big rock in his heart, and the next thing he faced was Gu Yong.

Gu Yong, who is 25 years old, is still very young, but for some reason, he is highly valued by Zhu Yuanzhang. Speaking of which, Wu Guo is very strange now. Zhu Yuanzhang has many generals in his hands, but he lacks generals who can command troops in battle!The number of civil servants is pitiful, but all of them are talents who govern the country. This kind of abnormal development, although it has made the Wu country strong and powerful, it also has disadvantages!Once the war of attrition is fought, the supply within Wu will inevitably be delayed and the military aircraft will be delayed!Playing fast battles without outstanding generals can be said to be of different lengths.

Ji Fa squinted his eyes and looked at Gu Yong in front of him, only to see that he was wearing white clothes, jade pendant on his belt, and a goatee. He was handsome and gentlemanly.

"Wu Guo Gu Yong! Meet the King of Ju!" Gu Yong bent down when he saw Ji Fa.

Ji Fa looked at Gu Yong, waved his hand and said, "Give me a seat!"

"Thank you, King Ju!" Gu Yong looked at the futon that was pushed over. The current chairs have not been implemented yet. Throughout the Spring and Autumn and Warring States, the implementation is to sit on knees or sit on the ground.

Gu Yong knelt down to the ground, looking at the surrounding situation, the smile in his eyes became more and more obvious.

Ji Fa is the main one, and next to them are Pang Shigu and Zhou Gongdan, but there is no fourth person in the entire hall.

"When will the envoy of Wu come?" Ji Fa put his hands on his knees, looked at Gu Yong calmly, and oppressed Gu Yong with the aura of a superior.

Feeling Ji Fa's coercion, Gu Yong looked at Ji Fa with a smile and said: "King Ju! This time, my king wants to marry his daughter to King Ju! How good is the relationship between the two families to cultivate Qin and Jin!"

Ji Fa looked at Gu Yong. For this smiling guy, Ji Fa only felt that it was hard to handle. First, he and Wu Guo hadn't had much conflict in these years, and second, Wu Guo had good intentions this time!If you offend Wu Guo!Even if Han Yi is willing to mediate, he will never work in vain, but if he forms an alliance with Wu Guo, it will only tear a big hole in the already broken relationship with Han Yi!This made Ji Fa start to sway from side to side.

"King Ju! My great king said it! This time, it's sincerity! If the country of Ju sends troops to attack Yang Jian in the future! My country of Wu is willing to send troops to help the country of Ju. At that time, the country of Ju will annex the country of Sui! On the one hand, we can keep watch and help each other! Prevent Han Yi from going south! On the other hand, we can extend the country! I don’t know what King Ju wants!" Gu Yong looked at Ji Fa with a smile, but he was a little worried in his heart. What he was most worried about now was that Ji Fa was jealous. Han Yi's power caused the alliance to fail.

Ji Fa looked at Gu Yong, straightened his clothes and said, "This is not a small matter! I can't agree to the king of Wu for now! Besides, I already have a lover in my heart! I won't delay Miss Wu!"

(End of this chapter)

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