Warring States Call

Chapter 1533 Difficult

Chapter 1533 Difficult
Gu Yong narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out what Ji Fa meant in his heart, and he didn't directly reject himself, proving that there was still room for this matter, it was just a so-called beloved, but a plaything in the palm of his hand, for the king, there was nothing more than actual benefits Even more exciting.

Gu Yong looked at the smiling Ji Fa, and then said calmly: "Your Majesty, don't rush to refuse, Han Yi's ambition to annex the world has not been a day or two, and he knew it well, even the formerly powerful Qin State They all suffered a big loss in the hands of Han Yi. In the War of the Seven Kingdoms, all countries turned from offense to defense! Offensive and defensive are different, Qin State has the natural danger of Hangu Pass, as long as Hangu Pass is guarded, Qin State’s century-old foundation can be preserved. Excuse me Ju State does not have 20 soldiers and horses, and there is no natural danger in the geography, although it is now attached to Han Yi, the final result is nothing but the death of the country, and it is far from a matter of time!"

"Presumptuous! You Wu people! Speak wildly! It's not good to bully me with the sword of Ju Guo! Let's see, I will kill you!" Pang Shigu stood up suddenly, turned over, came to the sword stand, and drew his sword suddenly, loudly The sound of the sword resounded in everyone's ears.

Ji Fa was also a little annoyed, but she also knew that what Gu Yong said was reasonable. Gu Yong represented Zhu Yuanzhang today. If he was killed, it would mean that Ju State had completely offended Zhu Yuanzhang. Ju country is very unfavorable, so Ji Fa's first reaction was to tell Pang Shigu to stop.


Pang Shigu, who was in a fit of anger, regained his sanity after being scolded, glanced at Gu Yong, frowned, reluctantly put the bronze sword on the sword stand, and looked at Gu Yong with a gloomy expression. Wishing to sit back to the original position.

Ji Fa looked at Gu Yong and said: "This matter is big or small! But Wu Guo's kindness has been taken care of! Go back and rest for now, Your Excellency! My country of Ju has survived for a hundred years, and it is not because of a moment of enthusiasm! Please also ask Wu Give Gu some time! Gu will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

Gu Yong listened to the pronunciation of Ji Yan's speech!Temporary gas!satisfy!reply!These three words are enough to show that Ji Fa intends to consider it, but it still needs to be discussed and discussed. The two countries have established diplomatic relations on an equal footing, and Wu Guo can't be too strong!If Ji Fa is disgusted, the original efforts will be wiped out. If you want to dispel Ji Fa's concerns, you need to take it slowly and not be too radical.

Besides, this is the first time for Gu Yong to come here. The establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries is not based on lip service, but also needs to "deal with Ji Fa's ministers!" As for who to deal with, Gu Yong already has an answer in his heart. ability, and is also favored by Ji Fa, although there are many!But there is one person who fits Gu Yong's prey, and that is... Yang Xiu!
Yang Xiu, who had an idea in his heart, had a gentle face like jade, and his voice was like the sound of a piano: "Since the king of Ju is still undecided! Then I will stay for a few more days! I hope the king of Ju will think about it! I will leave!"

"Respectfully send off the envoy Wu!" Ji Fa did not lose his dignity, and immediately waved his hands, his wide sleeves spread like a peacock, which did not lose etiquette but made Ji Fa look mighty and domineering.

"Farewell!" Gu Yong stood up straight, adjusted his clothes, bowed to Ji Fa and saluted, then turned around and left the hall unhurriedly.

Ji Fa casually picked up the wine bottle, took a sip of the tea, and said indifferently: "Gu Yong is here, what do you think!"

"It's too late for all countries to benefit from each other! The country of Wu must have something to do! I'm afraid Zhu Yuanzhang is not interested in drinking!" Zhou Gongdan stroked his beard, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

"Hmph! Although the country of Wu is powerful! But as long as it is planned properly, it doesn't necessarily mean how powerful this guy is!" Pang Shigu looked angry.

"If our country destroys Yang Jian! Let's not talk about whether Wu is willing to do so! Without Yang Jian, our country will border on Zhu Yuanzhang's territory! Let's not talk about conflicts! At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang will unify the south! Ju country is mixed with Han! Between Wu and Wu ! When the time comes, once you have the right and the right! Uncertainty, I am afraid that if you offend both countries at the same time, you will be in danger of being destroyed in an instant!"

"Oh! This Zhu Yuanzhang has created a problem for me!" Ji Fa got up slowly, hammered his knee, and said with an embarrassed expression, "Let's inquire about Zhu Yuanzhang's movements earlier!"

"Subordinates understand!" Pang Shigu saluted Ji Fa, then retreated and walked out in stride.

Ji Fa stood with his hands behind his back, and said with a troubled expression: "Speaking of it! My Zhou family has gradually declined over the years. In the past, the big country with the surname of Ji is now only my country of Ju and Yan. The overall situation of Yan has been in turmoil these years. I have no choice but to rely on Han Yi for everything, and Zheng Guo has become a stepping stone for South Korea. I am really ashamed of my ancestors! Even the current Zhou royal family is still under the control of Han Yi, and it is already in name only!"

"Yes!" Zhou Gongdan was also full of emotions, stroking his beard, and said with a serious face: "In the past, the eight hundred princes all surrendered to my Zhou royal family! But now the princes and kings do not respect the royal order. To put it bluntly, it is still the Zhou royal family. The power is declining, the Nine Cauldrons are moving and the world is divided!"

"That's right! Most of the places that were not rich before have become the foundation for the princes of various countries to dominate the world! Although the rich lands in the past had a large number of people, they didn't have natural dangers to guard the land! They can only be reduced to the land of other countries!" Zhou Gongdan rubbed helplessly. He rubbed his temples, to put it bluntly!There was a problem with the state-building system of Zhou State.

"What's the use of talking so much! In the end, there is still no way to recover!" Ji Fa sighed, looking decadent!There is no previous mighty domineering at all!Ju country's geographical location is really bad!If the sky does not give a chance!It is impossible for Ju to rise.

"Not necessarily!" Zhou Gongdan said with a solemn expression, "If our country and the Yan Kingdom unite! And at the same time form an alliance with Zhu Yuanzhang! As long as this alliance is firm! The general situation will not be a problem.

"This plan is a bit of a fantasy! Yanxi just got the benefits from Han Yi! Obviously he won't spit out the fat in his mouth! Speaking of which, this Yanxi can be considered to expand the territory, he can be regarded as a qualified monarch!" Ji Fa rubbed his temples. While denying this strategy, he still did not forget to praise Ji Fa. In fact, it was Ji Fa's self-paralysis.

"Let's take a look first!"

Gu Yong was active everywhere, first contacting Yang Xiu, and then discussing with Li Gang, which caused Ji Fa to be overwhelmed by two big heads in the court. Finally, because of Yang Xiu's words, eggs should not be put in one basket, which made Ji Fa reluctant to agree to Gu Yong's plan. Yong, half a month later, Zhu Yuanzhang made a big fuss and married his daughter happily, for fear that the world would not know.

(End of this chapter)

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