Chapter 1534

Zhu Yuanzhang and Xiang Yu Jifa formed an alliance, watched and helped each other, and fought against each other. In the same month, Zhu Yuanzhang and Goujian allied again and invaded Sun Yue eight days later.Zhou Yu!The three of them, Sun Ce, discussed together what should happen next!In the end, Lu Meng's younger brother Lu Mengzheng suggested that he ask Han Yi for help, in order to reduce Sun Yue's pressure.

However, Wu Guo and Goujian planned to take down Sun Quan within half a month, without giving him a chance to breathe.

Sun Quan had no choice but to send Lu Meng to lead 6 elite soldiers, and four generals under his command, Zhou Tai, Huang Gai, Jiang Qin, and Chen Wu, to guard Yuhang and prevent Goujian from going south!Zhou Yu!Sun Ce and Sun Ce each led [-] people to resist the two armies deployed by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Sun Ce, with 6 horses, led Dong Xi, Gan Ning, Ling Tong, Xu Sheng, Pan Zhang, Ding Feng, and Wei Xiaokuan to resist Li Wenzhong head-on. Facing this milk tiger, Sun Ce did not underestimate him, and he could be designated as a general by Zhu Yuanzhang. Boy, you are definitely not an ordinary person. Although the two armies did not fight, Sun Ce is ready to go all out.

And Zhou Yu led Fu Youde, Zhu Ran, Zu Mao, Zhu Heng, Lin Renzhao, Guo Xin, Guo Xing, Guo Ying, Guo Zixing, Hun Yu, Nie Shixiong and others to face Xu Da who had hundreds of thousands of troops!

The enemy is outnumbered, and Wu Guo even Xu Da has vacated, so it can be seen that Wu Guo is coming aggressively, and he is ready to destroy Sun Yue. Now the strong attack does not have the advantage, Zhou Yu can only turn to defense!Waiting for the opportunity to see if he can find Xu Da's flaws, but the master's move!The flaws will never be exposed easily, the two armies are in a stalemate!No one acted rashly, which also gave Sun Yue plenty of time to spread the news to Chang'an.

Tang Bohu disguised himself as a woman and a child, deliberately bypassed the state of Wu, passed the news from the state of Xiang, and arrived in Chang'an to deliver the news. The two armies had been fighting for dozens of days.

Chang'an Qiankun Hall
Han Yi looked at the busy Tang Bohu, Han Yi glanced at the generals around, and stood with his hands behind his back, saying: "Sun Yue is the lonely brother-in-law! Wu Guofu! The position is not right! Wolf ambition! What do you think of it!"

"Our army can send troops if we wish! But it is not on the border with Wu State! How can we help! Besides, the journey is far away this time! Food and grass are inconvenient to transport!" Han Feizi was the first to speak out. He seemed to scoff at Sun Yue's request for help, transnational aid!It's a fantasy!

"That's right! Although our country has just regained its vitality! But right now, the people are all thinking about it, and the soldiers' combat awareness is not high! Duan Ran can't send troops!" Cheng Yu's voice was like thunder, and he took the lead in speaking.

Lu Su couldn't sit still anymore, and said solemnly, "Your Majesty! This year is not good! Food and grass are scarce during the Chinese New Year! The people are starved of food. If a war is launched and the soldiers are hungry, how can they fight?"

Han Yi looked at the two of them and gave them a positive look. The two of them were really assists. If they don't cheat now, I'm really sorry for Han Yi. What is needed is to defeat the entire south. Originally, Han Yi was struggling to find a good excuse, but now, Sun Quan took the initiative to send him to the door. In terms of emotion and reason, Han Yi should send troops to help.

Tang Bohu naturally knew that this matter was impossible, but before he came, Lu Meng was trying his best to reject all opinions, saying that Han Yi could use the way to send troops, but whether he wanted to or not, and Sun Quan also gave Tang Bohu a clear answer!As long as Han Yi agrees to send troops, he can provide food and grass to the Han army, and now is the time to contribute to this condition. Tang Bohu said nervously: "As long as the king of Han agrees to send troops, my king has said it! I am willing to treat Han as the suzerain! Taxes and tributes every year Our country is willing to bear all the food and grass for this war!"

"Oh!" Han Yi smiled slightly, but he forgot that this happened. Han Yi stroked his beard, wondering what he was thinking, while Lu Su and Cheng Yu below looked at each other, watching Tang Bohu died, and the two were about to argue, but Han Yi immediately said: "The envoy, let's go down and rest first! After discussing with the ministers, I will make a decision!"

"Please make a decision from South Korea! The current matter is really urgent!" Tang Bohu became more and more anxious when he heard Han Yi's words. He didn't care too much, and immediately said: "If Sun Yue is destroyed, the king of Han will definitely be restrained by the state of Wu in the future! If he fights with the state of Qin in the future! The king of Han can still be safe and sound like now!"

"Presumptuous! Do you want me to teach me what Gu is doing?" Han Yi stood up abruptly, his aura suddenly dissipated, and he completely crushed Tang Bohu.

"Your Majesty, calm down! The envoy of the Wu Kingdom must have been in a hurry for a while, so he couldn't choose what to say!" Seeing that Han Yi was a little bit out of control, Wang Meng immediately stepped forward to dissuade him.

"Hmph! Back off!" Han Yi suddenly flicked his sleeves!His face was not kind.

Sweat dripped from Tang Bohu's head, and he clutched his hands tightly, looking annoyed. Unfortunately, he had no ability to resist, and only accepted the reality in front of him.

Tang Bohu gritted his teeth, braced himself, cupped his hands abruptly and said, "King Han, please think twice!" After speaking, Tang Bohu didn't want to stay any longer, and quickly left the hall in front of him.

As soon as Tang Bohu left, Han Yi returned to his original position, looked at everyone and said, "What do you guys think! What about Sun Yue! Should we send troops or not!"

Everyone, look at me!Let me look at you, looking at each other?The country can develop to today, the test is nothing but Han Yi's decision. Asking them now is just a reference.

Everyone wants to fight in generals!After all, this is an opportunity for them to make contributions, but literati consider many factors. First, they need to consider the problem of food and grass, but this problem has been solved by Sun Yue. The second is soldiers, but that is for small countries. As far as they were concerned, even if they lost [-] soldiers and horses this time, they could make up for it within three years. If it was like the state of Ju, they might not be able to recover for ten years or even longer!
Seeing that no one refuted him, Han Yi unconsciously remembered when Wei Zheng was here. At this moment, Han Yi said with emotion: "If Wei Zheng is here again! You are as lonely as a mirror, why is it so quiet now!"

What this sentence says, many ministers and generals dare not speak out, you have always acted vigorously and resolutely, never let them interrupt too much.

Wang Meng saw that no one spoke, and Han Yi was so emotional, he immediately said: "This battle is beneficial to our country! But the main problem now is how to attack Zhu Yuanzhang! If Yang Jian backs out, our country will be in trouble!"

"This matter has long been considered!"

(End of this chapter)

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