Chapter 1536
Qi Coast
Han Shizhong was wearing heavy armor, and the soldiers behind him boarded the warships one after another. The war to the south had already begun, and now it was winter. When the cold wind blew, the faces of the frozen people turned red and their ears pierced. The morale of the soldiers was not very high. , Han Shizhong frowned secretly, such morale is not conducive to soldiers fighting.

Behind Han Shizhong also gathered a group of generals, Qi Jiguang!Yu Dayou!Zheng Chenggong!Zhang Shun!Deng Zilong and others, in order to make up for the shortage of the navy, Han Yi also deliberately transferred Mao Wenlong, Yu Jinbiao, Fu Yanqing, and the three into Han Qinhu's command. Among the three, Fu Yanqing finally fell into Han Shizhong's hands after several twists and turns. As a military general, Han Yi also specially confessed that he should not be underestimated, and Han Shizhong blended with him.

It just so happened that both of them are bold people, after getting to know each other, there was not much estrangement, on the contrary, they got along much better.

The sea breeze was blowing on people's cheeks, turning the soldiers' black and yellow faces into purple red. Most of the soldiers here were trained by Han Shizhong himself, but the weather is too cold now. There is some resentment in my heart.

Han Shizhong frowned slightly, and looked at the soldiers who were boarding the ship one after another. Han Shizhong looked at Liang Hongyu behind him and said, "Go and beat the drums! Let the soldiers come out on the deck, I have something to say!"

"No!" Liang Hongyu knew her husband's temper, and years of life in the military camp made Liang Hongyu decisive and capable, knowing what to ask and what not to ask.


The lieutenant on the plywood, when he heard the sound of the war drum, suddenly shouted: "Come out quickly! Those who are slow are on duty tonight!"

As soon as they heard the word on duty, all the soldiers in the ground showed terrified expressions, and hurried out, Yu Dayou!Qi Jiguang and the others also looked suspicious. They didn't know what Han Shizhong was buying. Before everyone boarded the boat, the two hurried over and said solemnly: "What's wrong with General Han!"

Han Shizhong sees Qi Jiguang!Yu Dayou!Zheng Chenggong and others all came out, with heroic eyes in their eyes. Holding the sword in his arms, he looked at ten soldiers with loud voices standing in front of him. Seeing that the arrangement was almost done, Han Shizhong immediately shouted: "Soldiers!"

The ten people in front of them shouted to the warship in front of them at the same time: "Soldiers!"

The sound was neither loud nor low, but it was clearly heard by the soldiers on the deck.

Seeing that the effect was good, Han Shizhong immediately said impassionedly: "This battle! It is a battle for the health and well-being of our country's people who have gone south for decades! Now that the cold winter is coming, Sun Yue is an ally of our family and country. How can he be insulted by others? The king ordered this battle! All the cities captured are In addition, to encourage the passion of all the soldiers, military honors will be implemented! Anyone who has made military exploits will be promoted to ranks, and heirs will be enshrined. Soldiers who died in battle! Although the king has a compensation order, he will Put the words here today! Those who come back alive, as long as they are not physically disabled, their own wives and children! Fathers and mothers will raise them by themselves! Those who died in battle, your parents are my parents, and I will take care of your children! As for your wives... I don't care about it!"

"Hahahahahahahaha!" Many soldiers heard Han Shizhong's previous words, and all of them were full of enthusiasm, but after hearing Han Shizhong's second sentence, the original depression and haze were swept away, and they all laughed heartily.

"The general will surely win! Long live the king!" Seeing that the army's morale was available, Qi Jiguang suddenly became cold.

"The general will win! Long live the king!"

"The general will win! Long live the king!"

"The general will win! Long live the king!"

"Get on the boat!" Han Shizhong yelled suddenly, holding the sword in his arms, and was about to board the boat. Han Shizhong glanced at Liang Hongyu who was following behind him. Han Shizhong's original resolute expression softened a lot, and he looked at his wife with the utmost care Said: "Hongyu! You don't want to go with me this time! Let's not talk about the bumpy sea! I have already prepared a carriage! You go to Chang'an to raise your baby and wait for our baby to be born!"

"Husband!" Liang Hongyu also knew that her body couldn't keep up with the pace of the army. Now she looked at Han Shizhong, stretched out her hands, stroked Han Shizhong's cheeks and said with tears in her eyes, "Come back alive! My child and I will wait for you to come back! "

"Don't worry!" Han Shizhong gave Liang Hongyu a positive look, looked at Liang Hongyu and said, "I dreamed at night that a black tiger was guarding in front of the cold pine. Call Zihu!"

"Pfft!" Liang Hongyu burst out laughing when she heard it, as if thinking of something funny, she smiled lightly and said, "What if it's a daughter?"

"That's also called Zihu!" I, Han Shizhong's daughter, must be a heroine, just like you!
"Husband...!" Liang Hongyu was a little bit reluctant, but Han Shizhong didn't want to miss it too much. He took a deep look at Liang Hongyu, swung the red cloak suddenly, turned around resolutely, and shouted suddenly: "Set up the flag! Show the wind!"

"Raise the flag!"


The tiger-shaped flag with red border and black face came out from the front. Han Shizhong suddenly got on the warship and shouted: "Let's go!"


On the cloud-covering day in Qinghai, thousands of people went to Guorong.After winning the victory and returning, he was drunk for three consecutive days.

Seven days later, Yang Jian agreed to Han Yi's loan to send troops. After Han Xin and Zhuge Liang, who had been preparing for many days, were handed over, they led a mighty army of 20 to the south. He couldn't sit still, but he didn't dare to act rashly, once Xiang Yu moved wildly, Zhuge Liang!Wu Qi and the two don't just eat dry food, they have food from the state of Lu!The wealth of Qi!As well as the military strength in the western region, if Xiang Yu is not careful, he will be wiped out.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang, who received the news, was not flustered, and had already led an army of tens of thousands to the north. At the same time, Xiang Yu!Ji Fa's soldiers and horses were moving slightly closer to the Sui Kingdom, like forming horns, encircling Han Xin's 20 troops in a triangle, ready to kill Han Xin by surprise, but they had already set their target on Ju!Sui!item!Wu Siguo handed over to the place, which is surrounded by plains, named Qinghe.

This place goes south by a river, named Qinghe!If you want to go south, you must cross this river, and this is the goal of the first battle of the Three Kingdoms. Zhu Yuanzhang actually brought a total of 25 troops. Although the number of troops going south is claimed to be [-], this is just Zhu Yuanzhang's plan to attack the west. The purpose was to lure Han Yi southward and hit him hard in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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