Chapter 1537

The news of Han Yi's two-way march to support Sun Yue spread all over the country within five days, and this made Sun Yue's situation slightly better.

Xu Da and Li Wenzhong of the Wu Kingdom were not in a hurry to attack, as if they were playing cat and mouse, while Zhou Yu and Sun Ce were happy and at ease. Can stay put.

On the other hand, Lu Meng was not so lucky. Gou Jian was like a mad dog, attacking desperately. Over the past year, Gou Jian recruited a large number of soldiers, and expanded the original [-] soldiers to [-], of which [-] were elite soldiers, and [-] were soldiers. The combat effectiveness of recruits and soldiers is uneven.

Yu Ran
Lv Meng had only [-] soldiers and horses in his hands, so Lv Meng had no choice but to garrison in the city, relying on the defense of the city and Goujian to fight a war of attrition.

But today's Goujian is full of energy, and all the civil servants and generals are brought by him. The leading general is Li Dingguo, whom Goujian trusts very much.

Goujian's flying bird battle flag with black border and yellow flag flutters in the air with the wind. Li Dingguo is wearing a black armor with a long black sword at his waist. He has a red face and is seven feet long. In the center, there are more than a dozen military generals behind them, each standing on the left and right.

Li Dingguo stroked his beard, his face looked serious, looking at the wet blood on the city wall, he could tell that the battle had been brutal in the past few days. In order to win Yu Ran, the lives of thousands of soldiers had already been laid on the wall.

Li Dingguo has been simmering with anger. Goujian has been urging Wang Ling for the past few days, in order to let Li Dingguo quickly take down Yu Ran, boost his morale, and finally drive straight in and capture Sun Yue's capital.

As long as Gou Jian thought of Sun Quan sleeping in his own palace, taking away his own woman, and enslaving the slaves who belonged to him, Gou Jian would be furious. He had left his land with a dead heart, but now that he came back, he wanted to To regain his own country, he must repent to his ancestors, and at the same time tell his enemies that he Goujian is back.

Li Dingguo was riding a war horse, took a deep breath for a while, and pulled out the sword in his arms. He heard the sound of the sword, and Li Dingguo suddenly threw the bronze sword in his hand on the ground. His expression became cold and he said: "Before sunset and dusk! Who Dare to draw back this sword! Kill Unforgiven!"

When the generals below heard this, they all looked at each other in blank dismay. It's only morning now, after this day, who can bear it!Besides, I didn't even eat lunch.

The faces of many generals were gloomy, with doubts on their faces, but it was Li Dingguo's resolute voice that responded to them.

"Shimai!" Li Dingguo didn't intend to continue to grind, but prepared to start a war quickly.

"Here!" There was only a rough voice, a burly man, riding a black horse, with a bronze sword on his waist, with a ferocious face, his beard standing upside down on his chin like a needle, wearing a yellow armor!He still has a spear in his hand!He stared at Li Dingguo solemnly, with black and yellow eyes like a cheetah.

"You lead [-] soldiers! Frontal attack! Don't retreat without my order!" Li Dingguo's voice was unquestionable. No matter how dissatisfied Shi Mai was, he did not dare to resist Li Dingguo in front of everyone. It was meaningless to seek his own death.

"Yes!" After Shi Mai said, he turned over and rode on the horse, received the order flag, and led his troops to the battlefield to kill.

"Lee Sun-sin, Won Sun-jian, each of them led the people in their headquarters, and attacked the two cities on the left and right! We must capture Yuran today."

"No!" Everyone shouted in unison, their expressions dignified.

"Woooo... woooo... woooo" the attack horn sounded slowly.

Lu Meng, who was in Yuran City, listened to the horn sounding outside the city. Lu Meng frowned, but he was not panicked. Holding the sword in his arms, Lu Meng said solemnly: "Huang Gai, sit at the main gate yourself. I will I will give you 2000 men and horses, stick to it until noon! If there is a problem, you need it."

"Don't worry, general! It won't last half a day! This old man died in the line of duty!" After Huang Gai finished speaking, he blew on his beard, pressed the sword in his arms, strode out, casually picked up the fine steel whip on the table, turned over and rode After getting on the horse and arriving at his camp, Huang Gai said with a stern expression, "Yanhu!"

"The last general is here! A middle-aged general came out and bowed to Huang Gai with a very respectful expression.

Mr. Huang looked at it, nodded and said: "Take your soldiers and horses, and follow this general to the city quickly! Bring a good guy!"

"The last general has an order!" Yanhu reflected, and waved suddenly: "Soldiers! Come with me!"

Rows of exhausted soldiers cheered up and came to the city wall with solemn faces.

Seeing that time was running out, Lu Meng didn't have time to think about it, so he snorted coldly and said, "Jiang Qin and Chen Wu, each with 2000 troops, guarding the left and right sides! Be sure not to let the enemy break through. Once you can't hold on, you can send people Send a message, this general will be ready for reinforcements!"

The two "nuo" got the general order, and each led their soldiers and horses to fight.

"Zhou Tai, you lead five thousand elites! Guard the city gates yourself. If the enemy is defeated and retreats! Open the city gates immediately, cover and kill a hundred meters, and return to the court immediately! Don't fight!" Lu Meng said solemnly,

"Promise!" Zhou Tai, a man of steel, immediately agreed, and then he seemed a little puzzled and said: "General, there are more than half of our army left, why don't you send them all forward!"

Lu Meng smiled and said: "It's true and false. This is the use of soldiers. Once the enemy has controlled the number of our soldiers and horses, we will fall into a passive position. It is better to give him an illusion so that he does not dare to act rashly, so that we can grasp the situation." The rhythm of the battlefield! Don’t be led by the nose by the enemy!”

Listening to Lu Meng's talk, Zhou Tai couldn't help touching the back of his head, with a half-understanding look, but Lu Meng didn't talk nonsense with him, and the battle had just begun.

"Charge for me!" Shi Mai took the lead and charged forward on his horse. According to the original deployment of soldiers and horses, Shi Mai pointed to the cracked city wall and said solemnly: "Zuo Liangyu, you demolished that wall for me. ! Geng Bingwen attacked the city gate head-on! Kill me!"

"Design!" Two young generals with hairless faces were killed, and they went straight to attack Shi Mai's original arrangement.

Huang Gai on the city wall of the main gate climbed up the city wall, looked at the enemy army in the dark, and suddenly opened his throat and snorted coldly: "Hello, Rolling Stone, Leimu, archer! Aim at the enemy's flag and shoot at Ju'an!" "



"Boom... Plop!" The strong men who had just set up the ladder were really carefully climbing the city wall, when suddenly a huge boulder fell from the top of their heads, hitting his head just right, how could they be smashed to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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