Warring States Call

Chapter 1539 Lu Meng's Helplessness

Chapter 1539 Lu Meng's Helplessness

Because there was a huge boulder thrown by Huang Gai outside the city wall, Zhou Tai below had a chance to breathe. Four or five soldiers came to the side of the city wall with baskets and poles, looked at the wide hole, counted The ten soldiers only felt a lot of pressure, and there was an endless stream of shouts and screams from outside the city wall, so that they had no time to make psychological adjustments, and started to build the city wall with bricks.

Zhou Tai stared at the gaps that were constantly being filled here, urging his soldiers to move faster from time to time, time waits for no one.Zuo Liangyu outside the city wall was still a little unwilling and wanted to move the boulder away to continue digging the wall. Unfortunately, Huang Gai had already discovered the problem, so how could he easily let Zuo Liangyu continue to approach this gap.

"Yanhu! Gather ten people and put rolling stones and lightning trees here. No matter what, the enemy cannot break through the gap below!" Huang Gai stared at the gap below with a serious expression.Once a gap is exposed in the city wall below, it is equivalent to an extra door, and the deployment of troops will be disrupted again. At that time, Sun Yuejun, who was already very passive, will become even more passive.

"Nuo..." Yanhu immediately gathered a few capable soldiers to stand on top of the wall, staring at Zuo Liangyu below.

"Damn it, who built this city wall, I have to cut him down when I go back." Huang Gai's gray beard fluttered in anger, but the battle was not over yet, so he could only continue to command the battlefield.

Zuo Liangyu was under the city wall, there was an endless stream of arrows, stones and flying trees, and from time to time, there were still rocks hitting Zuo Liangyu, which made Zuo Liangyu hold back a burst of anger, looking at the city wall that was dozens of times higher than her own , Zuo Liangyu frowned, and immediately pulled a general and said: "Go and tell General Shi Mai, the soldiers who suppressed the city wall, otherwise this gap cannot be opened!"

"Obey!" The general received the general order, and quickly went to page the general order.

Lu Meng was sitting in front of the big camp, with his eyes closed, as if he was listening to the sound of the four walls shouting for murder. When Zhou Tai sent someone to tell him that the city wall was damaged, Lu Meng was stunned. After so many years of beating, he was still the first The first time he encountered such a problem that shouldn't have happened, Lu Meng's expression gradually became gloomy. He felt a deep failure for his mistakes, and he could simply make up for it now.

"Li Hui!" Lu Meng opened his eyes suddenly, and said solemnly during the interview, his futon-sized palms were rubbing against each other, even breaking out in a cold sweat, after all, this matter is too serious and dangerous.

"The last general is here!" A reply came from behind Lu Meng, the voice was full of aura, and the soldiers around looked at the general, only to see that his face was like a crown of jade, and he was as heroic as a god. He's just in his early twenties, and the beard under his nose hasn't grown yet, but the piercing eyes alone make people feel that it's not easy.

Lu Meng turned back to stare at the young general, and said with a stern expression: "Lead [-] cavalrymen and survey the left and right to see if there is any damage around the city wall. If there is any damage, call for people to repair it. It must never be done again. Give the enemy an opportunity!"

"The last general led the order" Li returned and got the general order, and immediately led 300 people to patrol the city back and forth, but he marked and left marks on all the cracks about one meter long, and then called craftsmen to repair them. Although he was young, the speed and quality of his work made him gradually reveal the demeanor of a famous general.

Famous generals all started in the army, and no one knows whether this seemingly unknown person will surprise the world in the future.

It was only half an hour before he left to report to Lv Meng. Lu Meng looked at the bamboo slips in his hand and saw that there were so many flaws in them. His face looked unsightly, and he said sternly, "Why are there so many damages? The two countries are at war, isn't this a hindrance?"

"General, Yu Ran wasn't considered a frontier city before, and it hasn't been renovated for a long time. It's normal to have a lot of damage. What should the general do now?" Li Hui pressed the bronze sword in his arms, watching Lu Meng getting more and more gloomy A look of fear flashed across his face.

Lu Meng's face was gloomy, and he sighed heavily for a while: "Destroy the main hall in the city, gather the people in the city, register them one by one, and tell them, but the people who are willing to strengthen the city wall will be exempted from taxes for three years!" Lu Meng With a helpless face, he said that he can only fight while strengthening the defense. The situation has become very critical, and Yu Ran must not lose his defense again, otherwise Sun Yue will not be able to concentrate his forces. Once Gou Jian divides his forces, it will become even more difficult.

"General, this is an act of transgression. Once the king knows about it, it will definitely set the general on fire!" Li Hui said solemnly.

"Yu Ran is the key point. Once this city falls, the 32 cities below will all become the targets of Goujian. If the king knows the current situation, he will definitely understand me. Follow my previous words and go quickly. Get ready!" Although Lu Meng looked hesitant, his words were unquestionable.

"Your subordinates understand!" Li Hui listened, and immediately led people to the city to organize soldiers and horses to build the city wall.

"Kill, kill, kill!" The voice outside the main entrance became louder and louder. After listening to the voice, Lu Meng raised his head slightly, looking at the gradually fierce sun in the sky, and asked the soldier behind him calmly, "What time is it!"

"It's already noon to return to the general!" The soldier behind looked at Lu Meng respectfully and said seriously.

Lu Meng was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "I underestimated Gou Jian, I never imagined that he could fight for such a long time!"

"Call Zhou Tai, let him lead [-] soldiers to climb the main gate wall to support General Huang Gai, and let him see whether our weapons are good or bad!" Lu Meng said with a serious face, and the square face of the son of a country seemed to be Extremely gloomy.


At this moment, Huang Gai was holding an iron whip, whipping up and down, and waving the bronze sword in his hand together. In this morning alone, he killed 47 people, leaving more than 3000 enemy troops on the city wall, and Huang Gai also lost More than 500 people, if not relying on the geography of this city, they would not be able to achieve the current results.

Shimai under the city wall was about to take down the main gate, and he looked overjoyed. In addition, Zuo Liangyu sent people to send news that he had suppressed the soldiers on the city wall, and gained a lot. Shi Mai let out a sigh of relief for the soldiers who kept climbing the city wall. This battle should belong to him.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Seeing the city wall that was about to be taken down, Zhou Tai rushed out with three thousand generals, like loyal hounds, and drove away the soldiers who had just climbed up on the city wall.

Seeing this, Shi Mai's face changed, and he was puzzled and asked, "Where did the soldiers come from? Aren't there only a few thousand soldiers in the city? How come there are still soldiers!"

(End of this chapter)

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